Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 17, 2004
Silviu Constantin
Contents: Editor's Page -- A Process-Based Classification of Alpine Ice Caves -- Season, Annual and Decadal Ice Mass Balance Changes in the Ice Mass Balance Changes in the Ice Cave Jaskinia Lodowa w Ciemniaku, the Tatra Mountains, Poland -- The Role of Winter Air Circulations for the Presence of Subsurface Ice Accumulations: An Example from Monlesi Ice Cave (Switzerland) -- Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of the Lo Lc 1650 "Abisso sul margine dell'Alto Bregai" Ice Cave (Lecco, Italy) -- Observed Trends in the Chemical Composition, 18O and Crystal Sizes vs. Depth in the First Ice Core from the LoLc 1650 "Abisso sul margine dell'Alto Bregai" Ice Cave (Lecco, Italy) -- Late Holocene Environmental Changes Recorded at Gheparul de la Focul Viu, Bihor Mountains, Romania -- Environmental Isotope Study on Perennial Ice in the Focul Viu Ice Cave, Bihor Mountains, Romania -- Ice Speleothems in Scarisoara CAve: Dynamics and Controllers -- In Memoriam: Marian Pulina (1936-2005) -- Book Reviews
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 15, 2002
Silviu Constantin
Contents: Editor's Page -- In Memoriam: Constantin (Costin) Radulescu (1932-2002) -- Speleology in the Third Millennium: Achievements and Challenges -- Unusual minerals related to phosphate deposits in Cioclovina Cave, Sureanu Mts. (Romania) -- X-ray powder data on some mineral species from Pestera Curata de la Nandru (Hateg Basin, Romania) -- Karst of the ridge Dzevrinska Greda: fluvial influences, caves, and groundwater circulation -- Morphotectonic analysis in hydrogeological research of karst terrains. A case study of SW Kucaj Massif, Eastern Serbia -- Environmental isotopes studies and the hydrogeological model of South Dobrogea (Romania) -- Biokarst on a tropical carbonate island: Guam, Mariana Islands -- The Quaternary morphogenesis of the Lagoa Santa tropical karst, Minas Gerais State, SE Brazil -- Small mammals of the cave sites in the Baikalian region -- Martes genus representatives in the Würmian of Romania -- The history of karst resources exploitation: an example of iron industry in Kranjska (Slovenia) -- Recent paleontological investigations in some caves of the Crimean mountain-range (SE Ukraine) -- Book Reviews -- Information for contributors to Theoretical and Applied Karstology
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 13-14, 2000-2001
Silviu Constantin
Contents: Editorial -- The Friends of Karst -- Iosif Viehmann: A Lifetime for Karst -- Conduit fragmentation, cave patterns, and the localization of karst ground water basins: the Appalachians as a test case -- U-Th TIMS chronology of two stalagmites from V11 Cave (Bihor Mountains, Romania) -- Mineralogical studies and Uranium-series dating of speleothems from Scarisoara Glacier Cave (Bihor Mountains, Romania) -- Karst evolution in the Danube Gorge from U-series dating of a cave bear skull and calcite speleothems from Pestera de la Gura Ponicovei (Romania) -- The Carbonate Island Karst Model applied to Guam -- Karst genetic model for the French Bay Breccia deposits, San Salvador, Bahamas -- Sur la presence de l'ardealite dans la Grotte de Topolnita (Plateau de Mehedinti, Roumanie) -- On the genetic conditions of black manganese deposits from two caves of Eastern Serbia -- Mineralogy and speleogenesis of the Ice-Cave from Poiana Vartop (Bihor Mountains, Romania) -- La genese et l'evolution des grandes dolines (obans) de la zone karstique de Mangalia (Dobroudja du Sud, Roumanie) -- 24-h Tracer Tests on Diurnal Parameter Variability in a Subglacial Karst Conduit Small River Valley, Canada -- Contammant transport in karst aquifers -- Microtus (Terricola) grafi miciaensis (Rodentia Mammalia), une nouvelle sous espece due site mousterien de Gaura Lupulu (Craciunesti, Roumanie) -- Book Reviews -- In Memoriam: Petre-Mihai Samson (1930-2001)
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 11-12, 1998-1999
Ioan Povară
