Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Advancing Depth-Storage-Discharge Modeling in Regional Hydrology, Fahad Alshehri
Understanding and Alleviating the Impact of Convective Weather to Airfield Efficiency, Huang Feng
Design of End Bent Piles for Downdrag, Tanna Frye
Can the Effluent from Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Be Effectively Managed for Health and Nutrient Recovery?, Michael Glass
An Analysis of Driven Pile Relaxation in Florida Soils, Dalton E. Knowles
Nutrient Removal of Biochar Amended Modified Bioretention Systems Treating Nursery Runoff, Nicholas Richardson
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Edge Line Sinusoidal Rumble Strips on Lane Departure Crash Prevention and Injury Severity, Shubhankar Chintamani Shindgikar
Dissolved Nitrogen Removal in Biochar Amended, High Permeability Media for Urban Stormwater Treatment, Mark Vicciardo
Auction-Based Tolling Systems: Addressing Behavioral Economics and Social Equity Concerns, Tung Huy Vo
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Influence of Corrosion Mitigating Fluids on Post Tensioned Tendon Grout Properties and Steel to Grout Bond Strength, Sarita Ale Magar
Exploring Alternative Electron Donors for Heterotrophic Denitrification at a Water Reclamation Facility in Tampa Bay, Tejas Athavale
Mechanisms Contributing to Hydrogen-Influenced Early Failure of Bridge Tendons, David Dukeman
The Influence of Bipolar Electrochemical Cell Geometry on the Studies of Pitting Corrosion, Amin Kazem Ghamsari
Peak and Differential Temperature Determination of Drilled Shafts, Amanda A. Lewis
Field-Base Exploratory Study of Microbial Activity in Eight Potable Water Storage Tanks in Barbados, Katelyn M. Long
Land Use/Land Cover Uncertainty Analysis Using Hydrological Modeling in the Northern Watershed of Lake Okeechobee, Andres Lora Santos
Modeling Leachate Treatment Processes in Adsorbent-amended Hybrid Constructed Wetland, Ishfaqun Nisa
Effects of Downdrag on Pile Performance, Ruthvik Pendyala
Anaerobic Digestion of Brewery Waste Including Spent Yeast and Hops, Dhanashree Rawalgaonkar
Characteristics and Hydraulic Behavior of Adsorptive Media for Use in Permeable Reactive Barriers, Shelby Rocha
Exploratory Data-Driven Models for Water Quality: A Case Study for Tampa Bay Water, Sandra Sekyere
Interdependency between Water and Road Infrastructures: Cases and Impacts, Shihab Uddin
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms’ Impact on Water Quality in Lake Okeechobee, Florida, Daniela Vasquez Diaz
Rehabilitation Technologies to Abate Infiltration in Sanitary Sewers, Steve Youssef
Adiabatic Temperature Rise and Durability Performance of Slag Blended Concrete, Hai Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Statistical Models of Traffic Injury Severities: The Effects of Driver Nationality and the Time-of-Day on Pedestrian Injuries, Asim Alogaili
Effects of Downdrag on Pile Performance, Malaak Omelia Araujo
Quantifying a 21-year Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction in a Ridge and Valley Lake Environment Using a Highly Constrained Modeling Approach, Richard T. Bowers Jr.
A Convergent Approach to Aqueous Lead (Pb) Mitigation of a Supplemental Self-Supply Shallow Groundwater Source Accessed by Handpumps in Madagascar, Adaline Marie Buerck
Identifying Significant Factors Affecting the Likelihood and Severity Level of Shared E-scooter Crashes, Recep Can Cakici
Evaluation of Aluminum Dissolution, Current Density, and Pitting Patterns During Electrocoagulation, Monica Castro Carias
Carbon Diversion, Partial Nitritation/Anammox Enrichment, and Ammonium Capture as Initial Stages for Mainstream Ion Exchange-Deammonification Process, Sheyla Chero-Osorio
Data Driven Approaches for Understanding and Improving Urban Mobility, Yujie Guo
Onsite Water Reuse: Fate of Indicator Bacteria, Antibiotic Resistant Genes, Environmental Impacts, and User Perceptions, Michelle B. Henderson
Assessment of Scoured Bridges Subjected to Vessel Impact Using Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis, Amir S. Irhayyim
Assessment and Prevention of Bacterial Regrowth in Stored Household Water in Eastern Coastal Madagascar, Lauren Judah
Development of Membrane Assisted Recovery of Solids (MARS) Technology for Nutrient Management in Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems, Itzé Alejandra Kenney
Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Effects of Waterway Restoration on an Estuarine Ecosystem, Megan Kramer
The Impact of Land Use Change on Hydrology Using Hydrologic Modelling and Geographical Information System (GIS), Nattachan Luesaksiriwattana
Simulating Flood Control in Progress Village, Florida Using Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), Azize Minaz
Chlorine Taste Threshold and Acceptability as a Water Disinfectant Among Indigenous Ngäbe and Non-Indigenous in Rural Panama, Ashley Osler
Coral Reef Restoration Monitoring Through an Environmental Engineering and Social-Ecological Lens, Michelle C. Platz
Effects of Slurry Type on Drilled Shaft Strength, Cesar Quesada Garcia
Designing Control Strategies for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) at Transportation Conflict Areas, Saeid Soleimaniamiri
Comparison Study of Consumer’s Perception toward Urban Air Mobility in the United States and Rest of the World Using Social Media Information, S M Toki Tahmid
Airspace Design and Strategic Deconfliction for Urban Air Mobility, Hualong Tang
