Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Integrating Risk and Vulnerability: Exploring a Unified Model for Supply Chain Resiliency, William G. Cook
Understanding Donor Preferences and Intentions: A Theory of Planned Behavior Approach, Kimberly Cubre
Home Is Where the Work Is: How Biases in Managers’ Resource Allocation Decisions Affect Task Performance in Remote Work Environments, Richard D. Mautz III
Assessing the Impact of AI Assisted Software Development and User Experience of a College Football Simulation Game: A Study of Player and Industry Professional Perspectives, Augustus J. Scarlato III
Organizational Intentionality: Enhancing Business Engagement with Black Entrepreneurs through Purposeful and Inclusive Strategies, Willye G. Shaw
Exploring Factors that Influence Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Banks and Credit Unions, Vijaya S. Tumma
Relationship-Influenced Cyber Hygiene (RICH) in Community Banks, Monte L. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
For Love or Money: Investor Motivations in Equity-Based Crowdfunding, Jason C. Cherubini
The Great Resignation: An Exploration of Strategies to Combat School Bus Driver Shortages in the Post-COVID-19 Era, James E. Cole Jr.
An Empirical Analysis of Sentiment and Confidence Regarding Interest Rates in Disclosures of Public Firms in the U.S. Fintech Sector, James J. Farley
Motivations for Planning: Uncovering the Inhibitors to the Adoption of Comprehensive Financial Planning for Business Owners, Daniel R. Gilham
An Examination of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Success, Matthew Alan Grace
All Quiet on The Digital Front: The Unseen Psychological Impacts on Cybersecurity First Responders, Tammie R. Hollis
Commitment to Change Dimensions: The Influence of Innovative Work Behavior and Organizational Environments, Michael Holmes
Turmoil in the Workforce: Introduction of the Nomadic Employee, Catrina Hopkins
Attention-Grabbing Tactics on Social Media, Arjun Kadian
Examining the Complexity of Cross & Collaborative Selling and Service-Sales Ambidexterity in Multi-Practice Professional Service Firms, Eduardo A. Suarez-Solar
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Building a Mentor-Mentee Maturity Model, Leroy A. Alexander
Do Auditors Respond to Changes in Clients’ Analyst Coverage? Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Mohammad Alkhamees
Designing a Messaging Strategy to Improve Information Security Policy Compliance, Federico Giovannetti
Are all pictures worth 1,000 words? An Investigation of Fit Between Graph Type and Performance on Accounting Data Analytics Tasks, Shawn Paul Granitto
An Enterprise Risk Management Framework to Design Pro-Ethical AI Solutions, Quintin P. McGrath
Deceptive Appeals and Cognitive Influences Used in Fraudulent Scheme Sales Pitches, Rafael J. Toledo
Using Online Reviews to Identify How Hotels Can Satisfy Travelers With Pets While Making Money, Sonia Weinhaus
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The IS Social Continuance Model: Using Conversational Agents to Support Co-creation, Naif Alawi
The Use of Data Analytic Visualizations to Inform the Audit Risk Assessment: The Impact of Initial Visualization Form and Documentation Focus, Rebecca N. Baaske (Becca)
Identification of Entrepreneurial Competencies in I-Corps Site Teams at the University of South Florida, Mark A. Giddarie
Understanding Nonprofit Boards: An Exploratory Study of the Governance Practices of Regional Nonprofits, Susan Ryan Goodman
Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Support Community, Andrew J. Hafer
Who to Choose? Rating Broker Best Practices in the Medicare Advantage Industry, Darwin R. Hale
Bridging the Innovatino Gap at SOCOM, Gregory J. Ingram
Improving Environmental Protection: One Imagined Touch at a Time, Luke Ingalls Liska
Residential Curbside Recycle Context Analysis, Ntchanang Mpafe
Fighting Mass Diffusion of Fake News on Social Media, Abdallah Musmar
Managing Incomplete Data in the Patient Discharge Summary to Support Correct Hospital Reimbursements, Fadi Naser Eddin
GAO Bid Protests by Small Business: Analysis of Perceived and Reported Outcomes in Federal Contracting, David M. Snyder
Engagement and Meaningfulness as Determinants of Employee Retention: A Longitudinal Case Study, Calvin Williams
Public Budgeting as Moral Dilemma, Ben Wroblewski
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Improving Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Leadership Style on the Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement, Scott Beatrice
Physician Self-Efficacy and Risk-Taking Attitudes as Determinants of Upcoding and Downcoding Errors: An Empirical Investigation, Samantha J. Champagnie
Digital Identity: A Human-Centered Risk Awareness Study, Toufic N. Chebib
Clarifying the Relationship of Design Thinking to the Military Decision-Making Process, Thomas S. Fisher
Essays on the Disposition Effect, Matthew Henriksson
Analysis of Malicious Behavior on Social Media Platforms Using Agent-Based Modeling, Agnieszka Anna Onuchowska
Who Rises to the Top: An Investigation of the Essential Skills Necessary for Partners of Non-Big 4 Public Accounting Firms, Amanda K. Thompson-Abbott
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Financial and Nonfinancial Performance Measures That Drive Utility Abandonments and Transfers in the State of Florida, Daniel Acheampong
Locating a New Collegiate Entrepreneurship Program, a Framework for a University Campus, Douglas H. Carter
Understanding Employee Engagement: An Examination of Millennial Employees and Perceived Human Resource Management Practices, Danielle J. Clark
The Potential Impact Radius of a Natural Gas Transmission Line and Real Estate Valuations: A Behavioral Analysis, Charles M. Hilterbrand Jr.