Contents: Editorial -- A stable isotope record from fluid inclusions in a Holocene speleothem from southwest Britain -- Data about Quaternary tectonic activity in Labirinta Cave in Stara Planina Iskar Gorge, NW Bulgaria -- Paleoenvironmental interpretation of cores from large stalagmites: an example from Lobatse II Cave, Botswana -- Speleothem datings in SW Romania. Part 1: Evidence for a continuous speleothem growth in Pestera Closani during Oxygen isotope stages 5-3 and its paleoclimate significance -- Preliminary data about nitrates in "Pestera Mare de la Salitrari", Cerna Mountains, Romania -- Karst landsform of Lichas Peninsula (NW of Euboea Island - Greece) -- Risks of mine water in flow due to tectonics -- Donnees preliminaires sur l'environnement de la Grotte des Ours en regime d'exploitation touristique -- Evolution of karst in the southern part of Vitosha Mountain, Bulgaria -- Perennial ice in caves in temperate climate and its significance -- The optimization of groundwater explotation regime by regulation and control of karst reservoirs system -- Relationship between geological, tectonic, climatic, and hydrogeological conditions in the karst region Boga-Kozhnia, Albania -- Application of dye tracing for determining the characteristics of Sheshpeer karst spring -- Determination of karst aquifers recharge area in a terrain of complex geology and tectonic composition -- Application of auto-cross regression model to the analysis and discharge simulation of some karst springs -- Considerations hydrodynamiques sur le systeme karstique de Barza (Monts et Plateau de Mehedinti, Roumanie) -- The occurence conditions of aquifers in Permo-Carboniferous limestones in Western Serbia -- Influence of the physico-chemical properties of rainfall on karst groundwater quality -- Contributions to the Poieni Plateau hydrogeology investigation (Metaliferi Mountains, Romania) -- Remarques sur la dentition de Allactaga orghidani Radulescu & Samason, 1976 du Pleistocene moyen de la Dobrogea centrale (Roumanie) -- An alpine karst occurence: Gauri Cirque (Parang Mountains, Romania) -- In Memoriam: Emilian Gaspar
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 10, 1996
Ioan Povară
Contents: Editorial -- Dynamics of the evolution of early karst -- Dynamique non lineaire et fonctionnement hydrodynamique de I'endokarst du massif de Ia Sainte Baume (Bouches du Rhone, Var, France) -- A contribution to the a recession coefficient investigation in karst terrains -- Large springs in the karst of Yugoslavia -- Quality evaluation of groundwaters in Southern Dobrogea (Romania) -- Several highly productive wells in karst areas of Eastern Serbia (Yugoslavia) -- Karst water budget study in Maharlu karst basin (SW Iran) -- Le karst: un systeme de sedimentation continental -- Sediments carbonates karstiques: travertins et speleothemes. Evolutions paleoenvironnementales et paleogeographiques; paleosismo-tectonique; exemples dans le Sud de Ia France -- Hydrothermal paleokarst in Pestera din Valea Rea (Bihar Mountains, Romania) -- Dolines in the Padis Plateau (Bihar Mountains, Romania) - One peculiar case, many questions -- Large holocene mammals from "Pestera cu Ceata" Cave (Bihar Mountains, Romania) -- Late pleistocene small mammals from Pestera Vacilor (Mehedinti Plateau, Romania) -- Middle Pleistocene small-sized Pliomys of Romania -- Karst and non-karst occurences of natural mineral still waters -- Investigations on the covered saline karst in Slanic Prahova area (Romania) -- On the significance of dissolved carbonates in karst processes (Gams' approach) - a call for research cooperation -- On the presence of Mimomys intermedius (Newton, 1881) (Arvicolide, Rodentia, Mammalia) in the Tecuri Cave (Hundeoara County, Romania) -- In Memoriam: Valer Trufas
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 9, 1996
Ioan Povară
Contents: Editorial -- The climate of last 150,000 years record in speleothems: preliminary results from north-western Romania -- Radionuclides in a caves lake sediment core from Ghetarul de sub Zgurasti (Romania) -- Speleothems dating using the thermoluminiscence method -- Effet d'echelle de la dispersion dans un conduit karstique. Hypothese lineaire et hypothesc fractale -- Influence de la structure sure la variabilitie spatiotemporelle du coefficient de dispersion. Cas theorique d'un faisceau de conduits karstiques soumis a une injection continue en absence de diffusion moleculaire (ecoulement rapide) -- Relation entre les caracteres physiques et les champs de leur distribution dans les roches karstiques -- Comparative observations in karst formations of Parnass and Arcadia Mountains (Greece) -- A study of the subsurface karst of Kopais (Central Greece) -- Some significant