Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2007
Colorblindness and Diversity: Conflicting Goals in Decisions Influenced by Race, M. I. Norton, Joseph A. Vandello, Andrew Biga, and J. M. Darley
The Language(s) of the Tourist Experience: An Autoethnography of the Poetic Tourist, Chaim Noy
Travelling for Masculinity: The Construction of Bodies/Spaces in Israeli Backpackers' Narratives, Chaim Noy
The Relative Importance of Correlates of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior Using Multiple Sources of Data, Kimberly E. O'Brien and Tammy D. Allen
On the Absorption of Light in the Orinoco River Plume, A. L. Odriozola, R. Varela, C. Hu, Y. Astor, Laura Lorenzoni, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
On the Absorption of Light in the Orinoco River Plume, Ana Lucia Odriozola, Ramon Varela, Chuanmin Hu, Yrene Astor, Laura Lorenzoni, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Baroclinic Tidal Flows and Inundation Processes in Cook Inlet, Alaska: Numerical Modeling and Satellite Observations, Lie-Yauw Oey, Tal Ezer, Chuanmin Hu, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Aggression Kahdet Kasvot Kouliässä (’Reactive and Proactive Aggression During the School Years’), Tiina Ojanen
Situation-Specificity of Children’s Social Goals: Changing Goals According to Changing Situations?, Tiina Ojanen, K. Aunola, and C. Salmivalli
Relational Schemas and the Developing Self: Perceptions of Mother and of Self as Joint Predictors of Early Adolescents’ Self-Esteem, Tiina Ojanen and D. G. Perry
Caves of Romania: A Worthy Treasure, Bogdan P. Onac
Re-Examination of Berlinite (AlPO4) from Cioclovina Cave, Romania, Bogdan P. Onac and Herta S. Effenberger
The Relationship Between the Mineral Composition of Speleothems and Mineralization of Breccia Pipes: Evidence from Corkscrew Cave, Arizona, Usa, Bogdan P. Onac, John W. Hess, and William B. White
Scărişoara, Bogdan P. Onac, Aurel Perşoiu, Gheorghe Racoviţă, Tudor Tămaş, and Iosif Viehmann
Competence to Proceed in SVP Commitment Hearings: Irrelevant or Fundamental Due Process Right?, Randy Otto
The SAGE Handbook of Social Science Methodology, William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner
Kyanite Quartzites in the Piedmont Province of Virginia: Evidence for a Possible High-Sulfidation System, Brent E. Owens and Matthew A. Pasek
A Radical Pathway for Organic Phosphorylation during Schreibersite Corrosion with Implications for the Origin of Life, Matthew A. Pasek, Jason P. Dworkin, and Dante S. Lauretta
Enhancing Learning and Retarding Forgetting: Choices and Consequences, Harold Pashler, Doug Rohrer, Nicholas J. Cepeda, and Shana K. Carpenter
Causes of Interestuarine Variability in Bay Anchovy (Anchoa Mitchilli) Salinity at Capture, Ernst B. Peebles, Scott E. Burghart, and David J. Hollander
Collection Assessment: The Florida Community College Experience, Anna Perrault and Jeannie Dixon
Beta Phi Mu International Honor Society, President, 2005-2007, Anna H. Perrault
Seismo-Acoustic Signals Associated with Degassing Explosions Recorded at Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, 2003-2004, Tanja Petersen and Stephen R. McNutt
Strategies for Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Community Substance Abuse Treatment Settings, Roger H. Peters, W. Michael Hunt, Kathleen A. Moore, Holly A. Hills, and M. Scott Young
The Influence of Fathers and Children’s Psychological Well-Being, Vicky Phares and D. Clay
Evidence-Based Assessment for Children and Adolescents, Vicky Phares and Jessica K. Curley
