Theses/Dissertations from 2015
An Evaluation of the Utah First District Mental Health Court: Gauging the Efficacy of Diverting Offenders Suffering With Serious Mental Illness, Stephen Guy VanGeem
"It Takes Time to Shift Historical Paradigms": Changes in Structure, Governance, Perception, and Practice During a Decade of Child Welfare Policy Reform in Florida, Amy Catherine Vargo
A Study of Digital RF Phase Shifters Fabricated With Additive Manufacturing, Yaniel Vega
Pathogen Removal in Natural Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Systems: Solutions for Small Cities in an Urbanizing World, Matthew Eric Verbyla
Dead/Live Microbial Culture Technique, Michael Veri
Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Characterization of Sub-Micron Polymeric Spheres, Himanshu Kumar Verma
To "Plant Our Trees on American Soil, and Repose Beneath their Shade": Africa, Colonization, and the Evolution of a Black Identity Narrative in the United States, 1808-1861, Edward Jason Vickers
Use of Assessments in College Chemistry Courses: Examining Students' Prior Conceptual Knowledge, Chemistry Self-efficacy, and Attitude, Sachel M. Villafañe-García
Glaciological Applications of Terrestrial Radar Interferometry, Denis Voytenko
The Effect of Neoliberalism on Capabilities: Evaluating the Case of Mexico, James Paul Walker
Narrating Climate Change at the San Juan National Historic Site at the Community Level, Leslie Paul Walker Jr.
An Analysis of the Reported and Unreported Baccalaureate Degree Recipients in IPEDS at a Large Public Research Institution, Mary Elizabeth Wallace
Corrosion of Steel in Submerged Concrete Structures, Michael Thomas Walsh
Dual 7-Degree-of-Freedom Robotic Arm Remote Teleoperation Using Haptic Devices, Yu-Cheng Wang
Radial Versus Othogonal and Minimal Projections onto Hyperplanes in l_4^3, Richard Alan Warner
Effects of Gender and Aggression Type on Perceptions of Aggressive Behavior at Work, Jason Donovan Way
Fetal Testosterone: Developmental Effects on Externalizing Behavior, Troy A. Webber
Genetic Moderation of Phenotypic and Neural Indicators of Peer Influenced Risk-taking Behavior: An Experimental Investigation, Troy Alan Webber
Engaging-Up: Compromised Spaces and Potential Partners, Jennifer Necole Webb
Evaluation of Soil as a Risk Indicator for Human Leptospirosis in Coastal, Rural Ecuador, Chad Allen Weddell
Investigation of Low Thermal Conductivity Materials with Potential for Thermoelectric Applications, Kaya Wei
A Mixed Method Study Examining Synchronous-Enhanced Learning in Distance Education, Kimberly M. Wheeler
HPV Vaccine Decision-Making among Male Sexual Minorities: An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Vaccine Promotion, Christopher W. Wheldon
Precise Detection of Injection Attacks on Concrete Systems, Clayton Whitelaw
Ductility and Use of Titanium Alloy and Stainless Steel Aerospace Fasteners, Jarrod Talbott Whittaker
Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment in North Carolina: A Qualitative Approach to Examining an Enduring Cultural Legacy, Douglas Wholl
North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Presence and Habitat Analysis in Florida as Compared to Historical Data, Samantha Wilber
The Experience of Chronic Pain Management: A Multi-Voiced Narrative Analysis, Loren Wilbers
Implementation of Medicaid Managed Long-term Services and Supports for Adults with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities: A State’s Experience, Heather Jeanne Williamson
Trash Talk: Understanding Food Waste at a Charter Elementary School in Florida, Steven A. Williams
Race/Ethnic Disparities in Treatment Patterns among Newly Diagnosed Primary Prostate Cancer Patients in Florida, Vonetta L. Williams
A Natural Case for Realism: Processes, Structures, and Laws, Andrew Michael Winters
I Threw My Pie for You: Engagement and Loyalty on TV Show Facebook Pages, Tracy M. Wisneski
Investigation of Bioactive Metabolites from the Antarctic Sponge Dendrilla membranosa and Marine Microorganisms, Chris G. Witowski
Assessing the Occupational Nosie Exposure of Bartenders, Adrianna J. Woltman
Role of the Slingshot-Cofilin and RanBP9 pathways in Alzheimer's Disease Pathogenesis, Jung A Woo
Photoacoustic Calorimetry Studies of the Earliest Events in Horse Heart Cytochrome-c Folding, Tarah A. Word
Gamma-AApeptides as a New Class of Peptidomimetics: Synthesis, Structures, and Functions, Haifan Wu
Bayesian Inference on Longitudinal Semi-continuous Substance Abuse/Dependence Symptoms Data, Dongyuan Xing
First- and Third-Person Effects of Alcohol Advertising on Chinese College Students, Dong Xue
Synthesis of Agents for the Treatment and Analysis of Tropical Diseases, Jeanine Yacoub
Bio-Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells Incorporating Reaction Center and Reaction Center Plus Light Harvesting Complexes, Houman Yaghoubi
Field Observations and Novel Methodologies for Carbon System Assessments in Coastal Waters, Bo Yang
Interplays of CO2, Subnanometer Metal Clusters, and TiO2: Implications for Catalysis and CO2 Photoreduction, Chi-Ta Yang
The Durational Effects of a Free Operant Condition on Automatically Maintained Stereotypic Behavior and Discrete Trial Task Responding, Shikika Sade Young
Reliable Power System Planning and Operations through Robust Optimization, Wei Yuan