

Quantitative Literacy


Makansi, Jason. 2016. Painting By Numbers: How to Sharpen Your BS Detector and Smoke Out the "Experts". Tucson, AZ: Layla Dog Press. 196 pp. ISBN 978-0-9984259-0-0.

Jason Makansi’s book, Painting By Numbers: How to Sharpen Your BS Detector and Smoke out the "experts," aims to get people to start thinking more about the errors in models and data presented to them on a daily basis. The book is written in a friendly and accessible way without excessive jargon. Throughout the book, Makansi provides the reader with twelve commandments to follow to be able to evaluate questionable claims along with real-world examples of how those commandments were violated. Furthermore, Painting By Numbers presents information that would be highly beneficial to readers that do not work with data or are not familiar with quantitative literacy, making it a good addition to a late high school or early college curriculum.



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