Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2014


The Jak2 Small Molecule Inhibitor, G6, Reduces the Tumorigenic Potential of T98G Glioblastoma Cells in Vitro and in Vivo, Rebekah Baskin, Sung O. Park, György M. Keserű, Kirpal S. Bisht, Heather L. Wamsley, and Peter P. Sayeski


India, Ambar Basu


Structure-Centered Approach, Ambar Basu


A Time-Series View of Changing Surface Ocean Chemistry Due to Ocean Uptake of Anthropogenic Co2 and Ocean Acidification, Nicholas R. Bates, Yrene M. Astor, Matthew J. Church, Kim Currie, John E. Dore, Melchor González-Dávila, Laura Lorenzoni, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Jon Olafsson, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano


Dual-Basis Superserial Multipliers for Secure Applications and Lightweight Cryptographic Architectures, Siavash Bayat-Sarmadi, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Reza Azarderakhsh, and Chiou-Yng Lee


Efficient and Concurrent Reliable Realization of the Secure Cryptographic SHA-3 Algorithm, Siavash Bayat-Sarmadi, Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, and Arash Reyhani-Masoleh


Using Lightning Observations as a Volcanic Eruption Monitoring Tool, Sonja A. Behnke and Stephen R. McNutt


Competition and Constraint Drove Cope's Rule in the Evolution of Giant Flying Reptiles, Roger B. J. Benson, Rachel A. Frigot, Anjali Goswami, Brian Andres, and Richard J. Butler


Robust Facility Location Problem for Hazardous Waste Transportation, Paul G. Berglund and Changhyun Kwon


Solving a Location Problem of a Stackelberg Firm Competing with Cournot-Nash Firms, Paul G. Berglund and Changhyun Kwon


Cybervetting, Person–Environment Fit, and Personnel Selection: Employers' Surveillance and Sensemaking of Job Applicants' Online Information, Brenda L. Berkelaar and Patrice M. Buzzanell


How “Googling” Changes Personnel Selection, Brenda L. Berkelaar and Patrice M. Buzzanell


Florida Gulf Bay Scallop (Argopecten Irradians Concentricus) Population Genetic Structure: Form, Variation, and Influential Factors, Theresa M. Bert, William S. Arnold, Ami E. Wilbur, Seifu Seyoum, Anne L. McMillen-Jackson, Sarah P. Stephenson, Robert H. Weisberg, and Laura A. Yarbro


Assessment of a Countywide Stormwater Pond Improvement Program, Anthony T. Betts and Kamal A. Alsharif


Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture and Politics Part 4: Knowledge and Education, S. Elizabeth Bird, Nick Couldry, Andreas Hepp, Sonia Livingstone, Elizabeth Losh, Jason Mittell, Gina Neff, Don Slater, and S. Craig Watkins


Illness identity, K. Blinne and M. Bartesaghi


Embedding Self-Determination and Futures Planning Within a Schoolwide Framework, Hank Bohanon, Jose M. Castillo, and Morgan Afton


Personality and Leadership: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Joyce E. Bono, Winny Shen, and David J. Yoon


Disorder and Residual Helicity Alter p53-Mdm2 Binding Affinity and Signaling in Cells, Wade M. Borcherds, Francois-Xavier Theillet, Andrea Katzer, Ana Finzel, Katie M. Mishall, Anne T. Powell, Hongwei Wu, Wanda Manieri, Christoph Dieterich, Philipp Selenko, Alexander Loewer, and Gary W. Daughdrill


Intersections between Technology and I/O Psychology, Walter C. Borman


Understanding the Relative Contributions of Direct Environmental Effects and Passive Genotype-Environment Correlations in the Association between Familial Risk Factors and Child Disruptive Behavior Disorders, Marina A. Bornovalova, Jenna R. Cummings, E Hunt, Ryan Blazei, Steve Malone, and William G. Iacono


Behavior Genetic Approaches to BPD, Marina A. Bornovalova, Brittany Jordan-Arthur, and Anahi Collado-Rodriguez


Precarious Manhood, Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, and T Andrew Caswell


Precarious Manhood, Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, and T Andrew Caswell


Dutch Mercenaries in the Tsar’s Service: The Van Bockhoven Clan, Kees Boterbloem


Bertha von Suttner und Russland. By Valentin Belentschikow. Vergleichende Studien zu den Slavischen Sprachen und Literaturen, no. 15., Kees Boterbloem


