This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal


Submissions from 2017


Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of carbonate aquifers under natural flow conditions, Sierra Grazalema Natural Park, southern Spain, Damián Sánchez, Juan Antonio Barberá, and Matías Mudarra


Hydrochemical constraints between the karst Tabular Middle Atlas Causses and the Saïs basin (Morocco): implications of groundwater circulation, Hélène Miche, Ginette Saracco, and Adriano Mayer


Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater mixing close to an oil field: an example from Asmari karstic aquifer, Khuzestan, Iran, H. Rouhi and N. Kalantari


Hydrogeological flow in gypsum karst areas: some examples from northern Italy and main circulation models, Bartolomeo Vigna, Ilenia M. D'Angeli, Adriano Fiorucci, and Jo De Waele


Hydrogeological Setting of a Karstic Aquifer in a Semi-Arid Region: A Case from Cheria Plain, Eastern Algeria, Khemissi Chamekh, Fethi Baali, and Abde el Wahab Yahiaoui


Hydrogeology of salt karst under different cap soils and climates (Persian Gulf and Zagros Mts., Iran), Jiri Bruthans, Jiri Kamas, Michal Filippi, Mohammad Zare, and Alan L. Mayo


Hydrogeology of the Saline Edwards Zone, Southeast Travis County, Central Texas, Brian A. Smith, Brian B. Hunt, and Bruce Darling


Hydrology and Hydrogeology of Mammoth Cave, William B. White and Elizabeth L. White


Hypogene Caves of the Tasmanic Karsts of Eastern Mainland Australia, R. A. L. Osborne


Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World, Alexander B. Kilmchouk, Arthur N. Palmer, and Jo De Waele


Hypogene Speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas, USA, Harvey R. DuChene, Arthur N. Palmer, and Margaret V. Palmer


Hypogenic Caves in the UK, Andrew R. Farrant and Tony Harrison


Hypogenic karst at the Arabian platform margins: Implications for far-field groundwater systems, Amos Frumkin, Boaz Langford, and Sorin Lisker


Ice Caves, Aurel Persoiu and Stein-Erik Laritzen


Ice Caves atop a Volcano Give Taste of Otherworldly Science, Katherine Kornei


Immune responses in hibernating little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) with white-nose syndrome, T. M. Lilley, J. M. Prokkola, and J. S. Johnson


Impacts of White-Nose Syndrome Observed During Long-Term Monitoring of a Midwestern Bat Community, Sybill K. Amelon, Sarah E. Hooper, and Kathryn M. Womack


Impacts of White-Nose Syndrome Observed During Long-Term Monitoring of a Midwestern Bat Community, Joseph L. Pettit and Joy M. O'Keefe


Initial assessment of recharge areas for large karst springs: a case study from the central Zagros Mountains, Iran, Hossein Karimi Vardanjani, Manouchehr Chitsazan, and Derek Ford


Initiation Rites and Rock Art in Namibia, John Kinahan


In-stream metabolism and atmospheric carbon sequestration in a groundwater-fed karst stream, Junbing Pu, Jianhong Li, and Mitra B. Khadka


Integrated approach for sinkhole evaluation and evolution prediction in the Central Ebro Basin (NE Spain), Oscar Pueyo Anchuela, Andrés Pocoví Juan, Antonio M. Casas Sainz, Javier Gracia Abadias, and Carlos L. Liesa Carrera


Integrated geophysical investigations of Main Barton Springs, Austin, Texas, USA, Mufasa Saribudak and Nico M. Hauwert


Integration of multi-criteria and nearest neighbour analysis with kernel density functions for improving sinkhole susceptibility models: the case study of Enemonzo (NE Italy), Chiara Calligaris, Stefano Devoto, Jorge P. Galve, Luca Zini, and José V. Pérez-Peña


Intense natural selection preceded the invasion of new adaptive zones during the radiation of New World leaf-nosed bats, Daniela M. Rossoni, Ana Assis, and Norberto P. Giannini


Investigaciones regionales, espeleología y trabajo comunitario de Salinas de los Nueve Cerros: la importancia de acercamientos comunitarias en la arqueología guatemalteca, Bárbara Arroyo, Luis Alberto Méndez S, and Gloria Ajú Álvarez


