
Submissions from 2008

Collaborating with YouTubers to Enhance Library Instruction, Susan A. Ariew

Joining the YouTube Conversation to Teach Information Literacy, Susan A. Ariew

YouTube Culture and the Academic Library: A Guide to Online Open Access Educational Videos, Susan A. Ariew

Beyond the Basics: Being a Leader in Providing Customized Research Services for Faculty and Students, Susan A. Ariew, Gloria Colvin, Marcia Gorin, Cheryl McCoy, and Matt Torrence

Using Scenarios to Teach Undergraduates About Copyright, Fair Use, and Plagiarism, Susan A. Ariew and Heather Runyan


The Sting of Releasing Print Journals: Surviving the Transition to an Online Environment, Carol Ann Borchert

Copyright and the Teach Act, Merilyn S. Burke

Copyright Issues in Teaching, Merilyn S. Burke

Between a rock and a hard place? Two perspectives on the role of “middle leader” in Library 2.0 transformation, Nancy Cunningham


The Kaminaljuyú Sculpture Project: An Expandable Three-Dimensional Database, Travis F. Doering and Lori D. Collins

Personal transformation from student to working professional, Claudia J. Dold

What’s new for you in the FMHI Research Library, Claudia J. Dold


Youth driven research: Finding a voice, Claudia J. Dold

How to keep up in your field when you are no longer a student, Claudia J. Dold and Ardis Hanson


Superior Karst Management Through Superior Data Management: The Karst Information Portal, E. Spencer Fleury, George H. Veni, Todd A. Chavez, Penelope J. Boston, Diana E. Northup, H. Len Vacher, and Pat Seiser


Increasing Faculty Efficiency in Using Digital Information, Ardis Hanson


Let's Take a Hike in Catoctin Mountain Park, Meghan Lindsey


Archon User Guide for USF Special Collections, Tomaro I. Taylor


Colecciones Especiales: USF's Documentary Heritage of Tampa's Immigrant Communities, Tomaro I. Taylor


Quantitative Literacy on the Web of Science, 1: The Bibliography and its Role in the History of this Journal, H. Len Vacher and Todd A. Chavez

Submissions from 2007

Keeping Up with the YouTube Generation: Collaborating with Student Video Bloggers to Enhance Instruction, Susan A. Ariew

Evaluating Instruction: Developing a Program That Supports the Teaching Librarian, Susan A. Ariew and Edward Lener


Ontogenetic change in novel functions: waterfall climbing in adult Hawaiian gobiid fishes, R Blob, K M. Wright, M Becker, T Maie, T J. Iverson, M L. Julius, and H L. Schoenfuss


From Chaos to Effectiveness: Results of a Workflow Analysis, Carol Ann Borchert


To Check In or Not To Check In? That is the question, Carol Ann Borchert


SR Visits: John F. Kennedy Space Center Library, Carol Ann Borchert, Michael A. Arthur, and Katy Ginanni


The Karst Information Portal (KIP): Developing a Network of Geographic and Geologic Karst Information, Robert Brinkmann, Todd A. Chavez, Alexander Klimchouk, Diana Northup, H. Len Vacher, Penelope Boston, George Veni, and Spencer Fleury


Introducing the Karst Information Portal, Robert Brinkmann, Todd A. Chavez, George Veni, and Penelope Boston

Copyright and the TEACH Act, Merilyn S. Burke


The Impact of Grey Literature in Advancing Global Karst Research: An Information Needs Assessment for a Globally Distributed Interdisciplinary Community, Todd A. Chavez, Anna H. Perrault, Pete Reehling, and Courtney Crummett


The Impact of Grey Literature in Advancing Global Karst Research – A Follow-up, Todd A. Chavez, Anna Perrault, Pete Reehling, and Courtney Crummit


Human Dimensions Research and the Karst Information Portal, Todd A. Chavez and Patricia E. Seiser

Creating an Eco-system of Creativity in Your Library, Nancy Cunningham

Information literacy in action: Florida academic libraries share their stories and best practices, Nancy Cunningham

Karam Lebanon Antiquities Collection, Claudia J. Dold

Unlocking the stories of serendipitous cultural object collections with digital libraries, Claudia J. Dold and J P. Ascher


Enhancing Communication and Knowledge Discovery Among Karst Biospeleologists: The Role of the Karst Information Portal (KIP), Diana Northup, Todd A. Chavez, Robert Brinkmann, H. Len Vacher, Linn Marks Collins, Johann van Reenan, Penelope Boston, and George Veni


Archives, Manuscripts and Personal Papers: A Processing Manual, Tomaro I. Taylor


The Karst Information Portal: A Virtual Tool to Facilitate Research and Collaboration in Paleontological Speleology, George Veni, Todd A. Chavez, Penelope Boston, Diana Northup, and H. Len Vacher


Enhancing Communication and Knowledge Discovery Among Karst Scientists: The Role of the Karst Information Portal (KIP), George Veni, Diana Northup, Penelope Boston, Todd A. Chavez, Robert Brinkmann, H. Len Vacher, Alexander Klimchouk, Linn Marks-Collins, and Johann van Reenan

Submissions from 2001

Usability Testing of Interface Design in the Virtual Library Environment, Maryellen Allen, Jeremy Bullian, Merilyn S. Burke, and Carlene Jaworowski

Copyright and Intellectual Property , Merilyn S. Burke

Copyright Discussion, Merilyn S. Burke

Panel Discussion: Copyright Issues in Libraries , Merilyn S. Burke, Sue Felber, Wanda Barrett, and Monica Metz-Wiseman


In Search of an Emotionally Healthy Library, Nancy A. Cunningham

Creating a Virtual Reading Room for the School of Mass Communications at the University of South Florida, Brian J. Falato


Mass Communications: Clendinen Virutal Reading Room, Brian J. Falato

Telecommunications Use in the Development of a Virtual Library, Ardis Hanson, Merilyn S. Burke, Susan Heron, and Bruce Lubotsky

Submissions from 2000

Education: A Core List of Web Resources for Researchers and Teachers, Susan A. Ariew

Copyright Session , Merilyn S. Burke

Resources for Teaching Human Rights Issues to Young Adults, Kathleen M. Carico, Lee Brown, and Susan A. Ariew

Freshmen Library Orientation: Design and Assessment, Nancy Cunningham

!Sí hablo español, un poquito! Basic Spanish for Librarians, Nancy Cunningham

Outreach through the College Librarian Program at Virginia Tech, Jane E. Schillie, Virginia E. Young, Susan A. Ariew, Ellen M. Krupar, and Margaret C. M. Merrill.

Case Studies in Collaboration: Lessons From Five Exemplary Programs, Scott Walter