caves at the western rim of the Miroc karst (Yugoslavia) -- Hydrogeology of Miroc karst massif, eastern Serbia, Yugoslavia -- Analysis of spring hydrographs for hydrogeological evaluation of a karst aquifer system -- Indirect evlaution of the Izvarna karst system discharge trend (Romania) -- Karst systems in Banat Mountains (Resita-Nera zone) -- Some examples of karst springflow regime simulation and prediction for water management balance analyses -- Correlation between regional fault pattern and karst water flow directions based on examples from Eastern Serbia (Yugoslavia) -- Tapping and protection of Maljen Spring, on Mount Durmitor, Yugoslavia -- Hydrochemical behavior of karstic and evaporitic formations surrounding Sarvestan Plain, Iran -- Pulse temperature and conductivity analysis in pseudo-karst structure investigation -- Contributions to the hydrogeology of the karstic areas of the Bihor Vladeasa Mountains (Romania) -- Points de vue concernant le clivage de la calcite -- Intensity of karst processes as a function of the carbonate formations in the north Resita-Moldova Noua Synclinorium
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 8, 1995
Ioan Povară
Contents: Editorial -- Environmental isotopic studies in karstic calcareous areas of Romania -- Uranium series dating of some speleothems from Romania -- Uranium-series dating of speleothems from Niedzwiedzia and Radochowska caves, Sudetes (Poland) -- Les travertins sont-ils les depots correlatifs d'hydrosystemes karstiques? Le cas des bassins versants provencaux (France) -- Crystallographical studies on gypsum crystals in Ponoras Cave (Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania) -- Study on moonmilk from Pestera Mare, Piatra Molsnaia (Repedea, Maramures Mountains, Romania) -- Preliminary report on the mineralogy of Pestera din Valea Rea -- Preliminary data on the hydrogeology of karst terrains around the springs of Somesul Cald river (Bihor-Vladeasa Mountains, Romaina) -- Le karst de type Movile (Mangalia, Dobrogea de Sud, Roumanie) -- Cretaceous paleokarst in the Moesian Platform (Romania) -- Les formes fluviatiles du massif karstique de la Sainte Baume (Bouches du Rhone, Var, France) -- Hydrodynamical test preparation of karstic reservoirs for Chinese request -- Effects of Quaternary tectonic activities on karstification pattern in Ceyhan-Berke dam-site, SE Turkey -- Electrometric investigations on the supply channels of Hercules spring (Romania) -- Some cases of accidental karst water pollution in the Serbian Carpathians -- L'etude hydrodynamique du systeme karstique de Montru Sec-Baia de Arma (Roumanie) -- Pleistocene mammals (Rodentia) from Movile Cave (Romania) -- On some Middle and Late Pleistocene rare small mammal elements from the karst deposits of central Dobrogea (Romania) -- Split stalactites -- Precisions sur les Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus) (Rodentia, Mammalia) du dernier cycle glaciaire de Roumanie
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 7, 1994
Costin Rădulescu
Contents: Editorial -- Utilisation de l'analyse systemlque dans l'etude des aquiferes karstiques des Monts Valcan (Roumanie) -- Carbonate rocks and bottling mineral waters in Romania -- Hydrogeology of the Bogovina cave system - the biggest in the Serbian Carpathians -- Recherches hidrogeologiques dans Ia zone de Tureni-Petrestii de Sus (Roumanie). Utilisation de l'electrometrie en hydrogeologie -- Monitoring karstic ground water: the practical aspect of subterranean ecology -- Characteristics of the water table topography in the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea Coast -- Elements fondamentaux dans Ia dynamique des speleothemes de glace de Ia grotte de Scarisoara, en relation avec Ia meteorologie exteme -- The influence of natural and anthropogenous factors on temperature regime and ice formations of Kungur Cave (Russia) -- On the paleokarst in the cave Ghetarul de la Scarisoara (Bihor Mountains, Romania) -- Cave bear worship site in Pestera Rece, Bihor Mountains, Romania -- Gravettian micromammals of the Marronnier Cave (Saint-Remeze, Ardeche, France) -- Sur la couleur d'une stalactite de Gran Caverna de Santo Tomas, Cuba -- Calcite speleothems generated by underground evapocondensation (Pestera Cobasel, Rodna Mountains) -- The corrosion process in "Pestera de la Movile" Cave (Southern Dobrudja, Romania) -- Automated information cave system (CAVIS) in Slovakia -- In Memoriam: Dan Dancau (1933-1994) -- In Memoriam: Teodor Rusu (1929-1994)