Controlling Turnover in an Inside Sales Organization: What are the Contributing Factors, Dennis H. Kimerer
An Emergent Theory of Executive Leadership Selection: Leveraging Grounded Theory to Study the U.S. Military's Special Forces Assessment and Selection Process, Darryl J. Lavender
Essays on Migration Flows and Finance, Suin Lee
The Underutilized Tool of Project Management - Emotional Intelligence, Gerald C. Lowe
Increasing the Supply of the Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods: Risk, Risk Reduction and Capital, Shrimatee Ojah Maharaj
Playing Darts in the Dark: How are Chamber of Commerce Leaders Aligned for Greater Effectiveness?, Robert J. Rohrlack Jr.
Are Transfer Pricing Disclosures Related to Tax Reporting Transparency? The Impact of Auditor-Provided Transfer Pricing Services, Stephanie Y. Walton
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Price Transparency in the United States Healthcare System, Gurlivleen (Minnie) Ahuja
How to Build a Climate of Quality in a Small to Medium Enterprise: An Action Research Project, Desmond M. Bishop III
Banking on Blockchain: A Grounded Theory Study of the Innovation Evaluation Process, Priya D. Dozier
Enhancing the Design of a Cybersecurity Risk Management Solution for Communities of Trust, James E. Fulford Jr.
An Examination of the Progressive and Regressive Factors that Business Owners Consider When Choosing Whether or Not to Implement an Exit Strategy, David C. Pickard
The Relationship between Ambient Lighting Color and Hotel Bar Customer Purchase Behavior and Satisfaction, Kunal Shah
The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) Industry and the Business Impacts of the Evolution of the Federal Regulatory Environment, Darren W. Spencer
Intercultural Communication Between International Military Organizations; How Do You Turn a ‘No’ Into a ‘Yes’?, Douglas A. Straka
Essential Leadership Skills for Frontline Managers in a Multicultural Organization, Janelle Ward
Moffitt Cancer Center: Leadership, Culture and Transformation, W. James Wilson
Two Essays on String of Earnings Benchmarks, Yiyang Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Multi-Step Tokenization of Automated Clearing House Payment Transactions, Privin Alexander
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Investment and Disclosure on Cooperation in Business Collaborations, Sukari Farrington
What Factors during the Genesis of a Startup are Causal to Survival?, Gilbert T. Gonzalez
The Great Recession of 2007 and the Housing Market Crash: Why Did So Many Builders Fail?, Mohamad Ali Hasbini
An Examination of Innovation Idea Selection Factors in Large Organizations, Troy A. Montgomery
Essays on Sales Coaching, Carlin A. Nguyen
Vital Signs of U.S. Osteopathic Medical Residency Programs Pivoting to Single Accreditation Standards, Timothy S. Novak
Leaders Who Learn: The Intersection of Behavioral Science, Adult Learning and Leadership, Natalya I. Sabga
Toward a Systemic Model for Governance and Strategic Management: Evaluating Stakeholder Theory Versus Shareholder Theory Approaches, James A. Stikeleather
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Multi-Task Setting Involving Simple and Complex Tasks: An Exploratory Study of Employee Motivation, Maia Jivkova Farkas
Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions, Marcin Krolikowski
Do Social Biases Impede Auditor Reliance on Specialists? Toward a Theory of Social Similarity, Rina Maxine Limor
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Psychological Distance: The Relation Between Construals, Mindsets, and Professional Skepticism, Jason Rasso
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
An Empirical Investigation of Decision Aids to Improve Auditor Effectiveness in Analytical Review, Robert N. Marley
The Effects of Item Complexity and the Method Used to Present a Complex Item on the Face of a Financial Statement on Nonprofessional Investors` Judgments, Linda Gale Ragland
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Two Essays on Information Ambiguity and Informed Traders’ Trade-Size Choice, Ziwei Xu
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Two Essays on Multiple Directorships, Chia-wei Chen
Two Essays on Financial Condition of Firms, Sanjay Kudrimoti
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
The Role of Ethnic Compatibility in Attitude Formation: Marketing to America’s Diverse Consumers, Cynthia Rodriguez Cano
The impact of management's tone on the perception of management's credibility in forecasting, Robert D. Slater