Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Urbanization and Land Surface Temperature in Pinellas County, Florida, Bruce Coffyn Mitchell
Cold War Playboys: Models of Masculinity in the Literature of Playboy, Taylor Joy Mitchell
Translation and Adaptation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) Scale Into Tigrigna Language for Tigrigna Speaking Eritrean Immigrants in the United States, Mulubrhan Fisseha Mogos
Parametric and Bayesian Modeling of Reliability and Survival Analysis, Carlos A. Molinares
Seasonal Changes in the Sinking Particulate Flux and in the Nitrogen Cycle within the Euphotic and Twilight Zones of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, Enrique Montes-Herrera
In the Midst of Organizational Change: A Survey of Employee Perceptions Toward Separate Accreditation for Regional Campuses at the University of South Florida, Rhonda S. Moraca
Magneto-Dielectric Polymer Nanocomposite Engineered Substrate for RF and Microwave Antennas, Cesar A. Morales
Investigation of the Optimal Dissolved CO2 Concentration and pH Combination for the Growth of Nitrifying Bacteria, Raymond Anthony Morris
Guided by the Spirit: Understanding Student Behavior and Theological Philosophy Through the Lens of Secondary Catholic School Teachers, Angela Marie Mucci
Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals, Sreya Mukherjee
Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and RN Perceptions of the Practice Environment and the Relationship to Patient, Nursing and Hospital Outcomes, Jacqueline Cecilia Munro
Selection and Implementation of Technologies for the Re-Engineering of an Existing Software System, Stan William Naspinski
To See and Be Seen: Exploring Layers of Instructional Leadership and Supervision in the Enactment of a District-wide Teacher Evaluation Reform, Jenifer E. Neale
Robotic Hand Evaluation Based on Task Specific Kinematic Requirements, Carlos Rafael Neninger
The Threat to Democracy in Brazil's Public Sphere, Daniel Nettuno
Investigating the Role of the Internet in Women and Minority STEM Participation: A Case Study of Two Florida Engineering Programs, Arland Nguema Ndong
Informal Karst Education in the United States and Internationally, Leslie A. North
Evaluating the Get Into Fitness Today (GIFT) Program: Weight Loss and the Roles of Education and Empowerment, Emily Koby Novicki
Nearer, My Farm, to Thee: A Spatial Analysis of African American Settlement Patterns in Hillsborough County, Florida, Matthew Andrew O'Brien
An examination of diet, acculturation and risk factors for heart disease among Jamaican immigrants, Carol Renee Oladele
Visual Search for Smoking Stimuli: Detection and Distraction, Jason A. Oliver
Environmental Health in the Latin American and Caribbean Region: Use of Water Storage Containers, Water Quality, and Community Perception, Erlande Omisca
Crystal Engineering of Molecular and Ionic Cocrystals, Tien Teng Ong
Effectiveness of In-Line Chlorination of Gravity Flow Water Supply in Two Rural Communities in Panama, Kevin Orner
Catalytic Hydrodehalogenation and Hydrogenation of Halogenated Aromatic Organic Contaminants for Application to Soil Remediation, Claire J. Osborn
The Holistic Complementary Structure of Western Bio-Medicine and Traditional Healing and Achieving Complete Health, Candace Gail Oubre
The Maghreb Maquiladora: Gender, Labor, and Socio-Economic Power in a Tunisian Export Processing Zone, Claire Therese Oueslati-Porter
Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Data: A Monte Carlo Investigation of a Three Level Model, Corina M. Owens
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Irrigation Restrictions within Key Communities in Tampa, Florida, Lin Allen Ozan
An Observation of Immunological Effect, a Diet Enhanced with Spirulina and Treatment with Fractalkine in Models of Parkinson's Disease, Mibel M. Pabón
New Media Photographic Representations of Women`s Collegiate Volleyball: Game Faces, Action Shots, and Equipment, Alicia Pack
Fabrication and Characterization of Electrospun Cactus Mucilage Nanofibers, Yanay Pais
CdTe/CdS Thin Film Solar Cells Fabricated on Flexible Substrates, Vasilios Palekis
A retrospective and prospective comparison of Hungarian children who have one or two episodes of depression, Vanessa Panaite
The Effect of Various Carbohydrate Supplements on Postprandial Blood Glucose Response in Female Soccer Players, Nina Pannoni
Does D-Cycloserine Augmentation of CBT Improve Therapeutic Homework Compliance for Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?, Jennifer M. Park
An Examination of Demographic Variables and Their Relationships with Perceived Stress Among Caregivers Beginning a Parent Training Program, Amy Heath Patenaude
Middle School Physical Education Programs: A Comparison of Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity in Sports Game Play, Marcia Ann Patience
My Bad Romance: Exploring the Queer Sublimity of Diva Reception, Blake Paxton
"We Have Never Known What Death Was Before"--A Just War Doctrine Critique of U.S. History Textbooks, Mark Pearcy
General Strain Theory, Race, and Delinquency, Jennifer Peck
Autonomous Mobility and Manipulation of a 9-DoF WMRA, William Garrett Pence
An Architecture for Global Ubiquitous Sensing, Alfredo Jose Perez
A Case Study of Women Educational Administrators and Their Perspectives on Work and Life Roles, Krissy Perkins
Solid-State Synthesis of Imide Ligands for the Self-Assembly of Metal-Organic Materials, Jason Alexander Perman
Palaeoclimatic Significance of Perennial Ice Accumulations in Caves: an Example from Scarisoara Ice Cave, Romania, Aurel Persoiu Tiritu
What Do Professional Conference Planners Consider the Most Important Elements for Continuing Professional Education Conference Planning?, Virginia B. Phillips