Theses/Dissertations from 2024
A School Leader’s Experiences with Ableism in an Educational System, Scottie Basham
Six-Year College Graduation Status for High School Students Participating in an Upward Bound Program, Raymond Upward Cabrera
Count Me In: A Study of Social Validity, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and a High School, Amie Dia Davis
Becoming Conscious: An Autoethnographic Study Analyzing the Relationship Between Identity and Leadership, Aaron Izzo
A Case Study of a Large School District’s High School Principals’ Instructional Decision-Making for Students with Disabilities, Laura Meehan
Going Through to Get Through: Life Histories of Black Women in Educational Leadership, Ann Marie M. Mobley
Examining emergency remote teaching and undergraduate academic outcomes during the pandemic, Melissa S. Ramge
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Crossing Schools, Language, and Migration Borders: The Experiences of Latinx and Caribbean Emergent Multilingual Mothers in K-12 Public Schools, Michelle Angelo-Rocha
Understanding Graduation Rates by Sex by Evaluating the Quality of Student Interactions with Faculty and Academic Advisors, Michael John Bolen
Policy and Leadership Accountability on Black Special Education Teacher Persistence, Brittany M. Holmes
Restorative Practices Interrupted, Celeste Kellar
“So, I Am Back”: Adjudicated Youths’ School Reentry Experiences, Inita S. Knox
The Redesign and Evaluation of a Higher Education Online Instructor Certification Program, Lindsey W. Mercer
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Higher Education: Latina Administrators Overcoming the Invisible Barriers to Succeed in Medical Schools, Ana J. Bonifacio
Remnants of Educational Leadership and Desegregation Etched in the Memories of Black Educational Leaders: An Oral History, Janice Barge Clarke
Community Heritage: A Source of Health/Medical Aspirational Capital for Black Males, LaFrance Clarke Jr.
Transfer Students and the Excess Credit Hour Surcharge: A Program Evaluation of an Excess Credit Hour Surcharge Training, Chandra Davis
Educational Language Policy: An Examination of Race and Language in Policy Discourse, Dionne L. Davis
Color Defined: An Autoethnographic Exploration of How Race, Trauma, Gun Violence, and Grief Connect for a Black Mother, Kokita Dirton Wilson
Passion to Purpose: An Autobiographical Narrative Inquiry into the Development of the Summer ACE Program, Owen Hooper
Academic Resource and Social Emotional Advisory Period: Promoting Communities of Care and an Equitable Learning Environment, Mary Jane Lucas
African American Males' Perception of Factors that Contribute to Success in Higher Education, Gary D. Oliver
Designation, Stagnation, and Representation: A Qualitative Exploration of the Self-Perception of Power Among NCAA Division I Senior Woman Administrators, Tayler M. Onion
Exploring Engagement and Persistence Through the Lens of Student Experiences in a Sonography Program, Josephine Elizabeth Peck
A Principal's Story of Leadership: The Evolution of School Culture in a School for Gifted Education, Lori Wiley
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Poetic Justice: A Counter-Narrative of the First Black Male Principal in a Coastal Community Since the Desegregation Era, Adrian Anthony
Comprehensive Leadership Development: Principal Characteristics, Experience and Performance, Gregory Basham
Principal Preparation for The Bahamas: A Partnership Approach, Raquel R. Edgecombe
Problematizing Florida’s Extended Reading Time Policy: A Critical Investigation of Place, Demographics, and Curricula, Carrie L. Gentner
Walking the Line: Understanding the History and Development of the NHTSA Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Jon D. Gurney
A Program Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a University’s Student Persistence Model, Anthea Daniels Henderson
A Study of the Implementation of Technology in the Elementary Setting, Matthew J. Hoff
Success and Sustainability of Sponsored International Development Programs in Education: A Narrative Inquiry, Sara Beth Leikin
Ethical Leadership and Decision Making: Learning from the Perspectives of Experienced High School Administrators, Samuel A. Mclain
The Differential Effects of Navigational Aids on Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Virginia Morash-Macneil
ESOL Educational Programs for Secondary SLIFE: Planning for Educational Equity, Terri L. Mossgrove
Blaine Amendments and the Judiciary: An Analysis of Government Aid to Religious Schools, Dustin A. Robinson
Do I Belong? What Students Teach Us About Belonging to a New University, Jennifer Ann Scaia
Charter School Management: MO Interaction with Educational Inputs and Outcomes, Joseph C. Simmons
An Evaluation of Student Participation in the Student Alumni Association Program at the University of South Florida, LaToya Wider
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Fostering Success Through Coaching: Perspectives of Help Seeking Within a Coaching Relationship with Post-Secondary Students from Foster Care, Jamie L. Bennett
School District Responses to Food Insecurity and Poor Nutrition in High Poverty Communities, Richard Grayes
A Narrative Inquiry into a Principal’s Understanding of School Culture and Its Influences on Principal Leadership, Robert M. Holby
A Case Study: School Professionals’ Perspectives on Students Exiting Middle School Entering An Achievement High School, Joy Davis Lee