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 6, June 1993
Dan Dancău
Contents: Le bilan topoclimatique de Ia Grotte de Closani (Monts Mehedinti, Roumanie) -- Las Brujas Cave (Malargue, Argentina): An example of the oil pools control on the speleogenesis -- Accolements reguliers des cristaux de calcite due milieu speleal -- Regular rhombohedric calcite crystals intergrowths in the cave "Pestera Cristalelor din Valea Rea" (Rodnei Mountains, Romania) -- Mineralogy of moonmilk formation in Romanian and Norweigan caves -- Depositional processes in active caves of the Sureanu Mountains (the Southern Carpathians, Romania) -- Sedimentological studies in Racovita Gallery - Topolnita Cave (Mehedinti Plateau, Romania). An evolutive interpretation -- Karst phenomena in the Plain of Danube (Romania) -- The development of autocross-regression model for karst springflow simulation -- A correlative analysis of the discharge history of the Sura Mare swallet resurgence karst system (Romania) -- Relations entre le Lac Techirghiol (Dobroudja du Sud, Roumanie) et les aquiferes adjacents -- Hydrogeological regional classification of the Romanian karst -- Morpho-hydrographic and hydrogeologic observations in the limestone area from the southeastern Metaliferi Mountains (Romania) -- Considerations sur la genese et la circulation des eaux thermominerales karstiques de la zone de Mangalia (Roumanie) -- Dental morphology of the Mimomys/Arvicola transition forms -- Preliminary data concerning the big mammalian fauna from the Subpiatra Pleistocene deposits, Bihor County (Romania) -- L'analyse quantitative de quelques speleothemes et echantillons de la grotte en sel 6S de Minzalesti (Subcarpathes de Vrancea - Roumanie) -- Quaternary vertebrate remains from Emirkaya-2, Turkey
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 5, 1992
Dan Dancău
Contents: Editorial -- La configuration et le developpement spatial des cavites et des reseaux karstiques. Premiere partie. La geometrie des cavites et des reseaux karstiques. Note l'ere. Les espaces excaves - la morphographie et la morphometrie des formes elementaires -- Evolution du reseau hydrographyque du Couloir de Dimbovicioara (Carpates Meridionales, Roumanie). Note 3 -- Data concerning the intra-Aptian karstogenetic phase and the associated paleokarst deposits in the southern Banat area (Locvei Mountains, Romania) -- Effets piezometriques des pompages sequentiels sur une source karstique: passage d'un ecoulement a charge pseudoconstante a un ecoulement a charge variable -- Evaluation des aquifer es karstiques conformement a l'analyse de I'hydrogramme des debits de Ia riviere, avec application sur l es bassins de Motru et de Tismana (Roumanie) -- Drainages soutteraines karstiques dans la zone de la Vallee de Balea (Monts Vilcan, Roumanie) -- The occurences of deep siphonal circulation of karst aquifer of the Miroc Mountain (NE Serbia, Yugoslavia) -- Artificial regulations of karst aquifer for water supply of the town Bor (Eastern Serbia, Yugoslavia) -- New data on the Hercule thermal aquifer, obtained by temperature measurements (Baile Herculane, Romania) -- Delineation of a thermal water carrying karstic conduit by means of thermometric measurements in the Baile Herculane area (Romania) -- The hydrogeological characteristics of Lukovska Banja Spa (Yugoslavia) -- La relation "hypsometrie - microclimat - colmatage concretionnaire" dans l'endokarst de la zone Closani (Departement Gorj - Roumanie) -- Recherches climatologiques dans la Pestera Vintului (Monts Padurea Craiului, Roumanie) -- Mineralogy of the Apuseni mountains caves -- Small mammals of the penultimate glacial cycle (Saale/Riss) discovered in two caves from northwestern Oltenia (Romania) -- Experimental methods in studying the cave rafts -- In Memoriam: Vasile Sencu -- In Memoriam: Radu Cadere
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 4, 1991
Dan Dancău