Family, Culture and Society in the Diary of Constantijn Huygens Jr, Secretary to Stadholder‐King William of Orange. By Dekker, Rudolf., Kees Boterbloem


J. Arch Getty. Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, Boyars, and the Persistence of Tradition., Kees Boterbloem


Moscow, 1937. By Schlögel, Karl. Translated by Rodney Livingstone., Kees Boterbloem


Russian Citizenship: From Empire to Soviet Union, Kees Boterbloem


Site Fidelity and Condition Metrics Suggest Sequential Habitat Use by Juvenile Common Snook, Adam B. Brame, Carole C. McIvor, Ernst B. Peebles, and David J. Hollander


Earthquake Mechanisms and Tectonics, Jochen Braunmiller


A Seasonally Modulated Earthquake Swarm near Maupin, Oregon, Jochen Braunmiller, John L. Nabelek, and Anne M. Trehu


A Review of Paleontological Finite Element Models and their Validity, Jen A. Bright


Linking Rainforest Ecophysiology and Microclimate through Fusion of Airborne LiDAR and Hyperspectral Imagery, Eben N. Broadbent, Angélica M. Zambrano, Gregory P. Asner, Christopher B. Field, Brad E. Rosenheim, Ty Kennedy-Bowdoin, David E. Knapp, David Burke, Christian Giardina, and Susan Cordell


Bank Storage in Karst Aquifers: The Impact of Temporary Intrusion of River Water on Carbonate Dissolution and Trace Metal Mobility, Amy L. Brown, Jonathan B. Martin, Elizabeth J. Screaton, John E. Ezell, Patricia Spellman, and Jason D. Gulley


A Prospective Cohort Study Characterising the Role of Anogenital Warts in Hiv Acquisition Among Men Who Have Sex with Men: a Study Protocol, Brandon Brown, Mariam Davtyan, Segundo R. Leon, Hugo Sanchez, Gino Calvo, Jeffrey D. Klausner, and Jerome T. Galea


Reflections on the Potential and Challenges for Discovery, Learning, and Engagement, Robert Browning and Patrice M. Buzzanell


Preface, Robert X. Browning and Patrice M. Buzzanell


DBC1/CCAR2 and CCAR1 Are Largely Disordered Proteins that Have Evolved from One Common Ancestor, Jessica Brunquell, Jia Yuan, Aqeela Erwin, Sandy D. Westerheid, and Bin Xue


Morphological Evolution of a Submerged Artificial Nearshore Berm along a Low-Wave Microtidal Coast, Fort Myers Beach, West-Central Florida, USA, Katherine E. Brutsché, Ping Wang, Tanya M. Beck, Julie D. Rosati, and Kelly R. Legault


Minority Breast Cancer Survivors: The Association between Race/Ethnicity, Objective Sleep Disturbances, and Physical and Psychological Symptoms, Pinky H. Budhrani, Cecile A. Lengacher, Kevin E. Kip, Cindy Tofthagen, and Heather Jim


Self-Potential Monitoring for Hydrologic Investigations in Urban Covered-Karst Terrain, Peter S. Bumpus and Sarah Kruse


Distinct Pools of Dissolved Iron‐binding Ligands in the Surface and Benthic Boundary Layer of the California Current, Randelle Bundy, Dondra Biller, Kristen N. Buck, Kenneth Bruland, and Katherine Barbeau


Disparity Between Planktonic Fish Egg and Larval Communities as Indicated by DNA Barcoding, Scott Burghart, Lauren Van Woudenberg, Camille Daniels, Steven Meyers, Ernst Peebles, and Mya Breitbart


Intimate, Ambivalent and Erotic Mentoring: Popular Culture and Mentor–Mentee Relational Processes in Mad Men, Patrice M. Buzzanell and Suzy D’Enbeau


Professionalizing Organizational Communication Discourses, Materialities, and Trends, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Jeremy P. Fyke, and Robyn V. Remke


Get Your Message Across, Patrice M. Buzzanell and Carla Zoltowski


Inorganic Speciation of Dissolved Elements in Seawater: the Influence of pH on Concentration Ratios, Robert H. Byrne


Measuring Ocean Acidification: New Technology for a New Era of Ocean Chemistry, Robert H. Byrne


On the Ability of Global Sea Level Reconstructions to Determine Trends and Variability, F. M. Calafat, D. P. Chambers, and M. N. Tsimplis


