Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2004


Mental Disability Law, Policy, and Service Delivery, John Petrila and Bruce Lubostsky Levin


Research with Families: Can You Say “Complex”?, Vicky Phares


Gender Differences in Peer and Parental Influences: Body Image Disturbance, Self-Worth, and Psychological Functioning in Preadolescent Children, Vicky Phares, Ari B. Steinberg, and Joel Kevin Thompson


Developmental Differences in the Accumbal Dopaminergic Response to Repeated Ethanol Exposure, Rex M. Philpot and Cheryl L. Kirstein


Opening the Lost Valley: Implementing a “Back to the Future” Restoration Policy for Marine Ecosystems for Their Fisheries, Tony J. Pitcher, Johanna J. (Sheila) Heymans, Cameron Ainsworth, Eny A. Buchary, Ussif Rashid Sumaila, and Villy Christensen


Atmospheric Concentrations and Dry Deposition Rates of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) for Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, Noreen Poor, Raphael Tremblay, Venkat R. Bhethanabotla, Erick Swartz, Mark E. Luther, and Scott Campbell


Risk Adjustment of Medicare Capitation Payments using the CMS-HCC Model, Gregory C. Pope, John Kautter, Randall P. Ellis, Arlene S. Ash, John Z. Ayanian, Lisa I. Lezzoni, Melvin J. Ingber, Jesse M. Levy, and John Robst


An ERP Index of Task Relevance Evaluation of Visual Stimuli, Geoffrey Potts


Impact of Instructed Relevance on the Visual ERP, Geoffrey Potts, Salil H. Patel, and Pierre N. Azzam


Chemical Speciation of Hg(ii) with Environmental Inorganic Ligands, Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamas Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg, and Hans Wanner


Reasonable Medical Certainty: Can we Meet Daubert Standards in Insanity Cases?, Norman Poythress


Spectral Feature Analysis for Assessment of Water Status and Health Level of Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia) Leaves, Ruiliang Pu, L. Foschi, and P. Gong


Determination of Burnt Scars Using Logistic Regression and Neural Network Techniques from a Single Post-Fire Landsat-7 TM Imagery, Ruiliang Pu and P. Gong


Wavelet Transform Applied to EO-1 Hyperspectral Data for Forest LAI and Crown Closure Mapping, Ruiliang Pu and Peng Gong


A Dynamic Algorithm for Wild Land Burned Scar Detection Using NOAA AVHRR Data, Ruiliang Pu, P. Gong, Z. Li, and J. Scarborough


Comparative Scavenging of Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements in Seawater: Competitive Influences of Solution and Surface Chemistry, Kelly A. Quinn, Robert H. Byrne, and Johan Schijf


Ericoid Mycorrhizas in Organic Substrates: Distribution of Ericoid Mycorrhizas among Epiphytes in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest and Uptake of Organic Nitrogen by Ericoid, Ecto-, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Pygmy Forest Plants, Kai C. Rains


Simulated Changes in Shallow Groundwater and Vegetation Distributions Under Different Reservoir Operations Scenarios, Mark Cable Rains, Jeffery F. Mount, and Eric W. Larsen


Local Shallow Groundwater Drawdown and Baseflow Cessation Due to Regional Groundwater Pumping, Mark C. Rains, Jeffrey F. Mount, and E. W. Larsen


The Effect of Interactivity on Initial Interactions: The Influence of Information Valence and Modality and Information Richness on Computer‐Mediated Interaction, Artemio Ramirez Jr. and Judee K. Burgoon


Stability of North Atlantic Water Masses in Face of Pronounced Climate Variability During the Pleistocene, M. E. Raymo, D. W. Oppo, Benjamin P. Flower, D. A. Hodell, J. F. McManus, K. A. Venz, K. F. Kleiven, and K. McIntyre


Initial Studies in Human-Robot-Human Interaction: Fitts' Law for Two People, Kyle B. Reed, M. Peshkin, J E. Colgate, and J Patton


Using the False Memory Paradigm to Test Two Key Elements of Alcohol Expectancy Theory, Richard R. Reich, Mark S. Goldman, and Jane A. Noll


