Monteverde Institute: Culture, Community, and Health
This collection contains research-based information related to community health issues such as food security, nutrition, obesity, women's health, drug and alcohol use, and more. It also includes documents that focus on social issues, gender, education, and history in Monteverde, The Bellbird Biological Corridor and other areas of Costa Rica.
This digital collection is a service of the Monteverde Institute, whose mission is to catalyze social, ecological and economic sustainability by integrating community initiatives with education, research and conservation.
Esta colección contiene información basada en investigaciones relacionadas con problemas de salud de la comunidad, como seguridad alimentaria, nutrición, obesidad, salud de la mujer, uso de drogas y alcohol, y más. También incluye documentos que se enfocan en temas sociales, género, educación e historia en Monteverde, el Corredor Biológico Pájaro Campana y otras áreas de Costa Rica.
Esta colección digital es un servicio del Instituto Monteverde, cuya misión es catalizar la sostenibilidad social, ecológica y económica integrando iniciativas comunitarias con educación, investigación y conservación.
Keyhole garden a la tica: Organic and sustainable, August 2013
Sara Arias, Emily Bissett, Constanza Carney, Lillie Dao, Alejandro Garcia, and Zuhra Malik
This research explored agricultural and gardening practices in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica through anthropological methods and quantitative soil measurements to make adaptations to the keyhole garden technology.
Manual de como se hace huerta keyhole a la tica: Organica y sostenible [Brochure], August 2013
Sara Arias, Emily Bissett, Constanza Carney, Lillie Dao, Alejandro Garcia, and Zuhra Malik
This brochure is a how to guide for a keyhole garden.
Animal waste management practices in the Monteverde Zone: Perceptions, barriers, and solutions, August 2013
Jordan Atnip, Jillian Flavin, Joseph Friedman, Elana Curry, Radhe Patel, and Thomas Decker
Using methodologies from medical anthropology and environmental engineering animal waste treatment practices in Monteverde were investigated to assess current practices, future intentions, and how perceptions of farm impacts are changing in the region, and identify potential practices and technologies that could facilitate changes.
Prácticas de manejo para residuos de animales en la zona: Percepciones, retos y soluciones [PowerPoint], August 2013
Jordan Atnip, Jillian Flavin, Joseph Friedman, Elana Curry, Radhe Patel, and Thomas Decker
Using methodologies from medical anthropology and environmental engineering animal waste treatment practices in Monteverde were investigated to assess current practices, future intentions, and how perceptions of farm impacts are changing in the region, and identify potential practices and technologies that could facilitate changes.
Alcohol and tobacco use among Monteverde youth: A preventative approach, August 2011
Hannah Bose, Danielle Grams, and Joshua Vollstaedt
This study investigates adolescent alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Monteverde zone of Costa Rica, addressing who engages in alcohol and tobacco use, what are the motivations to consume or not consume alcohol and tobacco, what protective and risk factors are acting on Monteverde youth, and what activities are desired by Monteverde youth.
Alcohol and tobacco use among Monteverde youth [PowerPoint], August 2011
Hannah Bose, Danielle Grams, and Joshua Vollstaedt
This study investigates adolescent alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Monteverde zone of Costa Rica, addressing who engages in alcohol and tobacco use, what are the motivations to consume or not consume alcohol and tobacco, what protective and risk factors are acting on Monteverde youth, and what activities are desired by Monteverde youth.
El consumo de alcohol y tabaco en los jovenes de la zona Monteverde [PowerPoint], August 2011
Hannah Bose, Danielle Grams, and Joshua Vollstaedt
This study investigates adolescent alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Monteverde zone of Costa Rica, addressing who engages in alcohol and tobacco use, what are the motivations to consume or not consume alcohol and tobacco, what protective and risk factors are acting on Monteverde youth, and what activities are desired by Monteverde youth.
Alcohol and tobacco use among youth in Monteverde, Costa Rica [Poster], August 2011
Hannah Bose, Danielle Grams, Joshua Vollstaedt, Nancy Romero-Daza, and David Himmelgreen
This study investigates adolescent alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Monteverde zone of Costa Rica, addressing who engages in alcohol and tobacco use, what are the motivations to consume or not consume alcohol and tobacco, what protective and risk factors are acting on Monteverde youth, and what activities are desired by Monteverde youth.
Child nutrition and physical activity in the Monteverde Zone: An exploratory study, August 2011
Simone Green, James Shuford, Coralia Vázquez-Otero, and Melissa Whitney
This study assesses objective levels of children's physical activity as well as children's subjective perceptions of nutritional knowledge and physical activity in the Monteverde zone.