Contents: La datation par radiocarbone dans la recherche speleologique -- Mineralogic and geochemical research of the Tecuri Cave (Romania) red clay -- Considerations on the morphology and genesis of the Jurassic paleokarst in Farcu Hill area (Southern Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania) -- Considerations genetiques sur la grotte "Pestera cu Lacuri din Valea Seaca" (Monts Locvei, Roumanie) -- L'extension de la zone glacee dans la Grotte de Scarisoara (Roumanie) - effet des oscilations meteorologiques multiannuelles -- Contributions to the investigation of the Padis karst area (Bihor Mountains, Romania) by means of resistivity measurements -- Environmental isotopes in karst hydrology. A lay-out of problems with exemplifications in Romania -- Interpretation of tracer experiements. Multi-cell of imperfect mixing -- The karstic water participation in the genesis of the thermomineral water reservoir of the spa complex Calimanesti - Caciulata - Vozia (Romania) -- Hydrogeological map of the Padurea Craiului Mountains (Romania) -- Three karstic systems (Rosia, Toplita de Rosia and Vadul Crisului) in the Padurea Craiului Mountains (Romania) -- Les eaux thermominerales karstiques de la zone de Mangalia (Roumanie) -- Tracers experiements in the karst area of Bihor Mountains (Romania) -- Overall water balance computation in the karst zone "Sapte Izvoare Reci", Scropoasa (Romania) -- Considerations concerning the gyps occurence in the Ciur-izbuc CAve (Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania) -- La pyrite bacterienne de Risculita - Departement de Hunedoara, Roumanie -- Aspects of the karstification in the Cornilor Spring area (Padurea Craiului Mountains, Romania) -- Excavation at the Grotte des Cedres (Le Plan d'Aups, Var, France), 1987. Evidence for a Late Rissian episode -- Tracers investigations in Poaiana-TEcuri area (Sureanu Mountains, Romania)
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 3, 1987
Dan Dancău
Contents: Wall microrelief in caves - effect of turbulence -- Natural and artificial tracers in the study of the hydrodynamics of karst -- La geologie et la tectonique du perimetre d'influence de la source thermo-minerale "Hercule," Baile Herculane -- Evolution du Reseau hydrographique du Couloir Dimbovicioara. Note 2. Genese et evolution de la vallee Dimbovita -- La morphologie de l'exo - et de l'endokarst du Plateau de Purcaret-Mesteacan (Plateau du Somes) -- Sur l'information paleoclimatique comprise dans la depot souterrain de glace de la Grotte de Scarisoara (Monts du Bihor) et sa valorisation pour une prognose de long terme -- Tendences de long terme dans la dynamique des formations de glace de la Grotte de Scariosara (Monts de Bihor) -- Geodynamics and the water circulation in the salt massif lake area Baia Baciului - Baia Neagra - Baia Miresii (Slanic Prahova) -- Hydrogeological study of Moneasa area (Condru Moma Mountains) -- Aquiferous interconnexions in the Motru - Izvarna - Tismana - Bistrita karst area -- Hydrogeological karst sistems in Padurea Craiului Mountains -- Interpretation of tracer dispersion in karst groundwater experiements -- Prehistoric human footprints in Romanian's caves -- Paragenese pyrite-marcassite du karst des Monts Metaliferi -- Note sur la presence de quelques mineraux de manganese et de fer dans l'endokarst des calcaires cristallins dans les Monts Metaliferes -- Origines et formes d'apparition du gypse dans Pestera Vintului -- The Third Symposium on Theoretical and Applied KArstology - Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 31 May - 2 June 1985 -- The Fourth Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology - Baile Herculane, Romania, 23-27 May 1986
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 2, 1985
Dan Dancău
Contents: In Memoriam: Traian Orghidan (1917-1985) -- Liste des mineraux constitutifs des speleothemes -- Microglossaire de stygologie -- Karst et pseudokarst dans des montagnes et les collines subcarpatiques des Bassins du Buzau et du Teleagen -- Evolution du reseau hydrographique due Culoir de Dimbovicioara. Not 1. Genese et evolution de la Vallee Dimbovicioara -- La morphologie exokarstique du Plateau du Poieni (Monts Metaliferes) -- Le plateau karstique de Zecehotare (Monts Padurea Croiului) -- Preliminary note on the karstic system of Sura Mare (Sebes Mountains) -- Aspects of karstification in the crystalline limestones on the Southern slope of Rodnei Mountains -- Sur le microrelief de corrosion de la Pestera Vintului (Monts Padurea Craiului, Roumanie) et la morphogenese de la voute plane dans les conduites forcees -- Etude de l'evapocondesation souterraine dans une grotte glaciere -- Etude