Excitotoxic Lesions of the Gustatory Thalamus Spare Simultaneous Contrast Effects But Eliminate Anticipatory Negative Contrast: Evidence against a Memory Deficit, Steve Reilly, Marina Bornovalova, and Radmila Trifunovic


Sociedade Civil, Democratização, e Exclusão Racial no Brasil, Bernd Reiter


Cross-Informant Ratings of Social Competence in Children and Adolescents, Kimberly Renk and Vicky Phares


Glacial-Interglacial-Scale Palaeoclimatic Change Without Large Ice Sheets in the Oligocene of Central Oregon, Gregory J. Retallack, Jonathan G. Wynn, and Theodore J. Fremd


Mediators and Moderators of Social Problem Solving, Alexander R. Rich and Ronald L. Bonner


Unexpectedly High Clonal Diversity of Two Salt Marsh Perennials Across a Severe Environmental Gradient, Christina L. Richards, J. L. Hamrick, Lisa A. Donovan, and Rodney Mauricio


Relationships Between a Hermit Crab and Its Shell Resource: Spatial Patterns Within a Seagrass-Dominated Landscape, Bradley D. Robbins and Susan S. Bell


A Lexical Investigation of the Lower-Order Structure of Conscientiousness, Brent W. Roberts, Tim Bogg, Kate E. Walton, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Stephen Stark


The Relationship between the Supply of Primary Care Physicians and Measures of Health, John Robst and Glenn G. Graham


Forensic Assessment: Current Status and Future Directions, Richard Rogers, Kirk Heilbrun, and Randy Otto


Creating an Academic-Community Provider Partnership in Hospice, Palliative Care, and End-of-Life Studies, Lori A. Roscoe, Kathleen A. Egan, and Ronald S. Schonwetter


Socioemotional Functioning in Depression, Jonathan Rottenberg and Ian H. Gotlib


A Time to Tan: Proximal and Distal Effects of Mortality Salience on Sun Exposure Intentions, Clay Routledge, Jamie Arndt, and Jamie L. Goldenberg


Lost and Found, Meredeth Rowe


Injuries Sustained by Community-Dwelling Individuals With Dementia, Meredeth A. Rowe and Nancy Fehrenbach


Persons With Dementia Who Become Lost in the Community: A Case Study, Current Research and Recommendations, Meredeth Rowe, Neil G. Feinglass, and Marnie E. Wiss


Validity of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems for Predicting Treatment Outcome: An Investigation with the Pennsylvania Practice Research Network, Mark A. Ruiz, Aaron L. Pincus, Thomas D. Borkovec, and Ruben J. Echemendia


Churls and Graybeards and Novels Written by a Lady: Gender in Eighteenth-Century Book Reviews, Laura Runge


Mary Robinson's Memoirs and the Anti-Adultery Campaign of the Late Eighteenth Century, Laura Runge


The Impact of Age, Speech Style, and Question Form on Perceptions of Witness Credibility and Trial Outcome, Christine Ruva and Judith Bryant


Lithium Abundance and Lithium Isotope Variations in Mantle Sources: Insights from Intraplate Volcanic Rocks from Ross Island and Marie Byrd Land (Antarctica) and other Oceanic Islands, Jeffrey G. Ryan and Philip R. Kyle


A Brief, Regular, Proactive Telephone "Coaching" Intervention for Diabetes: Rationale, Description, and Preliminary Results, William P. Sacco, Anthony D. Morrison, and John I. Malone


On the Seasonal Correlation of Surface Particle Fields with Wind Stress and Mississippi Discharge in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, J. E. Salisbury, J. W. Campbell, E. Linder, L. David Meeker, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and C. Vörösmarty


High-Level Masking Effects on Perceptual Identification, Adam N. Sanborn, Kenneth J. Malmberg, and Richard M. Shiffrin


Intermediate-Term Declines in Seismicity at Mt. Wrangell and Mt. Veniaminof Volcanoes, Alaska, Following the November 3, 2002, Mw 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, John J. Sánchez and Stephen R. McNutt