Cold Seeps Associated with a Submarine Debris Avalanche Deposit at Kick’em Jenny Volcano, Grenada (Lesser Antilles), Steven Carey, Robert Ballard, Katherine L.C. Bell, Richard J. Bell, Patrick Connally, Frederic Dondin, Sarah Fuller, Judith Gobin, Patricia Miloslavich, Brennan Phillips, Chris Roman, Brad Seibel, Nam Siu, and Clara Smart


Fluid/Gas Venting and Biological Communities at Kick’em Jenny Submarine Volcano, Grenada (West Indies), Steven Carey, Katherine L.C. Bell, Robert D. Ballard, Christopher Roman, Frederic Dondin, Patricia Miloslavich, Judith Gobin, Brad Seibel, Richard Bell, Clara Smart, Sarah A. Fuller, Nam Siu, Patrick Connally, Ruth Blake, Karen Wishner, and Brennan T. Phillips


Introduction: Conceptual, Methodological, Practical, and Ethical Challenges in Studying and Applying Indigenous Knowledge, Courtney Carothers, Mark Moritz, and Rebecca K. Zarger


The Lone S41 Family C-terminal Processing Protease in Staphylococcus aureus is Localized to the Cell Wall and Contributes to Virulence, Ronan K. Carroll, Frances E. Rivera, Courtney K. Cavaco, Grant M. Johnson, David Martin, and Lindsey N. Shaw


Safe Haven Implementation Brief, Roger Casey, Paul Smits, and M. Scott Young


Eucalanoid Copepod Metabolic Rates in the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific: Effects of Oxygen and Temperature, Christine J. Cass and Kendra L. Daly


Assessment of Storage Lipid Accumulation Patterns in Eucalanoid Copepods from the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, Christine J. Cass, Kendra L. Daly, and Stuart G. Wakeham

Best Practices in Program Evaluation in a Model of Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered System of Supports, Jose M. Castillo

Best Practices in Systems-Level Change, Jose M. Castillo and M J. Curtis


Comparisons of Response Rates, Respondent Demographics, and Item Responses for Web-Based and Mail Survey Modes in a National Study of School Psychologists, Jose M. Castillo, M J. Curtis, A Brundage, A L. March, and K M. Stockslager


Personnel Projections in School Psychology: A 10-Year Follow-Up to the Predicted Personnel Shortage, Jose M. Castillo, M J. Curtis, and S Y. Tan


Development and Initial Validation of a Scale Measuring the Beliefs of Educators Regarding Response to Intervention, Jose M. Castillo, R F. Dedrick, A L. March, K M. Stockslager, C V. Hines, and S Y. Tan


Augmented Biracks and their Homology, Jose Ceniceros, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Matthew Green, and Sam Nelson


Australia's First National Level Quantitative Environmental Justice Assessment of Industrial Air Pollution, Jayajit Chakraborty and Donna Green


Water Cycle: Ocean’s Role, Don P. Chambers


Discovering Temporal and Spatial Patterns and Characteristics of Pavement Distress Condition Data on Major Corridors in New Mexico, Cong Chen, Su Zhang, Guohui Zhang, Susan M. Bogus, and Vanessa Valentin


Investigation Motorcycle Safety at Exit Ramp Sections by Analyzing Historical Crash Data and Rider’s Perception, Hongyun Chen; Chanyoung Lee Ph.D., AICP, PTP; and Pei-Sung Lin


Freeway Deceleration Lane Lengths Effects on Traffic Safety and Operation, Hongyun Chen, Huaguo Zhou, and Pei-Sung Lin


Assessment of Pre-Preemption Strategy of Traffic Signals near Railroad Grade Crossing Utilizing Simulation Analysis, Xuanwu Chen, Yan Xiao, Mohammed Hadi, Melissa Ackert, and Pei-Sung Lin


Variation in Radiocarbon Age Determinations from the Crystal River Archaeological Site, Florida, Alex Cherkinsky, Thomas J. Pluckhahn, and Victor D. Thompson


Recalled Attributes of Parents with Alzheimer's Disease: Relevance for Caregiving, David A. Chiriboga, Yuri Jang, Victor A. Molinari, Giyeon Kim, and Jung Eun Ko


Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy, Co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Motor Functioning – Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, USA, 2008, Deborah Christensen, Kim Van Naarden Braun, Nancy S. Doernberg, Matthew J. Maenner, Carrie L. Arneson, Maureen S. Durkin, Ruth E. Benedict, Russell S. Kirby, Martha S. Wingate, Robert Fitzgerald, and Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp


A Transactional Model of Homelessness and Alcoholism, Colleen Clark, Blake Barrett, and M. Scott Young


Quandle Colorings of Knots and Applications, W. Edwin Clark, Mohamed Elhamdadi, Masahico Saito, and Timothy Yeatman


Does Negative Affect Mediate the Relationship Between Daily PTSD Symptoms and Daily Alcohol Involvement in Female Rape Victims? Evidence from 14 Days of Interactive Voice Response Assessment, Amy Cohn, Brett T. Hagman, Kathleen A. Moore, Jessica Mitchell, and Sarah Ehlke


Organizing a Study Abroad Trip—A Faculty Perspective, Jennifer Collins


Family Activities, Discounts, Offers in Tampa Bay, Jennifer Collins, Robert Austin, and Shaza Hussein


The NOAA Hurricane Hunters: A Historical and Mission Perspective, Jennifer Collins and Paul Flaherty


Fort De Soto Park and Mullet Key: Beach Processes, Management, and History, Jennifer Collins, Bryon Middlekauff, and Charles Paxton


Effects of Solvent Composition and Hydrogen Pressure on the Catalytic Conversion of 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene to Cyclohexane, Margaret Cone, Claire Osborn, Jonathan L. Ticknor, and Jeffrey A. Cunningham


Against Accumulation, Brian Connolly


Connolly on Talbot, 'A Foreign Kingdom: Mormons and Polygamy in American Political Culture, 1852-1890', Brian Connolly


Domestic Intimacies Incest and the Liberal Subject in Nineteenth-Century America, Brian Connolly


Quantification of Dissolved Iron Sources to the North Atlantic Ocean, Tim M. Conway and Seth G. John


The Biogeochemical Cycling of Zinc and Zinc Isotopes in the North Atlantic Ocean, Tim M. Conway and Seth G. John


Perceived Efficacy, Conscious Fear of Death and Intentions to Tan: Not All Fear Appeals are Created Equal, Douglas P. Cooper, Jamie L. Goldenberg, and Jamie Arndt


Petri Nets: Modeling the Complexity of Modern Jobs, Michael D. Coovert


Spatial Augmented Reality as a Method for a Mobile Robot to Communicate Intended Movement, Michael D. Coovert, Tiffany Lee, Ivan Shindev, and Yu Sun


The Psychology of Workplace Technology, Michael D. Coovert and Lori F. Thompson


Toward a Synergistic Relationship between Psychology and Technology, Michael D. Coovert and Lori F. Thompson


Carbon footprint of water reuse and desalination: a Review of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Estimation Tools, Pablo K. Cornejo, Mark V. E. Santana, David R. Hokanson, James R. Mihelcic, and Qiong Zhang


Problems Associated with a Lipofuscin Extraction Method Used to Age Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus Cultured in Florida, USA, Claire E. Crowley, Ryan L. Gandy, Kendra L. Daly, and Edward S. Van Vleet


Inactivating UBE2M Impacts the DNA Damage Response and Genome Integrity Involving Multiple Cullin Ligases, Scott Cukras, Nicholas Morffy, Takbum Ohn, and Younghoon Kee


USFT Institutional Repository Annual Report: FY 2013-2014, Rebel Cummings-Sauls


Women in Oceanography: Autobiographical Sketches, Kendra L. Daly


Mean Sea Level Variability in the North Sea: Processes and Implications, Sönke Dangendorf, Francisco M. Calafat, Arne Arns, Thomas Wahl, Ivan D. Haigh, and Jürgen Jensen


North Sea Storminess from a Novel Storm Surge Record since AD 1843, Sönke Dangendorf, Sylvin Müller-Navarra, Jürgen Jensen, Frederik Schenk, Thomas Wahl, and Ralf Weisse


Child-Centered Play Therapy: A Creative Approach to Culturally Competent Counseling, Eric S. Davis and Jennifer K. Pereira


Hospitalizations and Associated Costs in a Population-based Study of Children with Down Syndrome Born in Florida, April L. Dawson, Cynthia H. Cassell, Matthew E. Oster, Richard S. Olney, Jean Paul Tanner, Russell S. Kirby, Jane Correia, and Scott D. Grosse