"Alcohol and tobacco use among youth in Monteverde, Costa Rica [Poster]" by Hannah Bose, Danielle Grams et al.

Monteverde Institute: Culture, Community, and Health

Alternative Title

El consumo de alcohol y tabaco en los jovenes de la zona Monteverde [Poster]



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Publication Date

August 2011


This study investigates adolescent alcohol and tobacco consumption in the Monteverde zone of Costa Rica, addressing who engages in alcohol and tobacco use, what are the motivations to consume or not consume alcohol and tobacco, what protective and risk factors are acting on Monteverde youth, and what activities are desired by Monteverde youth.


Este estudio investiga el alcohol de los adolescentes y el consumo de tabaco en la zona de Monteverde de Costa Rica, dirigiéndose a quien se involucre en el uso del alcohol y el tabaco, cuales son las motivaciones para consumir o no consumir alcohol y tabaco, cuales son los factores de riesgo y protección que están actuando en la juventud de Monteverde, y qué actividades son deseadas por los jóvenes de Monteverde.


Youth--Alcohol use, Youth--Drug use, Community Heal, 2011

Palabras claves

Jovenes--Consumo de alcohol, Jovenes--Consumo de droga, Salud Comunitaria 2011


1 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute



Media Type



Digital Only



Creative Commons

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Alcohol and tobacco use among youth in Monteverde, Costa Rica [Poster], August 2011



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