Child nutrition and physical activity in the Monteverde Zone: An exploratory study [PowerPoint], August 2011
Simone Green, James Shuford, Coralia Vázquez-Otero, and Melissa Whitney
This study assesses objective levels of children's physical activity as well as children's subjective perceptions of nutritional knowledge and physical activity in the Monteverde zone.
Nutrición y actividad fisica en los niños de Monteverde: Un estudio exploratorio [PowerPoint], August 2011
Simone Green, James Shuford, Coralia Vázquez-Otero, and Melissa Whitney
This study assesses objective levels of children's physical activity as well as children's subjective perceptions of nutritional knowledge and physical activity in the Monteverde zone.
Assessment and interventions for HPV and cervical cancer, August 2011
Rose Jones-Goodrich, Ethel Saryee, Mackenzie Tewell, and Taylor Triana
This research assesses the knowledge of women regarding HPV and cervical cancer through free listing activities and survey assessment. Results were used to educate women on misconceptions, transmission methods, symptoms, and prevention strategies related to HPV.
¿Usted sabía que el cáncer de cuello uterino es causado por el virus de papiloma humano? [Poster], August 2011
Jennifer Jones
This poster promotes cervical cancer awareness and education.
¿Lo que no mata, engorda?: an exploratory profile of elderly nutrition in the Monteverde Region, August 2010
This research seeks to explore the nutritional profile of older generations living in and around Santa Elena and San Luis, Monteverde Region, Costa Rica as impacted by increased globalization. An additional goal of this study is to determine a baseline of factors that contribute to food selections among older generations. This research further seeks to understand generational changes in perceptions of food and to explore nutritional knowledge among older people in the region.
Nutrición de los adultos mayores [PowerPoint], August 2010
Results of a nutrition study of older adults in two Monteverde communities that determined what their knowledge and perceptions about nutrition are, their nutritional habits, any changes in their nutrition, and any perceived health effects resulting from those changes.
¡Comer bien, estar bien!: Calendario de nutrición y salud, August 2010
Tarika Banks, Joshua Baxter, Austin Cox, Linda Gordon, and Deborah Robinson
A one year calendar, featuring healthy foods, portion sizes, community health meetings for older residents, and important community holidays.
¿Lo que no mata, engorda? : an exploratory profile of elderly nutrition in the Monteverde Region [PowerPoint], August 2010
Tarika Banks, Joshua Baxter, Austin Cox, Linda Gordon, and Deborah Robinson
Final PowerPoint presentation of an investigation on the eating habits and perceptions of how food relates to overall health within the elderly population of two Monteverde communities, and suggestions for further study.
¿Qué es la menopausia? Un librito sobre la menopausia, August 2010
Bernice K. Lopez, Kara McGinnis, Michaela Valenti, Lauren Gottfredson, and Nathalie Fish
A brochure that explains menopause to women.
Menopause: a qualitative study of women’s perceptions in Santa Elena and San Luis [PowerPoint], August 2010
Bernice Lopez, Kara McGinnis, Lauren Gottfredson, Michaela Valenti, and Nathalie Fish
A report how women in Santa Elena and San Luis, Costa Rica experience and view menopause.
Menopausia [PowerPoint], August 2010
Bernice Lopez, Kara McGinnis, Lauren Gottfredson, Michaela Valenti, and Nathalie Fish
A PowerPoint presentation for women on menopause.
Menopause: a qualitative study of women’s perception in the Monteverde Region, August 2010
Bernice Lopez, Kara McGinnis, Michaela Valenti Gottfredson, and Nathalie Fish
The report describes how women in two towns of the Monteverde region of Costa Rica view menopause, its relationship to aging and what educational and traditional resources are available for women in menopause.
Formulating culturally relevant stressors and Quality of Life indicators in San Luis, July 15, 2010
A baseline study that looks the relationship of stress and quality of life in San Luis.
Formulating Culturally Relevant Indicators for Stressors and Quality of Life Issues in San Luis [PowerPoint], July 15, 2010
Gene Cowherd, Anne Kornelis, Francisco Alejandro Montiel-Ishino, and Anna Whittington
A field study on how stress affects the quality of life in San Luis, Costa Rica .
El estrés y la “pura vida” [PowerPoint], July 14, 2010
Gene Cowherd, Annie Kornelis, F. Alejandro Montiel-Ishino, and Anna Whittington
A study on stress and the quality of life in San Luis, Costa Rica.