The Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-IMAGE)

The Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems (C-IMAGE) was a research consortium of 19 U.S. and international partners focused on effects of oil spills on marine environments. The C-IMAGE consortium completed an unprecedented study of the Deepwater Horizon blowout of 2010 through funding from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). The overarching objective of C-IMAGE was to advance understanding of marine blowouts as response agencies and production companies were underprepared to deal with the unique challenges of Deepwater Horizon. Data is made freely available to ensure society is better prepared to mitigate any future occurrences.

Projects from C-IMAGE I included ecosystem modeling based on biological, chemical, and physical data sets, marine resource assessments of ichthyoplankton, fish, and marine mammals, oil and dispersant toxicology, simulating high-pressure environments and their effects on fluids, and sediment analysis of oil-affected areas of the sea floor.

C-IMAGE II focused on Six Tasks covering a range of research areas including deep-ocean environments, sediment deposition, and plankton and fish species toxicity.

C-IMAGE III focused on GoMRI Research Themes 2 and 3: chemical evolution and biological degradation of the petroleum/dispersant systems and subsequent interaction with coastal, open-ocean, and deep-water ecosystems (Theme 2); and environmental effects of the petroleum/dispersant system on the sea floor, water column, coastal waters, beach sediments, wetlands, marshes, and organisms; and the science of ecosystem recovery (Theme 3).

The University of South Florida served as the host institution for C-IMAGE under the direction of Principle Investigator Dr. Steven Murawski, Assistant Director Sherryl Gilbert and Chief Science Officer Dr. David Hollander. The data in this repository contains the work of USF researchers. To view data from across GRIIDC’s research groups, please visit GRIIDC’s dataset monitoring webpage.


Submissions from 2016


SIPPER plankton and marine snow abundance and distribution data for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: June 2012 – August 2014, Kendra L. Daly


Zooplankton abundance and distribution data for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and west Florida shelf: June 2012 – August 2014, Kendra L. Daly


Zooplankton Biomass on the West Florida Shelf, July 2010 – August 2014, Kendra L. Daly


Zooplankton dry weight biomass data for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and west Florida shelf: June 2012 – August 2014, Kendra L. Daly


Spatial distributions of fish and invertebrates in the Gulf of Mexico for 2010-01-01 estimated using a statistical model, Michael Drexler


Ambient Noise in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010-2013, John Hildebrand


Beaked Whale acoustic detections in the Gulf of Mexico, 2010 - 2013, John Hildebrand


Satellite, glider data, and field measurements to study harmful algae on the West Florida Shelf during 2011 and 2012, Chuanmin Hu


A simulation analysis of the plankton fate of the Deepwater Horizon oil spills, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2010-2011, Jason Lenes


A two-dimensional simulation analysis on the plankton trophodynamics of the West Florida shelf over the last half century of 1965-2011, Jason Lenes


Dataset for: Simulating cell death in the termination of Karenia brevis blooms: Implications for predicting aerosol toxicity vectors to humans, Jason M. Lenes


Intact polar lipids in sediments impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Sara Lincoln


Effect of oil properties and wind speed on surface oil slick elongation (model script and modelling data), Zeinstra-Helfrich Marieke


West Florida Shelf beach sediment PAH and dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate concentrations, microtox luminescence and microscreen mutagenicity data, 2010 to 2013, Lauren D. McDaniel


Lesion data from fish collected off Terrebonne Bay, LA to the Dry Tortugas, FL, 2011-2014, Steven Murawski


PAH Analysis: Bile PAH metabolite concentrations in longline captured fish, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2011, Steven Murawski


PAH analysis: Muscle and liver PAH concentrations in longline captured fish, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2011-2013, Steven Murawski


PAH Analysis: Red Snapper Bile PAH Metabolite Concentrations, Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2012, Steven Murawski


Resistance and alteration of high molecular weight components of crude oils in deep-sea sediments, Thomas Oldenburg and Ryan Snowden


Golden Tilefish tissue and eye-lens stable isotopes and C:N ratios from the Gulf of Mexico, summer 2013, Jenny Fenton Ostroff


Lab study on Alcanivorax and Acinetobacter growing on crude and dispersed oil: Growth rates, changes in oil composition, and oil ecotoxicity, Will Overholt and Joel Kostka


Connectivity Modeling System simulation of the Macondo Well Blowout evolution April through October 2010: The effects of circulation and wind-induced drift on subsea oil transport, Claire Paris


Connectivity Modeling System simulation of the Macondo Well Blowout evolution April through October 2010: The effects of circulation and synthetic dispersants on subsea oil transport, Claire Paris-Limouzy


Associations of metal exposure in otoliths with lesion formation in offshore, northeastern Gulf of Mexico fishes collected after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2011-2013), Ernst B. Peebles


Screening of glycerol ether lipid biomarkers in northern Gulf of Mexico sediment using APPI-P FTICR-MS, Jagos Radovic and Thomas Oldenburg