Optimizing Lake Okeechobee Watershed Management and Reservoir Operations for Water Quality Improvement, Osama Mahrous Mossad Tarabih
Advanced Methods for Railroad Station Operation Decisions: Data Analytics, Optimization, Automation, Yuan Wang
Passive Radiative Cooling by Spectrally Selective Nanoparticles in Thick Film Nanocomposites, David Allen Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A System Architecture for Water Distribution Networks, Noha Abdel-Mottaleb
Sustainability Assessment of a Pressure Retarded Osmosis System, Samar Al Mashrafi
Health Risk Assessment of Local Populations Ingesting Water with Naturally Occurring Arsenic and Fecal Related Contaminants in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, Marisol Alvarez
Influence of Coating Defects Within the Lock Seams on the Corrosion Performance of Aluminized Steel Drainage Pipes, Mohammed Al Yaarubi
Longitudinal Trajectory Tracking Analysis for Autonomous Electric Vehicles Based on PID Control, Hossein Amiri
An Assessment and Exploration of Recent Methodological Advances in Safety Data Analysis, Suryaprasanna Kumar Balusu
Pressure Retarded Osmosis: A Potential Technology for Seawater Desalination Energy Recovery and Concentrate Management, Joshua Benjamin
Assessing the Feasibility of Microbially Managed Biological Filtration in U.S. Drinking Water Systems for Removal of Contaminants of Emerging Concern, Andrew J. Black
The Effect of Cement and Blast Furnace Slag Characteristics on Expansion of Heat-Cured Mortar Specimens, Jair G. Burgos
A Systems Approach for Improving the Performance of Rural Community-Managed Water Systems Using SIASAR: Case Studies in Bolivia and Colombia, Rachel A. Cannon
Passive Nitrifying Biofilters for Onsite Treatment of Saline Domestic Wastewater, Daniel Arnulfo Delgado
Plastic Pollution in Urban Rivers: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Plastic Release and Transport, Charlotte Juliane Haberstroh
Effects of Nitrate on Arsenic Mobilization during Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Hania Hawasli
Prediction of the Effects of Turbulence on Vehicle Hydroplaning using a Numerical Model, Thathsarani Dilini Herath Herath Mudiyanselage
Shortcut Nitrogen Removal in Photo-sequencing Batch Reactor, Experiments, Dynamic Model and Full-scale Design, Sahand Iman Shayan
Chorine Conversion: Biological and Water Quality Impact on Activated Carbon Block Point of Use Filters, Horace S. Jakpa
Efficient Management of Nitrogen and Phosphorus at Centralized Water Reclamation Facilities, Helene Kassouf
Building and Characterizing a Lab-Scaled Aquifer Storage and Recovery System, Murat Can Kayabas
Corrosion Rate Prediction in FRP-Concrete Repair, Mohammad A. Khawaja
Use of Biochar and Zeolite for Landfill Leachate Treatment: Experimental Studies and Reuse Potential Assessment, Thanh Thieu Lam
Feasibility of Epoxy Bond Enhancement on High-Strength Concrete, Amanda A. Lewis
Leaf Cutter Ant Nest Soil Cement Stabilized Earthen Bricks: Materials and Methods for Engineering Field Applications, Faith Malay
Minimum Cut-Sets for the Identification of Critical Water Distribution Network Segments, Xiliang Mao
An Assessment of Nutrient Improvement in Surface Water Due to the Conversion of Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems to Sewerage, Jenelle A. Mohammed
Development of a Numerical Process Model for Adsorbent-amended Constructed Wetlands, Lillian Mulligan
Corrosion Propagation of Stainless Steel Reinforced Concrete, Nelly Sofía Orozco Martínez
Corrosion Durability Service Life of Calcium Silicate-Based Reinforced Concrete, Carolina Páez Jiménez
Assessment of the Environmental Sustainability of a Small Water Production Facility in Madagascar, Jesal Patel
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis of the Hydraulic Performance and Bio-kinetics in a Full-Scale Oxidation Ditch, Kiesha C. Pierre
Biochar Amended Bioretention Systems for Nutrient and Fecal Indicator Bacteria Removal from Urban and Agricultural Runoffs, Md Yeasir Arif Rahman
Impacts of Automated Vehicle Technologies on Future Traffic, Xiaowei Shi
Community Assessment of Water Perceptions and Household Point-of-Use Treatment Methods in Madagascar, Isabella Rose Silverman
Laboratory Examination of Lead Weights Harvested from Pitcher Pumps in Eastern Madagascar, Madelyn Wilson
Impact of grain morphology on the temporal evolution of interfacial area during multi-phase flow in porous media, Fizza Zahid
EAV Fleet Management in Transportation and Power Systems, Dongfang Zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
A Framework for Assessing the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Safety (RAMS) of Decentralized Sanitation, Adefunké Adeosun
Development of an Organic Processor Assembly (OPA) for Sustainable Resource Recovery to Enable Long-Duration, Deep-Space Human Exploration (LoDDSHE), Talon James Bullard
Black Lives Matter in Engineering, Too! An Environmental Justice Approach towards Equitable Decision-Making for Stormwater Management in African American Communities, Maya Elizabeth Carrasquillo
Coral Reef Restoration in the Tropical West Atlantic Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Linden Cheek
Designing Next-generation Transportation Systems with Emerging Vehicle Technologies, Zhiwei Chen
Strength Restoration of Corrosion Damaged Piles Repaired with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Systems, Jethro Clarke