A Commitment to Human Rights Let's Honor the Qualities Required of a Librarian Dedicated to Human Rights, Katharine J. Phenix and Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Spatial and Temporal Chemical Variability in the Hillsborough River System, Lori A. Pillsbury and Robert H. Byrne
New Constraints on Relative Motion Between the Pacific Plate and Baja California Microplate (Mexico) from GPS Measurements, C. Plattner, Rocco Malservisi, Timothy H. Dixon, P. LaFemina, G. F. Sella, J. Fletcher, and F. Suarez-Vidal
Late Holocene Environmental Reconstruction using Cave Sediments from Belize, Jason S. Polk, Philip E. van Beynen, and Philip P. Reeder
Changes in Coral-Reef Structure through the Miocene in the Mediterranean Province: Adaptive Versus Environmental Influence, Luis Pomar and Pamela Hallock
Top-Down Control of Phytoplankton by Oysters in Chesapeake Bay, USA: Reply to Newell et al. (2007), Lawrence R. Pomeroy, Christopher F. D'Elia, and Linda C. Schaffner
Chemical Speciation of Environmentally Significant Metals with Inorganic Ligands Part 2: The Cu2+-OH-, Cl-, CO32-, SO42-, and PO43- systems (IUPAC Technical Report), Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg, and Hans Wanner
Chemical Speciation of Environmentally Significant Metals with Inorganic Ligands Part 2: The Cu2+-OH-, Cl-, CO32-, SO42-, and PO43- Systems (IUPAC Technical Report), Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg, and Hans Wanner
Measurement of Team Situation Awareness in Low Experience Level Aviators, Carolyn Prince, Erica Ellis, Michael T. Brannick, and Eduardo Salas
Marse Chan, New Southerner: or, Taking Thomas Nelson Page Seriously, K. Stephen Prince
Geodetic, Teleseismic, and Strong Motion Constraints on Slip from Recent Southern Peru Subduction Zone Earthquakes, M. E. Pritchard, E. O. Norabuena, C. Ji, R. Boroschek, D. Comte, M. Simons, Timothy H. Dixon, and P. A. Rosen
Development and Analysis of a 12-year Daily 1-km Forest Fire Dataset Across North America from NOAA/AVHRR Data, Ruiliang Pu, Zhanqing Li, Peng Gong, Ivan Csiszar, Robert Fraser, Wei-Min Hao, Shobha Kondragunta, and Fuzhong Weng
Sorption of Yttrium and Rare Earth Elements by Amorphous Ferric Hydroxide: Influence of Temperature, Kelly A. Quinn, Robert H. Byrne, and Johan Schijf
Rapid Uptake of 15N-ammonium and glycine-13C, 15N by Arbuscular and Ericoid Mycorrhizal Plants Native to a Northern California Coastal Pygmy Forest, Kai C. Rains and Caroline S. Bledsoe
A Case Study of Safety Impacts of Congestion on Urban Freeways in Tampa Bay, Florida, Sachin Rai and Pei-Sung Lin
The Effect of Anticipated Future Interaction and Initial Impression Valence on Relational Communication in Computer-Mediated Interaction, Artemio Ramirez Jr.
When Online Meets Offline: The Effect of Modality Switching on Relational Communication, Artemio Ramirez Jr. and Shuangyue Zhang
Relational Communication in Computer-Mediated Interaction Revisited: A Comparison of Participant–Observer Perspectives, Artemio Ramirez Jr., Shuangyue Zhang, Cat McGrew, and Shu-Fang Lin
Proactive Customer Service Performance: Relationships With Individual, Task, and Leadership Variables, Johannes Rank, Jeanne M. Carsten, Jens M. Unger, and Paul E. Spector
Replicating Human-Human Physical Interaction, Kyle B. Reed, James Patton, and Michael Peshkin
Fireworks Exploded in My Mouth: Affective Responses Before, During, and After the Very First Kiss, Pamela C. Regan, Winny Shen, Eric De La Pena, and Elizabeth Gosset
Defendendo Privilégio: Os Limites da Participação Popular em Salvador, Bahia, Bernd Reiter
