"The IS Social Continuance Model: Using Conversational Agents to Suppor" by Naif Alawi

Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Business Administration

Major Professor

GJ de Vreede, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Triparna de Vreede, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Balaji Padmanabhan, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dezhi Yin, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dirk Libaers, Ph.D.


Agentic IS Artifact, Chatbot performance, Chatbot similarity, Collaboration, IS use, Social lens


With the rise of Agentic IS Artifact and the increasing integration of this technology within organizations, our understanding of the impact of this technology on individuals remains limited. Although IS use literature provides important guidance for organization to increase employees’ willingness to work with new technology implementations, the utilitarian view of prior IS use limits its application in light of the new evolving social interaction between humans and Agentic IS Artifacts. To that end, we contribute to the IS use literature by implementing a social view to understand the impact of Agentic IS Artifacts on an individual’s perception and behavior. By focusing on the main design dimensions of Agentic IS Artifacts, i.e. their representation and capabilities, we propose a framework that utilizes social psychology theories to explain the impact of those design dimensions on individuals. Specifically, we build on the Similarity Attraction theory and Social Impact theory to propose an IS Social Continuance Model that aims to explain how similarity and performance capabilities of AI agents influence individuals’ IT identity, perceived competence, perceived value, and intention to continue working with the Agentic IS Artifact. Through an online brainstorming experiment, we examined our model and found that similarity with Agentic IS Artifacts has a positive impact on IT identity and ultimately on an individual’s intention to continue working with the Agentic IS Artifact. Furthermore, our analysis shows support for performance capabilities of Agentic IS Artifacts as an important factor that influences the perceived competence and individuals’ intention to continue working with the Agentic IS artifact. In addition, the study shows important implications about the positive effect of Agentic IS Artifacts on individuals’ performance in brainstorming sessions