Investigating the hydrological significance of stalagmite geochemistry (Mg, Sr) using Sr isotope and particulate element records across the Late Glacial-to-Holocene transition, R. Belli, A. Borsato, and S. Frisia


Investigating the impact of the properties of pilot points on calibration of groundwater models: case study of a karst catchment in Rote Island, Indonesia, Dua K. Klaas and Monzur A. Imteaz


Jahani Salt Diapir, Iran: hydrogeology, karst features and effect on surroundings environment, Mahmoud Abirifard, Ezzat Raeisi, Mehdi Zarei, Mohammad Zare, Michal Filippi, Jiří Bruthans, and Christopher J. Talbot


Karst Caves, Mario Parise


Karst development of an evaporitic system and its hydrogeological implications inferred from GIS-based analysis and tracing techniques, José M. Gil-Márquez, Juan A. Barberá, Matías Mudarra, Bartolomé Andreo, Jorge Prieto-Mera, Damián Sánchez, L. David Rizo-Decelis, Manuel Argamasilla, José M. Nieto, and Beatríz de la Torre


Karst hydrogeology of Karmustadj salt diapir, southern Iran, Eesmaeil Nekouei and Mehdi Zarei


Karst Processes and Landforms, Jo de Waele


KR8 Conference full conference proceedings, KR8


Laboratory investigation and simulation of breakthrough curves in karst conduits with pools, Xiaoer Zhao, Yong Chang, and Jichun Wu


Lagomorph predation represented in a middle Palaeolithic level of the Navalmaíllo Rock Shelter site (Pinilla del Valle, Spain), as inferred via a new use of classical taphonomic criteria, M. C. Arriaza, R. Huguet, and C. Laplana


Late Middle Paleolithic of Southern Poland: Radiocarbon dates from Ciemna and Obłazowa Caves, Bridget Alex, Paweł Valde-Nowak, Lior Regev, and Elisabetta Boaretto


Late Pleistocene hyena skeleton remains of a communal/prey depot cave den in the Bohemian Mountains (Czech Republic) – its osteology, taphonomy and palaeoecology, Cajus G. Diedrich


Late quaternary speleogenesis and landscape evolution in the northern Apennine evaporite areas, Andrea Columbu, Veronica Chiarini, Jo De Waele, and Russell Drysdale


Light from dark: A relictual troglobite reveals a broader ancestral distribution for kimulid harvestmen (Opiliones: Laniatores: Kimulidae) in South America, Abel Pérez-González, F. Sara Ceccarelli, and Bruno G. O. Monte


Linking Cave, Mountain, and Sky: A Subterranean Observation Point for the Sunrise on the Day of Solar Zenith Transit in Yucatan, Mexico, Donald A. Slater


Location of Abandoned Water Wells by Magnetic Surveys over the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area, Texas, Mustafa Saribudak, Alf Hawkins, and Roger Andrade


Losing yourself down the rabbit hole – an anthology of Mendip cave rescues, Peter Burgess


L’uomo di Altamura, vent’anni dopo: nuove ricerche sullo scheletro della grotta di Lamalunga (Altamura, Bari), F. Di Vicenzo, M. Lari, A. Borsato, and S. Ghirotto


Mapping the Upper Glen Rose Unit 3 Aquitard: Implications for Recharge to the Middle Trinity Aquifer, Hays County, Texas, Watson A. Jeffery, Broun S. Alex, and Hunt B. Brian


Martian cave air-movement via Helmholtz resonance, Kaj E. Williams, Timothy N. Titus, Chris H. Okubo, and Glen E. Cushing


Mathematical modeling of karstogenesis: an approach based on fracturing and hydrogeological processes, Antoine Lafare, Hervé Jourde, and Véronique Léonardi


Methane- and dissolved organic carbon-fueled microbial loop supports a tropical subterranean estuary ecosystem, D. Brankovits, J. W. Pohlman, and H. Niemann


Microbial iron reduction in the formation of iron ore caves, Hazel Barton, John Senko, and Ira Sasowsky


