Alternative Title
Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology; Proceedings of the First Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology, held in Bucharest, Romania, 22-24 April, 1983
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Publication Date
May 1984
Publication Title
Theoretical and Applied Karstology
Volume Number
Contents: The First Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Bucharest, Romania, 22-24 April 1983 -- Foreword -- Considerations concernant la genese des argiles sur les calcaires de la "Zone Closani" - Monts Mehedinti -- Le Karst - paysage biogeochimique -- The karst phenomena study from the theory of systems point of view -- The relationship between tectonics and karstification in the cave from Izvorul Tausoarelor (Rodna Mountains) -- Trigonolith - a microphorme in the sistematics of karst morphology -- Observations mineralogiques dans la Grotte des Ours - Bulzesti -- Remarques sur la structure microscopique de certaines perles de caverne -- Le voicano-karst et les mineralisations de fer et de soufre des Monts Caliman -- Vertical cavities in South-Eastern Vilcan Mountains (Gorj District) -- On karstic cavities vertifcal distribution regularities in Southern and South-Western Padurea Craiului Mountains -- Le rapport entre l'extension et le denivellement du cavernement, un indice speleometrique eloquent -- Types genetiques de gorges dans le karst des Monts Apuseni -- Le Massif de Piatra Craiului. Genese et evolution des torrents des versants nord-ouest et nord; glaciation Pleistocene -- Sur les meandres de la Pestera Vintului (Monts Padurea Craiului) -- Considerations sur le karst d'Israel -- Sur la structure meroclimatique des cavites sourterraines -- Recherches topoclimatiques dans le grotte de Peretele Dirninii (Valee d'Albac. Massif du Bihor) -- Phenomenes de condesation endokarstique dans les calcaires eocenes de la zona de Manastireni-Bica (Cluj) -- Sur les conditions hydrogeologiques des accumulations de bauxite du plateau karstique RAcas-Sclavul Ples (Monts Padurea Craiului) -- Hydrogeological study of Dimbovicioara passage -- Relations between the fresh- and salt waters circulation and the geodymnasic of the Ocna Sugatag karstosaline and anthroposaline lake area (Maramures district) -- Hydrochemical considerations in the lower Cerna river basin -- Hercule thermomineral spring. Hydrogeological and hydrochemical considerations -- L'eau plate - une nouvelle ressource du karst de la Roumanie -- Nuclear methods for karst hydrology investigation -- Modern methods in karst hydrological research. Application to some principal karst systems from the Southern Carpathians -- The use of the transfer function in establishing the water circulation characteristics in the karst -- The application of the numerical filters in the determination of the hydrological parameters of the karst systems -- Subterranean stream piracy in the Jiul de Vest - Cernisoara karst area - Romania -- Subterranean drainage in the upper part of the Sighistel valley (Apunseni Mountains) -- Preliminary considerators on the project of a multifunctional hall built in the cave of Mexiad -- Nouvelles contributions a l'etude de la Grotte de Limanu (texte abrege) -- The morphology and the hydrology of the underwater passage from Girda valley basin (Bihor Mountains) - Abstract -- Preliminary considerations on the problems arisen by active tectonics in Piriul Hodobanei Cave (Bihor Mountains) - Abstract -- Morphologie de la Pestera de la Izvorul Gabor (Monts Padurea Craiului) - Abstract
Geographic Subject
Document Type
English, Romanian, and French
Recommended Citation
Orghidan, Doc. Traian, "Theoretical and Applied Karstology, Volume 1" (1984). KIP Articles. 5345.