Unexpected Response of Mt. Wrangell Volcano, Alaska, to the Shaking from a Large Regional Earthquake: A Puzzle for Intermediate-Term Earthquake-Volcanoes Interactions, John J. Sánchez and Stephen R. McNutt


Spatial Variations in the Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of Earthquakes at Mount Pinatubo Volcano, John J. Sanchez, Stephen R. McNutt, J. A. Power, and Max Wyss


Temporal-Spatial Variations of Stress at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, Inferred from Inversion of Fault Plane Solutions, John J. Sánchez, Max Wyss, and Stephen R. McNutt


Time Course with which Representations of Layout Become Functional, Thomas Sanocki

Scaled Worlds: Development, Validation and Applications, Samuel G. Schiflett, Linda R. Elliott, Eduardo Salas, and Michael D. Coovert


Determination of SO4β1 for Yttrium and the Rare Earth Elements at I = 0.66 M and T = 25°C—implications for YREE Solution Speciation in Sulfate-rich Waters, Johan Schijf and Robert H. Byrne


Understanding Denial in Sexual Offenders A Review of Cognitive and Motivational Processes to Avoid Responsibility, Sandra L. Schneider and Robert C. Wright


Recent Trends in the Research-Oriented Clinical Psychology Academic Job Market, David C. Schwebel and Marc Karver


Informatics in health care, David M. Scott, Bruce Lubostsky Levin, and Ardis Hanson


Ammonium Content and Buoyancy in Midwater Cephalopods, Brad A. Seibel, Shana K. Goffredi, Erik V. Thuesen, James J. Childress, and Bruce H. Robison


Paleoceanographic Change During the Middle Miocene Climate Revolution: An Antarctic Stable Isotope Perspective, Amelia E. Shevenell and James P. Kennett


Middle Miocene Southern Ocean Cooling and Antarctic Cryosphere Expansion, Amelia E. Shevenell, James P. Kennett, and David W. Lea


Comparative Cognition and Neuroscience: Misconceptions about Brain Evolution, Toru Shimizu


What Does a Pigeon (Columba livia) Brain Look Like During Homing? Selective Examination of ZENK Expression, Toru Shimizu, Alexia N. Bowers, Cheri A. Budzynski, Megan C. Kahn, and Verner P. Bingman


Linking Optimal Foraging Behavior to Bird Community Structure in an Urban-Desert Landscape: Field Experiments with Artificial Food Patches, Eyal Shochat, Susannah B. Lerman, Madhusudan Katti, and David B. Lewis


Body Image and Eating Disturbances in India: Media and Interpersonal Influences, Hemal M. Shroff and Joel Kevin Thompson


Moving Beyond ’Intelligent Tinkering’: Advancing an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, Michael Sissenwine and Steven Murawski


Introduction to the Special Issue on Juvenile Psychopathy, Volume 2: Juvenile Psychopathy: Informing the Debate, Jennifer L. Skeem and John Petrila


Problem-Solving Supervision: Specialty Probation for Individuals with Mental Illness, Jennifer L. Skeem and John Petrila


Radionuclide Fluxes and Particle Scavenging in Cariaco Basin, J. M. Smoak, C. Benitez-Nelson, W. S. Moore, R. C. Thunell, Y. Astor, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


The Relationship between Psychopathic Features, Violence and Treatment Outcome: The Comparison of Three Youth Measures of Psychopathic Features, Sarah E. Spain, Kevin S. Douglas, Norman Poythress, and Monica Epstein


A Cross-National Comparative Study of Work-Family Stressors, Working Hours, and Well-Being: China and Latin American vs. the Anglo World, Paul E. Spector, Cary L. Cooper, Steven Poelmans, Tammy D. Allen, Michael P. O'Driscoll, Juan I. Sanchez, Oi Ling Siu, Phil Dewe, Peter Hart, Luo Lu, Lucio Flavio Renault De Moraes, Gabrielle M. Ostrognay, Kate Sparks, Paul Wong, and Shanfa Yu


