Due to a restructuring of the College of Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies theses and dissertations after 2015 can be found at: http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ehe_etd/


Theses/Dissertations from 2012


A Case Study of Perspectives on Building School and Community Partnerships, Myrna Lee Hogue

Theses/Dissertations from 2011


Perceptions by Heartland Educational Consortium (H.E.C.) Elementary Title I School Principals and Assistant Principals: Data Use in Their Role as Achievement-Related Decision Makers, Sherri Albritton


An Investigation of the Self-Perceived Principal Leadership Styles in an Era of Accountability, Kathlene L. Bentley


Principals' Content Knowledge: Examining the Relationship between Principals' Reading Knowledge and Leadership Actions from Principals' and Teachers' Perceptions, Angela Suzanne Butler


Secondary Principals at the Center of School Reform: Portraits of Leadership, Daniel James Evans


A Content Analysis of Teacher Perceptions of the Implementation of Small Learning Communities at a High School, Christen Tonry Gonzalez


Middle School Transition: How It Affects The Achievement of Hispanic Students Relative to ELL Status, Socioeconomic Status, Gender, and Previous Test Scores, Kevin D. Gordon


Teacher's Perception of their Principal's Leadership Style and the Effects on Student Achievement in Improving and non-improving schools, Brenda Kay Hardman


A Case Study of Selected Female Elementary School Leaders' Perspectives on the, Julie D. Hasson


Female Teachers as Sexual Predators: A Qualitative study of grades 7-12 in the state of Florida's public schools, Jayme Lynn Joslyn


Teacher Commitment to the Implementation of Ninth Grade Academies and Their Perceptions of School Leadership, Deborah Kindel


Assist Principals' Perspectives on Professional Learning Conversations for Teacher Professional Growth, Connie Kolosey


Associate Degrees in Health Related Occupations as Predictors of Success in Physician Assistant Programs, David E. Kotun


Ethical and Moral Decision Making: Praxis and Hermeneutics for School Leaders, Joan Quinn Minnis


To See and Be Seen: Exploring Layers of Instructional Leadership and Supervision in the Enactment of a District-wide Teacher Evaluation Reform, Jenifer E. Neale


The Relationship of Principal Resiliency to Job Satisfaction and Work Commitment: An Exploratory Study of K-12 Public School Principals in Florida, Jason Pepe


A Case Study of Women Educational Administrators and Their Perspectives on Work and Life Roles, Krissy Perkins


Examining the Attitudes and Outcomes of Students Enrolled in a Developmental Mathematics Course at a Central Florida Community College, Leila Sisson


Evolution/Creationism Controversy: Analysis of Past and Current Policies in Public Schools and the Practice of Allowing Students to Opt-Out of Learning Evolution Concepts, Jacquelyn Hoffmann Speake


Understanding the Cultivation of Teacher Leadership in Professional Learning Communities, Adrianne G. Wilson


A Descriptive Study of the Factors that Prevent Principal Candidates from Advancement to the Principal Position, Robyn Regina Witcher