metacognition, heuristics, schemas, statistics, correlation, dialectical reasoning, critical thinking, psychology
Richard Nisbett. 2015. Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking. (New York, NY: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux). 336 pp. ISBN: 9780374536244.
Social psychologist Richard E. Nisbett provides help in identifying and overcoming faulty cognitive strategies and replacing them with more accurate heuristics. To do so, Nisbett draws from statistics, correlation, experiments, differences in Western and Eastern thought, and, especially, social influence.
Recommended Citation
Kelly, Anne. "Decisions, Decisions: Review of Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking by Richard E. Nisbett." Numeracy 12, Iss. 2 (2019): Article 16. DOI:
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