Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Comparative Life Cycle Assessments of Lignocellulosic and Algae Biomass Conversion to Various Energy Products through Different Pathways, Maria Juliana Pinilla
Captivating the Captors: Re-defining Masculinity, Identity and Post-Colonialism in Plutarch's Parallel Lives, Andrea Lea Pittard
Carbon Nanotubes Interactions: Theory and Applications, Adrian Popescu
Relations Among Classroom Support, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Perceived Stress During Early Adolescence, Krystle Kuzia Preece
Sequential Anaerobic and Algal Membrane Bioreactor (A2MBR) System for Sustainable Sanitation and Resource Recovery from Domestic Wastewater, Ana Lucia Prieto
Modeling and Surveillance of Pandemic Influenza Outbreaks, Diana Prieto
The Effects of Item Complexity and the Method Used to Present a Complex Item on the Face of a Financial Statement on Nonprofessional Investors` Judgments, Linda Gale Ragland
Knowledge Guided Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) for Supporting Design Intent in Computer Aided Design (CAD) Modeling, Khairan Rajab
Physically Meaningful Harmonization of Tire/Pavement Friction Measurement Devices, Madhura Priyanga Nishshanke Rajapakshe
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activities of S,S'-Heterosubstituted Disulfides, Praveen Ramaraju
Egyptian Body Size: A Regional and Worldwide Comparison, Michelle H. Raxter
Developmental Trajectories of Self-Control: Assessing the Stability Hypothesis, James Vance Ray
Effects of Solids Loadings and Particle Size Distribution on Siphon Ceramic Candle Filters, Danielle Renzi
Guiding Electric Fields for Electroporation Applications, Jose Rey
Delinquencies, Bryan Thomas Rice
Sub-Cooled Pool Boiling Enhancement with Nanofluids, Elliott Charles Rice
Explaining the "Female Victim Effect" in Capital Sentencing Decisions: A Case for Sex-Specific Models of Capital Sentencing Research, Tara N. Richards
Improvising Close Relationships: A Relational Perspective on Vulnerability, Nicholas A. Riggs
Realizing Virtuality: Tracing the Contours of Digital Culture, Nicholas Andrew Riggs
Small Flowerings of Unhu: the Survival of Community in Tsitsi Dangarembga's Novels, Dana Rine
Improvements to a Real-Time, Satellite-Derived Surface Current Product (OSCAR) and Evaluation in the Intra-American Sea, Mindy Jo Robinson
Characterization of Aminopeptidase PepZ in Staphylococcus aureus Virulence, Tiffany Marie Robison
Computational Discovery of Phenotype Related Biochemical Processes for Engineering, Andrea M. Rocha
Cap-and-Trade Modeling and Analysis for Electric Power Generation Systems, Patricio Rocha
Evaluating the Use of Task Clarification, Self-Monitoring and Performance Feedback, Jennifer Marie Rodriguez
Apparent Total Evaporative Resistance for Clothing Ensembles at High Heat Stress Levels, Patrick Rodriguez
Evanescent Wave Coupling Using Different Subwavelength Gratings for a MEMS Accelerometer, Al-Aakhir A. Rogers
The Role of Acculturation in Adolescent Mental Health and Academic Achievement: Mediational Pathways, Ariz Rojas
The Performance Production Process of an Outstanding High School Choir, Kathy K. Rolsten
Gaming Literacy: Construct Validation and Scale Construction, Kenneth Allen Rosenberg
An Investigation into High Quality Leader Member Exchange Relationships and their Relation to Followers' Motivation to Lead, Michael Rossi
Secreted Factors from Human Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Protect Oligodendrocytes from Ischemic Insult, Derrick Rowe
Design of Small Scale Anaerobic Digesters for Application in Rural Developing Countries, Laurel Erika Rowse
The Culture of Mean: Gender, Race, and Class in Mediated Images of Girls' Bullying, Emily Davis Ryalls
It Takes More Than a Whistle: Perceived Characteristics of Effective School Based Coaches, Jenna Nicole Sage
Modularizing Crosscutting Concerns in Software, Nalin Saigal
Analyses of Language and Culture Beliefs and Reported Practices of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Teachers Working with Dual Language Learners, Giselle Sanchez
Disciplinary Outcomes by Race and Gender in Schools Implementing Positive Behavior Support: Does Fidelity of Implementation Reduce Disproportionality?, Therese Sandomierski
Heterogeneous Stress Response in a Clonal Invader (Imperata cylindrica): Implications for Management, Sarah Grace Sanford
Decision Aid Models for Resource Sharing Strategies During Global Influenza Pandemics, Alfredo Santana Reynoso
Identification of Patient Recovery Patterns after Cardiovascular Surgery Based on Laboratory Tests Results, Alcides Ricardo Santander Mercado
Computer Adaptive Rating Scales (CARS) for the Employment Interview, Greg F. Schmidt
The Relationship Between Statistics Self-Efficacy, Statistics Anxiety, and Performance in an Introductory Graduate Statistics Course, William Ray Schneider
The Impact of Paternalism and Organizational Collectivism in Multinational and Family-owned Firms in Turkey, Jennifer Schroeder
A Sedimentary Record of Regional Land-Use and Climate Change in the Manatee River, Manatee County, Florida, Patrick Schwing
Parent Involvement in Children's Schooling: An Investigation of Measurement Equivalence across Ethnic Groups, Heather Marie Scott
Institutional Investors and Corporate Financial Policies, Ricky William Scott