Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Finding a Home: Latino Residential Influx into Progress Village, 1990-2010, Christopher Julius Pineda
Dynamic Phasor Based Analysis and Control in Renewable Energy Integration, Lakshan Prageeth Piyasinghe
Mid-Holocene Speleothem Climate Proxy Records from Florida and Belize, Anna L. Pollock
Multiple Stain Histology of Skeletal Fractures: Healing and Microtaphonomy, John Wellington Powell
Landscape Legacies of Sugarcane Monoculture at Betty's Hope Plantation, Antigua, West Indies, Suzanna M. Pratt
Risk and Resiliency Factors at School Entry: Relations to Academic and Behavioral Outcomes in Early Adolescence, Krystle Kuzia Preece
The Archaeology of the McKinnie Site (8JA1869), Apalachicola River Valley, Northwest Florida: Four Thousand Years in the Backswamp, Eric D. Prendergast
Sarah Sze's "Triple Point": Modeling a Phenomenological Experience of Contemporary Life, Amanda J. Preuss
A Depiction of Women in Tennessee with Low Literacy Skills and Their Access to Higher Education and Employment, Rebecca Puig
Assessment of Public Health Risks Associated with Petrochemical Emissions Surrounding an Oil Refinery, Erin L. Pulster
Investigаtiоn оf 3D Structures оf γ-AAрeрtide bаsed Peрtidоmimetics, Qiao Qiao
Low-Power and Robust Level-Shifter with Contention Mitigation for Memory and Standalone Applications, Kenneth M. Ramclam
Evaluating Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcing Steel in a Novel Green Concrete, Andrea Carolina Ramirez
Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Properties of Polyaniline Thin Films, Soukaina Rami
Development of the Professional School Social Work Survey: A Valid and Reliable Tool for Assessment and Planning, Catherine E. Randall
How luck and fortune shape risk-taking behaviors, Andrea Yvonne Ranieri
Evaluation of Low-Cost Low Impact Development Practices in Southwest Florida for the Control of Urban Runoff, Laura Kathren Rankin
Optimization and Control for Microgrid and Power Electronic Converters, Vahid Rasouli Disfani
Hepatic Nutrient and Hormonal Regulation of the PANcreatic-DERived Factor (PANDER) Promoter, Whitney Ratliff
Effect of Timely Treatment on Malaria Gametocytemia in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, Miguel Reina-Ortiz
“You Better Redneckognize”: White Working-Class People and Reality Television, Tasha Rose Rennels
Spatially-Weighted Ethnic Density and Residential Segregation: Effects on Health Status among Older Mexican Americans, Sung Han Rhew
Now, We Hear Through a Voice Darkly: New Media and Narratology in Cinematic Art, James Anthony Ricci
Function of Long Noncoding RNAs in Breast Cancer, Edward J. Richards
Clinical and Criminal Justice Outcomes in the Jail Diversion and Trauma Recovery (JDTR) Program, Daniel Harold Ringhoff
RF MEMS Resonators for Mass Sensing Applications, Ivan Fernando Rivera
The Impact of Lingual Resistance Training in Two Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Case Series, Raele Donetha Robison
An Empirical Comparison of the Effect of Missing Data on Type I Error and Statistical Power of the Likelihood Ratio Test for Differential Item Functioning: An Item Response Theory Approach using the Graded Response Model, Patricia Rodriguez De Gil
Auteurs at an Urban Crossroads: A Certain Tendency in New York Cinema, Rene Thomas Rodriguez
Parental Deportation and Cape Verdean Youth Experiences: A Case Study, Leila Rosa
HEALTH INFOR[M-ED]: Black College Females Discuss a Virtual Reality (VR) Platform for Sexual Health Education and Training, Henry Arnett Ross
Navigating Collective Activity Systems: An Approach Towards Rhetorical Inquiry, Katherine Jesse Royce
Job Satisfaction of Adjunct Faculty Who Teach Standardized Online Courses, Claudia A. Ruiz
Relationships between the Algebraic Performance of Students in Subject-Specific and Integrated Course Pathways, Derrick Saddler
Essays on the impact of CEO gender on corporate policies and outcomes, Nilesh Sah
Morphodynamics of Mullet Key, West-Central Florida, Emeli Sandoval
The Effect of Urbanization on the Embodied Energy of Drinking Water in Tampa, Florida, Mark Vincent Eli Santana
Constrained Motion Particle Swarm Optimization for Non-Linear Time Series Prediction, Nicholas Sapankevych
In Vacuo Fabrication and Electronic Structure Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposition Thin Films, Michael Schaefer
A Functional Chlorophyll Biosynthesis Pathway Identified in the Kleptoplastic Sea Slug, Elysia chlorotica, Julie A. Schwartz
In Situ Studies of Limestone Dissolution in a Coastal Submarine Spring, Rachel Marie Schweers
Funeral Service Employers' Perceptions of Body Art and Hireability, Tanya E. Scotece
Origins of Music Programs in Liberal Arts Institutions: The Story of Three Florida Catholic Universities, Cynthia S. Selph
Interpretations of Educational Experiences of Women in Chitral, Pakistan, Rakshinda Shah
Statistical Learning with Artificial Neural Network Applied to Health and Environmental Data, Taysseer Sharaf
The US Response to Genocide in Rwanda: A Reassessment, Camara Silver
Information Technology & Sustainability: An Empirical Study of the Value of the Building Automation System, Daphne Marie Simmonds
A Theoretical and Methodological Framework to Analyze Long Distance Pleasure Travel, Vijayaraghavan Sivaraman