topoclimatique de la grotte Ghetarul de la Virtop (Monts du Bihor) -- Temperature measurements by means of an electronic thermometer in the salt meromictic lakes from Ocna Sibiului (Romania) -- Behaviour of indium as a tracer for karst water research -- Equisse de la distribution des champs hydrogeothermaux de la Roumanie -- Physico-chemical stratification and heliothermy of (karstosaline?) lake Ursu (Sovata, Romania) -- Hydrogeological contributions for the existence of the Getic Nappe in the Motrue Sec - Baia de Arma region -- Tracer research on the dynamics of underground water in the Cerna Valley (Southern Caprathians, Romania) -- Considerations on the hydrogeology of Bascau Plateau (Codru Moma Mountains) -- Partial captures and iffluence surfaces: Examples from the northern karst area of Padurea Craiului Mountaines -- Role de l'evidance speleologique dans la recherche interdisciplinaire des grottes -- The Second Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology - Bucharest, Romania, 1-3 Iunie 1984
Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 1
Doc. Traian Orghidan
Contents: The First Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Bucharest, Romania, 22-24 April 1983 -- Foreword -- Considerations concernant la genese des argiles sur les calcaires de la "Zone Closani" - Monts Mehedinti -- Le Karst - paysage biogeochimique -- The karst phenomena study from the theory of systems point of view -- The relationship between tectonics and karstification in the cave from Izvorul Tausoarelor (Rodna Mountains) -- Trigonolith - a microphorme in the sistematics of karst morphology -- Observations mineralogiques dans la Grotte des Ours - Bulzesti -- Remarques sur la structure microscopique de certaines perles de caverne -- Le voicano-karst et les mineralisations de fer et de soufre des Monts Caliman -- Vertical cavities in South-Eastern Vilcan Mountains (Gorj District) -- On karstic cavities vertifcal distribution regularities in Southern and South-Western Padurea Craiului Mountains -- Le rapport entre l'extension et le denivellement du cavernement, un indice speleometrique eloquent -- Types genetiques de gorges dans le karst des Monts Apuseni -- Le Massif de Piatra Craiului. Genese et evolution des torrents des versants nord-ouest et nord; glaciation Pleistocene -- Sur les meandres de la Pestera Vintului (Monts Padurea Craiului) -- Considerations sur le karst d'Israel -- Sur la structure meroclimatique des cavites sourterraines -- Recherches topoclimatiques dans le grotte de Peretele Dirninii (Valee d'Albac. Massif du Bihor) -- Phenomenes de condesation endokarstique dans les calcaires eocenes de la zona de Manastireni-Bica (Cluj) -- Sur les conditions hydrogeologiques des accumulations de bauxite du plateau karstique RAcas-Sclavul Ples (Monts Padurea Craiului) -- Hydrogeological study of Dimbovicioara passage -- Relations between the fresh- and salt waters circulation and the geodymnasic of the Ocna Sugatag karstosaline and anthroposaline lake area (Maramures district) -- Hydrochemical considerations in the lower Cerna river basin -- Hercule thermomineral spring. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical considerations -- L'eau plate - une nouvelle ressource du karst de la Roumanie -- Nuclear methods for karst hydrology investigation -- Modern methods in karst hydrological research. Application to some principal karst systems from the Southern Carpathians -- The use of the transfer function in establishing the water circulation characteristics in the karst -- The application of the numerical filters in the determination of the hydrological parameters of the karst systems -- Subterranean stream piracy in the Jiul de Vest - Cernisoara karst area - Romania -- Subterranean drainage in the upper part of the Sighistel valley (Apunseni Mountains) -- Preliminary considerators on the project of a multifunctional hall built in the cave of Mexiad -- Nouvelles contributions a l'etude de la Grotte de Limanu (texte abrege) -- The morphology and the hydrology of the underwater passage from Girda valley basin (Bihor Mountains) - Abstract -- Preliminary considerations on the problems arisen by active tectonics in Piriul Hodobanei Cave (Bihor Mountains) - Abstract -- Morphologie de la Pestera de la Izvorul Gabor (Monts Padurea Craiului) - Abstract
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