Transformational School Leadership and Students' Gaokao Performance in China: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis, Yanzheng Li
Latino/a Student Success in Higher Education: A Study in Persistence, Ronald K. MacCammon
The Evolution of ESEA: A Language and Four-Dimension Analysis, Ann M. Meggs
K–12 Teachers’ Experiences “with or without” Breastfeeding/Pumping Policy in the School Workplace, Michelle Mae Phillips
Making Meaning of a Whole School Transformation Model: A Policy Ethnography of a Schools of Hope Legislation Implementation, Adam Charles Rea
Community College Students’ Perceptions of the Effects of Peer Mentoring on Their Sense of Belonging, Bryan K. Sullins
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Disciplinary D/discourses: Navigating and Negotiating Disciplinary Paradigms, Michael R. P. Bailey
Leadership Advocacy, Ethical Negotiations, and Resignations to High-Stakes Assessment: A Pilgrimage, Jennifer Galbraith Canady
A Study on the Influence of Instructional Mentors on Novice Teachers in High-Needs Schools, Dodi Palkovic Davenport
Education in the Settler Colony: Displacement, Inequality, and Disappearance via Charter Schools, David R. Fisher
“I Can’t Complete This Template”: The Complexities of Using Asset-Based Discourse in Schools, Anthony P. Jones
Educators' Perceptions of Students' Academic and Social Growth in a Collegiate High School Program., John Matthew Legg
Reducing Underrepresentation: Promising Practices in Florida, Catherine A. Mullins
Weaved Journeys: Life Writings of Leading and Engagement in Science Education, Tara M. Nkrumah
Building a Collaborative Culture in a Middle School: A Case Study, Andrew Olson
An Autobiographical Narrative of a Principal's Personal Journey with Autonomy, Delilah Rabeiro
Exploring Preservice Teachers’ Perspectives on Dual Language Education, Kylie Ross
A Family Histories Study of Parents Engaging Issues of Race and Racism, Omar J. Salaam
A Cross-Case Analysis of Strategies Used by Novice Elementary School Principals to Understand School Culture, Shane Silpe
Training Staff's Experiences, Perceived Needs, and Suggestions for Professional Development in a Military Training Organization, George R. Young II
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Behavioral Interventions and Positive Systems of Support in a Culture of Care, Olayinka Alege
Exploring the ‘Spaces Between’: Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Leadership within Professional Networks, Cynthia B. Bauman
Student Employment during Senior Year of Undergraduate Study, Christina A. Brown-Wujick
School-based Health Centers in High Poverty Schools, Felicia Davis
The Relationship between First Year Student Expectations and Persistence into the Second Year of College, Ashley Baltuch Dees
Money Matters: An Examination of Special Education Characteristics in Efficient and Inefficient Texas School Districts, Pakethia Harris
High Expectations and Teacher Implicit Biases in a Culture of Care, Jacqueline K. Haynes
Building Capacity and Sustainability through Teachers Leading Teachers, William Woodland Johnson
Enrollment and Disenrollment in Voluntary Prekindergarten: A Study of Educational Leaders’ Decision-Making, Angela Cherie Passero Jones
School Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry in Culture of Care, Anthony Jones
Variations in Experience and Meaning: Accounts of Leadership Involvement and Identities with Special Education and Disability, Roderick James Jones
Union Representatives’ Stories: From Leading the Classroom to Leading a District, Holly Magaditsch
Social and Emotional Learning and Student Achievement in a Culture of Care, Odalys G. Pritchard
Leading and Learning: Principal and Instructional Leadership Team Implementation of a District Multi-Tiered System of Support Initiative, Jennifer Rinck
Leader Self-Renewal: Mind, Body, Spirit Connection Inherent in Sustainable Leadership, LaSonja Roberts
Power To Transform: Teaching In Educational Leadership Preparation Programs, Ericka L. Roland
Developing Teacher Efficacy in High Poverty Schools, Dawn Stites
Culturally Relevant Curriculum and Instruction in a Culture of Care, Johan Von Ancken
Supporting a Culture Where Teachers Are Leading Teachers, Gloria Waite
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Debt Burden of Entry-Level Physical Therapists in Florida, Steven Benton Ambler
Community College Student-Athletes' Perspectives on the Transfer Process to a Four-Year Institution, Jodie Kim Heinicka Libadisos
The Elusiveness of Inclusiveness: A Discursive Analysis of Inclusion in a District Level Exceptional Student Education Leadership Team, Karen Ramlackhan
Examining Content Validity of the Nurse Competence Scale in the United States, Jessica B. Shearer
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Efficacy of Child Parent Relationship Therapy when Conducted in an Online Format on Levels of Parental Acceptance, Brenna Michele Hicks
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Perceptions of Latino Students who enrolled in the Adult Basic Education/Under-aged General Education Development Program: Searching a Caring High School Experience, Carlos Joseph Diaz
Principal Experiences In A School Consolidation, Claudius Bassey Effiom
Can a One-Size-Fits-All Parental Involvement Framework Be Applied to an Entire School District? A Comparative Case Study of a District Magnet Program, Bradley Wayne Finkbiner
I Demand. . . Sorry, I Apologize: Power, Collaboration, and Technology in the Social Construction of Leadership across Diversity, Heather Sadler Jones