Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

MS in Environmental Engr. (M.S.E.V.)

Degree Granting Department

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Mauricio E. Arias, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Ping Wang, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Thanh Dang, Ph.D.


Charlotte Harbor, Coastal Sustainability, Hydrodynamic Modeling, Mangrove Ecosystems, Sea Level Rise


Estuaries are hydrodynamically complex for they are influenced by tidal forces, freshwater flows, salinity variations, and often intricate coastal land morphology. Furthermore, many estuaries are subject to constant anthropogenic stresses due to dense coastal populations, which are expected to be exacerbated by changing climate trends. The 1,800 home residential Manchester Waterway (MW) community located in Charlotte Harbor (along the Gulf of Mexico in Southwest Florida), is interested in improving boat access by restoring a previous connection between the local waterway and the harbor, separated by a barrier peninsula. The proposed connections aim to reduce boat traffic and travel time through the waterway, which could result in some environmental benefits such as reduced fuel consumption, erosion, and air pollution, while also improving emergency response time and providing more recreational opportunities. This study evaluates how connectivity and coastal geomorphology influence flow patterns by modeling the effects of the proposed restoration project on water movement between MW and Charlotte Harbor. An unstructured grid, 2D model was developed utilizing Delft3D Flexible Mesh to simulate estuary hydrodynamics under three different restoration conditions for four scenarios including historic, sea level rise, extreme weather, and a combination of extreme weather and sea level rise. Elevation and model boundary data for Charlotte Harbor were gathered from publicly accessible databases. High resolution bathymetry and water level data were collected during field visits within the MW for model calibration and validation using pressure transducers. Simulated flow results for restoration conditions were compared to current flow patterns for analysis of the predicted changes in water levels and velocity magnitudes in the waterway. The results show that increased connectivity between the MW and Charlotte Harbor is expected to increase tidal amplitudes and decrease average surface water elevations in the waterway. Water elevations are predicted to drop quicker and to lower elevations following peak storm surge during storm events due to restoration conditions, which may provide flooding relief. Changes to velocities vary depending on the restoration option. As this project is a community driven effort, progress and research findings are communicated with the Manchester community. Final model simulation results will aid local decision making for the future of the waterway, and also improve understanding of the major influencing forces in intricate estuarine environments and how these ecosystems may respond to land development, sea level rise, and increasing magnitude and frequency of tropical storms.