The Relationship Between Maternal and Paternal Psychological Symptoms and Ratings of Adolescent Functioning, Kimberly Renk, Arazais Oliveros, Angela Roddenberry, Jenny Klein, Karin Sieger, Rex Roberts, and Vicky Phares
Maternal and Paternal Perceptions of Social Competence in Children and Adolescents, Kimberly Renk and Vicky Phares
The Role of Ethnicity and Culture in Body Image and Disordered Eating Among Males, Lina Ricciardelli, Marita McCabe, Robert J. Williams, and J. K. Thompson
Faith-Based and Community Initiative: Service Providers and Approaches to Studying Service Outcomes, Maria Roberts-Degennaro and Sondra J. Fogel
Progress on a Gas-accepting Ion Source for Continuous-flow Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, M. L. Roberts, R. J. Schneider, K. F. von Reden, J. S.C. Wills, B. X. Han, J. M. Hayes, B. E. Rosenheim, and W. J. Jenkins
Limits of Beach and Dune Erosion in Response to Wave Runup Elucidated from SUPERTANK, Tiffany M. Roberts, Ping Wang, and Nicholas C. Kraus
Wrestling with Nature: An Existential Perspective on the Body and Gender in Self-Conscious Emotions, Tomi A. Roberts and Jamie L. Goldenberg
Power of Robotics in the Lives and Learning of Alternative High School Students, Albert Robinson, Kathleen P. King, and Ryan Thompson
Geographic Proximity, Trade, and International Conflict/Cooperation, John Robst, Solomon Polachek, and Yuan-Ching Chang
Increasing Retention Without Increasing Study Time, Doug Rohrer and Harold Pashler
The Shuffling of Mathematics Practice Problems Boosts Learning, Doug Rohrer and Kelli M. Taylor
Effect of Regional Tectonic Setting on Local Fault Response to Episodes of Volcanic Activity, Diana C. Roman and Philip Heron
Caribbean Sclerosponge Radiocarbon Measurements Re-interpreted in Terms of U/Th age Models, Brad E. Rosenheim and Peter K. Swart
Constraining Initial 230Th Activity in Incrementally Deposited, Biogenic Aragonite from the Bahamas, Brad E. Rosenheim, Peter K. Swart, and Anton Eisenhauer
Major Depressive Disorder: Emerging Evidence for Emotion Context Insensitivity, Johnathan Rottenberg
Emotion and Psychopathology: Bridging Affective and Clinical Science, Johnathan Rottenberg and Sheri L. Johnson
Emotion Elicitation Using Films, Johnathan Rottenberg, Rebecca D. Ray, and James J. Gross
Cardiac Vagal Control in Depression: A Critical Analysis, Jonathan Rottenberg
Cardiac Vagal Control in the Severity and Course of Depression: The Importance of Symptomatic Heterogeneity, Jonathan Rottenberg, Andrea Chambers, John J. B. Allen, and Rachel Manber
RSA Fluctuation in Major Depressive Disorder, Jonathan Rottenberg, April Clift, Sarah Bolden, and Kristen Salomon
Emotion and Emotion Regulation: A Map for Psychotherapy Researchers, Jonathan Rottenberg and James J. Gross
CareWatch: A Home Monitoring System for Use in Homes of Persons with Cognitive Impairment, Meredeth Rowe, Stephen Lane, and Chad Phipps
Examining Heterosexism in ESL Textbooks, Krista Bittenbender Royal
WordChamp as a Vocabulary Development Tool, Krista Bittenbender Royal
Day-to-Day Body Image States: Prospective Predictors of Intra-Individual Level and Variability, Jonathan A. Rudiger, Thomas F. Cash, Megan Roehrig, and Joel Kevin Thompson
Texts from the Querelle 1641-1701 (2): Essential Works for the Study of Early Modern Women: Series III, Part Two, Laura Runge
The Professionalization of Women Writers in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Laura Runge
Effects of Pre-Trial Publicity and Jury Deliberation on Juror Bias and Source Memory Errors, Christine Ruva, Cathy McEvoy, and Judith Becker Bryant Dr.
