Monteverde Institute: Sustainable Design, Planning and Community Development
This collection contains proposed designs and planning documents to assist in Sustainable Community Development, based on issues identified as important by the community. Many of the projects in this collection come from the Sustainable Futures Summer academic program at the Monteverde Institute.
This digital collection is a service of the Monteverde Institute, whose mission is to catalyze social, ecological and economic sustainability by integrating community initiatives with education, research and conservation.
Esta colección contiene diseños propuestos y documentos de planificación para ayudar en el Desarrollo Comunitario Sostenible, basados en temas identificados como importantes por la comunidad. Muchos de los proyectos de esta colección provienen del programa académico de verano Futuros Sostenibles del Instituto Monteverde.
Esta colección digital es un servicio del Instituto Monteverde, cuya misión es catalizar la sostenibilidad social, ecológica y económica integrando iniciativas comunitarias con educación, investigación y conservación.
Coope Santa Elena charrette, July 4, 2003
Mario Arena, Anne Elrod, Chris Graham, Jane Padelford, Laura Hernandez, Adam Linton, David Means, Juliet Strouse, and Kathleen Wilson
Design proposal for Coope-CASEM
Scenario Planning-Los llanos and Cañitas [Supporting Materials--Data][PowerPoint], June 27, 2003
Kathleen Wilson, Brian Gillette, Hannah Robinson, and Adam Linton
Bullring-Cerro Plano escuela project [PowerPoint], 2003
Adam Linton, Hannah Robinson, Kathleen Wilson, Tim Wilson, Anne Elrod, and Ryan Fitzsimmons
Center for creative education appendix, 2003
Eliza Barton, Jill Baty, Anne Elrod, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Christopher Grahmm, and Laura Hernandez
Maps, technical drawings and other schematic diagrams for the Creative Education Center.
Center for creative education-site plan for 2007 buildout [PowerPoint], 2003
Eliza Barton, Jill Baty, Anne Elrod, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Christopher Grahmm, and Laura Hernandez
Coope-Casem [Supporting Materials--Hand Renderings], 2003
Christopher Graham, Jane Padelford, Mario Arena, Anna Elrod, Laura Hernandez, and David B. Means
CPCC school project--Supporting materials--Hand renderings, 2003
Eliza Barton, Jill Baty, Anne Elrod, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Christopher Graham, and Laura Hernandez
Enlace Verde-Finca las Americas conservation management proposals--Supporting materials--Data, 2003
William A. Haber
Species list for Los Llanos
Estudio sobre manejo de agua y salud en el hogar en tres comunidades de la cuenca del Río Guacimal utilizando metodos de investigación rápida, 2003
Humberto Brenes Cambronero, Saray Garita Salas, Sophia Klempner, and Francisco Urruela Baudry
Results of a study of the relationship between human health and water at the individual, home and community levels in the communities of Santa Elena, Guacimal, and San Luis.
Finca las Americas conservation management program [PowerPoint], 2003
Eliza Barton, Laura Hernandez, Jane Padelford, Christopher Graham, and Juan Criado
Finca las Americas conservation management program [PowerPoint], 2003
Eliza Barton, Laura Hernandez, Jane Padelford, Christopher Graham, and Juan Criado
Monteverde Environmental Center-design proposals [PowerPoint], 2003
Mario Arena, Yelias Bender, Anne Elrod, Garrett Feddersen, Ryan Fitzsimmons, Jane Padelford, and Juliet Strauss
Monteverde environmental center design proposals [Supporting materials--Hand renderings], 2003
Mario Arena, Anne Elrod, Jane Padelford, Yelias Bender, Ryan Fitzsimmons, and Juliet Strouse
Monteverde Environmental Center [handouts], 2003
Mario Arena, Anne Elrod, Jane Padelford, Yelias Bender, Ryan Fitzsimmons, and Juliet Strouse
Reedbed design solutions for the Santa Elena colegio [PowerPoint], 2003
Tim Wilson, Jill Baty, Eliza Barton, Gillette Brian, Yelias Bender, Erin Ernst, Ryan Fitzsimmons, and Hannah Robinson
Santa Elena reedbed [Supporting materials--Hand renderings], 2003
Tim Wilson, Jill Baty, Eliza Barton, Brian Gillette, Yelias Bender, Erin Ernst, Ryan Fitzsimmons, and Hannah Robinson
Scenario planning Los Llanos and Cañitas: current situation--Supporting materials--Maps, 2003
Kathleen Wilson, Brian Gillette, Hannah Robinson, and Adam Linton