Eastern versus Western Control Beliefs at Work: An Investigation of Secondary Control, Socioinstrumental Control, and Work Locus of Control in China and the US, Paul E. Spector, Juan I. Sanchez, Oi L. Siu, Jesus Salgado, and Jianhong Ma


An Animal Model of Sensation Seeking: The Adolescent Rat, Kirstie H. Stansfield, Rex M. Philpot, and Cheryl L. Kirstein


Examining the Effects of Differential Item (Functioning and Differential) Test Functioning on Selection Decisions: When Are Statistically Significant Effects Practically Important?, Stephen Stark, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Fritz Drasgow


The Importance of Extratropical and Tropical Cyclones on the Short-Term Evolution of Barrier Islands Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA, Gregory W. Stone, Liu Baozhu, David A. Pepper, and Ping Wang


Drop-Scale Numerical Modeling of Chemical Partitioning during Cloud Hydrometeor Freezing, Amy L. Stuart and Mark Z. Jacobson


Chemical Retention during Dry Growth Riming, Amy L. Stuart and M. Z. Jacobson

A Conceptual Model for Systems Development and Operation in High Reliability Organizations, John J. Sullivan and Roger Beach


At First Sight: Persistent Relational Effects of Get-Acquainted Conversations, Michael Sunnafrank and Artemio Ramirez Jr.

Tre Modellini Fittili della Necropoli di Thapsos, Davide Tanasi


Monthly Variation of Pigment Concentrations and Seasonal Winds in China'S Marginal Seas, D. L. Tang, I. H. Ni, Frank E. Muller-Karger, and I. S. Oh


Handbook of Eating Disorders and Obesity, Joel K. Thompson


The (Mis)measurement of Body Image: Ten Strategies to Improve Assessment for Applied and Research Purposes, Joel K. Thompson


The Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Scale-3 (SATAQ-3): Development and Validation, Joel K. Thompson, Patricia van den Berg, Megan Roehrig, Angela S. Guarda, and Leslie J. Heinberg


Nitrogen Isotope Dynamics of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, Robert C. Thunell, Daniel M. Sigman, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Yrene Astor, and Ramon Varela


Clean Streets — Clean Waterways: Street Sweeping, Storm-Water Runoff, and Pollution Reduction, Graham A. Tobin and Robert Brinkmann


What if Hurricane Charley Made Landfall at Tampa Bay? Modeling the Impacts, Graham A. Tobin, Erin P. Hughey, and R. Miller


Natural Hazards and Technology: Vulnerability, Risk, and Community Response in Hazardous Environments, Graham A. Tobin and B. E. Montz


Chronic Hazards: Health Impacts Associated with On-Going Ash-Falls Around Mt. Tungurahua in Ecuador, Graham A. Tobin and Linda M. Whiteford


Developmental Differences in Nicotine Place Conditioning, Tracy A. Torrella, Kimberly A. Badanich, Rex M. Philpot, Cheryl L. Kirstein, and Lynn Wecker


Desert Tortoise Recovery Plan Assessment, C R. Tracy, R Averill-Murray, W I. Boarman, D Delehanty, J S. Heaton, Earl D. McCoy, D J. Morafka, K Nussear, B Hagerty, and P Medica


Morgenthau as a Weberian, Stephen Turner


Quasi-Science and the State: 'Governing Science' in Comparative Perspective, Stephen Turner


The Socratic Durkheim, Stephen Turner


Why should Sociology (or Social Theory) Care about Cognitive Science?, Stephen Turner

Computational Geology 27 – Logarithmic Scales, H. L. Vacher


Introduction: Varieties of Carbonate Islands and a Historical Perspective, H. L. Vacher


Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands, H. Len Vacher and Terrence M. Quinn


Geology and Hydrogeology of Bermuda, H. L. Vacher and M. P. Rowe


Holocene Climatic Variation Recorded in a Speleothem from McFail’s Cave, New York, Philip E. van Beynen, Henry P. Schwarcz, and Derek C. Ford


When Believing is Seeing: Sustaining Norms of Violence in Cultures of Honor, Joseph A. Vandello and Dov Cohen