Online Investigation of an Island Arc Volcano: Anatahan, Mariana Arc, Jeffrey G. Ryan
Plate Tectonics as Expressed in Geological Landforms and Events: An Exploration Using Google Earth™ and GeoMapApp, Jeffrey G. Ryan
Adherence, Body Mass Index, and Depression in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: The Mediational Role of Diabetes Symptoms and Self-Efficacy, William P. Sacco, Kristen J. Wells, Andrea Friedman, Rebecca Matthew, Sylvia Perez, and Christine A. Vaughan
Correlation of Trimethylamine Oxide and Habitat Depth within and among Species of Teleost Fish: An Analysis of Causation, Athena L. Samerotte, Jeffrey C. Drazen, Garth L. Brand, Brad A. Seibel, and Paul H. Yancey
Roundtable Discussion Groups Summary Papers: Environmental Bio-Indicators in Coral Reef Ecosystems: the Need to Align Research, Monitoring, and Environmental Regulation, Paul W. Sammarco, Pamela Hallock, Judith C. Lang, and Richard S. LeGore
IT Implementation in a Developing Country Municipality: A Sociocognitive Analysis, Clive Sanford and Anol Bhattacherjee
Functional Representations of Layout are Disrupted by Irrelevant Objects, Thomas Sanocki and Noah Patrick Sulman
Shallow Slab Fluid Release Across and Along the Mariana Arc-Basin System: Insights from Geochemistry of Serpentinized Peridotites from the Mariana Fore Arc, Ivan P. Savov, Jeffrey G. Ryan, Massimo D'Antonio, and Patricia Fryer
Combination of SAR Remote Sensing and GIS for Monitoring Subglacial Volcanic Activity – Recent Results from Vatnajökull Ice Cap (Iceland), K. Scharrer, Rocco Malservisi, Ch. Mayer, O. Spieler, and U. Münzer
Progressive Dolomitization of Florida Limestone Recorded by Alkaline Earth Element Concentrations in Saline, Geothermal, Submarine Springs, Johan Schijf and Robert H. Byrne
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs in Behavioral Research: On Context, Crud, and Convergence, Sandra L. Schneider
Wanderers with Cognitive Impairment in Department of Veterans Affairs Nursing Home Care Units, Lawrence Schonfeld, Bellinda King-Kallimanis, Lisa M. Brown, Darlene M. Davis, William D. Kearns, Victor A. Molinari, Dennis H. Werner, Elizabeth R. Beattie, and Audrey L. Nelson
Validating a Biogeochemical Watershed Disturbance and Climate Change Proxy: Tampa Bay. FL, Patrick Schwing, E. Martinez, A. J. Pyrtle, and S. Haynes
The Rate of Metabolism in Marine Animals: Environmental Constraints, Ecological Demands and Energetic Opportunities, Brad A. Seibel and Jeffrey C. Drazen
Metabolic Temperature Compensation and Coevolution of Locomotory Performance in Pteropod Molluscs, Brad A. Seibel, Agnieszka Dymowska, and Joshua Rosenthal
Observation of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in “Stable” North America with GPS, Giovanni F. Sella, Seth Stein, Timothy H. Dixon, Michael Craymer, Thomas S. James, Stephane Mazzotti, and Roy K. Dokka
High-Frequency Radar Mapping of Surface Currents Using Wera, Lynn K. Shay, Jorge Martinez-Pedraja, Thomas M. Cook, Brian K. Haus, and Robert H. Weisberg
Upper Ocean Response of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System to Hurricane Mitch and Coastal Freshwater Inputs: A Study Using Sea-Viewing Wide Field-Of-View Sensor (SEAWIFS) Ocean Color Data and a Nested-Grid Ocean Circulation Model, Jinyu Sheng, Liang Wang, Serge Andrefouet, Chuanmin Hu, Bruce G. Hatcher, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Bjoern Kjerfve, William D. Heyman, and Bo Yang
Cenozoic Antarctic Cryosphere Evolution: Tales from Deep-Sea Sedimentary Records, Amelia E. Shevenell
Orbital and Atmospheric Forcing of Western Antarctic Peninsula Climate in the Holocene: The TEX86 Paleotemperature Record of Palmer Deep, Amelia E. Shevenell, A. E. Ingalls, and E. W. Domack
Epilog, Toru Shimizu
The Avian Brain Revisited: Anatomy and Evolution of the Telencephalon, Toru Shimizu
When Flexibility Helps: Another Look at the Availability of Flexible Work Arrangements and Work-Family Conflict, Kristen M. Shockley and Tammy D. Allen