Microbial megacities fueled by methane oxidation in a mineral spring cave, Clemens Karwautz, Günter Kus, and Michael Stöckl


Microbial Temporal Dynamics of a Novel Gypsum Karst Sulfidic Spring, Christina J. Moss


Mid-Pleistocene to Recent ostracod record in slack water deposits of the Frasassi gorge and cave system as a prospective proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, T. Namiotko, Sanda Lepure, and A. Montanari


Mineral deposition systems at rock art sites, Kimberley, Northern Australia — Field observations, Helen Greena, Andrew Gleadowa, and Damien Fincha


Mitigating the conflict between pitfall-trap sampling and conservation of terrestrial subterranean communities in caves, Peter Kozel, Tanja Pipan, Nina Šajna, Slavko Polak, and Tone Novak


Modeling the Hellenic karst catchments with the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model, K. Katsanou


Modelling karst vadose zone hydrology and its relevance for paleoclimate reconstruction, A. Hartmann and A. Baker


Modelling the future spread of native and alien congeneric species in subterranean habitats — the case of Meta cave-dwelling spiders in Great Britain, Stefano Mammola


Modelling the future spread of native and alien congeneric species in subterranean habitats — the case of Meta cave-dwelling spiders in Great Britain, Stefano Mammola


Molecular detection of viruses in Kenyan bats and discovery of novel astroviruses, caliciviruses and rotaviruses, Cecilia Waruhiu, Sheila Ommeh, and Vincent Obanda


Morphological description and morphometric analyses of the Upper Palaeolithic human remains from Dzudzuana and Satsurblia caves, western Georgia, Cristiana Margherita, Gregorio Oxilia, Veronica Barbi, and Daniele Panetta


Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments, Viviane Slon, Charlotte Hopfe, and Clemens L. Weiß


Neanderthals Reenvisioned, Sandra J. Ackerman


Neotectonica y patrones de cavernamiento en punta guanos, matanzas, cuba (1) El Entorno Geologico, Leslie F. Molerio-León


Neotectonica Y Patrones de Cavernamiento en Punta Guanos, Matanzas, Cuba (I). El Entorno Geomorfologico E Hidrogeologica, Leslie F. Morelio-Leon


Neotectonica Y Patrones de Cavernamiento en Punta Guanos, Matanzas, Cuba (II). El Entorno Geomorfologico E Hidrogeologica, Leslie F. Morelio-Leon


New data on the sexual dimorphism of the hand stencils in El Castillo Cave (Cantabria, Spain), Ana María Rabazo-Rodríguez, Mario Modesto-Mata, Lucía Bermejo, and Marcos García-Díez


New fossil remains of Homo naledi from the Lesedi Chamber, South Africa, John Hawks, Marina Elliott, and Peter Schmid


New genus and species of cavernicolous cockroach (Blattaria, Nocticolidae) from Vietnam, Ľubomír Vidlička, Peter Vršanský, and Tatiana Kúdelová


Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5, Emma Pomeroy, Marta L. Mirazón, and Federica Crivellaro


New perspectives for 14C dating of parietal markings using CaCO3 thin layers: An example in Nerja cave (Spain), José Luis Sanchidrián, Hélène Valladas, Ma Ángeles Medina-Alcaide, and Edwige Pons-Branchu


New perspectives for 14C dating of parietal markings using CaCO3 thin layers: An example in Nerja cave (Spain), José L. Sanchidrián, Hélène Valladas, and Ma Ángeles Medina-Alcaide


Noteworthy records for six species of Bats from 13 texas couNties aNd the first Voucher specimeNs from sites with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, Krysta D. Demere, Melissa B. Meierhofer, and Michael L. Morrison

Ocupaciones humanas en Aitzbitarte III (Paı´s vasco), 26.000–13.000 BP (Zona profunda de la cueva) Vitoria: Coleccio´n de patrimonio cultural vasco, Jesús Altuna, Koro Mariezkurrena, Joseba Rios-Garaizar, and A. San Emeterio


Oldest human occupation of Wallacea at Laili Cave, Timor-Leste, shows broad-spectrum foraging responses to late Pleistocene environments, Stuart Hawkins, Sue O'Connor, and Tim Ryan Maloney


Once Plundered by Thieves, Ancient Cave Reopens with 3-D Replicas of Stolen Fossils, Brigit Katz


Origin and evolution of an inflated lava tube between the Mio-Pliocene volcanic complex of Famara and the Quaternary lava flows of La Corona in Lanzarote., M. Tonello


Origin of an extensive network of non-tectonic synclines in Eocene limestones of the Western Desert, Egypt, Barbara J. Tewksbury, Elbamy Tarabees, and Charlotte J. Mehrtens


Overview of the geophysical studies in the Dead Sea coastal area related to evaporite karst and recent sinkhole development, Mikhail G. Ezersky, Anatoly Legchenko, Lev Eppelbaum, and Abdalla Al-Zoubi


Palaeoecology of cave bears as evidenced by dental wear analysis: a review of methods and recent findings, Stéphane Peigné and Gildas Merceron


Palaeoenvironments during the period of the Neanderthals settlement in Chagyrskaya cave (Altai Mountains, Russia), Natalia Rudaya, Sergei Vasiliev, and Bence Viola


Paleokarst Reservoir Features and Their Influence on Production in the Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin, China, Yongqiang Li, Jiagen Hou, and Jianfang Sun


PCO2 variations of cave air and cave water in a subtropical cave, SW China, Junbing Pu, Aoyu Wang, and Jianjun Yin


Petrographical and geochemical changes in Bosnian stalagmites and their palaeo-environmental significance, Veronica Chiarini, Isabelle Couchoud, Russell Drysdale, Petra Bajo, Simone Milanolo, Silvia Frisia, Alan Greig, John Hellstrom, and Jo De Waele


Phosphate speleothems in caves developed in iron ores and laterites of the Carajás Mineral Province (Brazil) and a new occurrence of spheniscidite, Alan R.L. Albuquerque, Rômulo S. Angélica, Daniele F. Gonçalves, and Simone P.A. Paz


Phylogenetics of a Fungal Invasion: Origins and Widespread Dispersal of White-Nose Syndrome, Kevin P. Drees and Jeffrey M. Lorch


Pliocene–Pleistocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from Ashalim Cave speleothems, Negev Desert, Israel, Anton Vaks, Miryam Bar-Matthews, and Avner Ayalon


Poachers threaten Balkans' underground biodiversity, Vedrana Simičević


Possible evaporite karst in an interior layered deposit in Juventae Chasma, Mars, Davide Baioni and Mario Tramontana


Precise dating of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Murcia (Spain) supports late Neandertal persistence in Iberia, João Zilhão, Daniela Anesin, and Thierry Aubry


Preferential flow, diffuse flow, and perching in an interbedded fractured-rock unsaturated zone, John R. Nimmo, Kaitlyn M. Creasey, and Kim S. Perkins


Prenatal development supports a single origin of laryngeal echolocation in bats, Zhe Wang, Tengteng Zhu, and Huiling Xue


Preserving fossils in the national parks: A history, Vincent L. Santucci


Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, William R. Elliot, James R. Reddell, and D. C. Rudolph


Pseudokarst Commission Newsletter


Pseudokarst en Areniscas en la Cuenca Media de Los Rios Carrizal Y Barro (Manabi, Ecuador), Evelio J. Baldo Piedra and Leslie F. Morelio Leon


Puntutjarpa rockshelter revisited: a chronological and stratigraphic reappraisal of a key archaeological sequence for the Western Desert, Australia, Desert Western


Quantifying meso-mammal cave use in central Texas, Andrea E. Montalvo, Roel R. Lopez, and Israel D. Parker


Quantifying the burden of vampire bat rabies in Peruvian livestock, Julio A. Benavides, Elizabeth Rojas Paniagua, and Katie Hampson


Quantitative approaches to sensory information encoding by bat noseleaves and pinnae, Rolf Müller


Quantitative groundwater estimation of Izhora Plateau, Russian Federation using thermodynamic and kinetic methods for carbonate rock interaction in identified karst terrain, Sergey V. Zhdanov and Vitaly V. Kurilenko