
Author Biography

Lacey Bass has worked in education for 11 years, primarily as an English teacher, but also as an ISS teacher. Her passion in education is always students who need a little extra care and support from their school. She recently received her M.Ed. from Kennesaw State University, where she will also continue her education in their Ed.S. program.

Rachel E. Gaines is assistant professor of educational psychology in the Department of Secondary and Middle Grades Education at Kennesaw State University. Before pursuing her Ph.D. in educational psychology, she taught six years of middle school English in Massachusetts. Her own teaching experiences fuel her passion for teacher education and supporting teacher research.


This self-study focuses on the implementation of restorative practices (RP) with high school students assigned in-school suspension (ISS) for violating school rules. The investigation focuses on the use of two restorative practices (community circles and digital modules) as modes of restoration and behavioral change. Analysis of school disciplinary records and teacher reflections indicate that, overall, students were less likely to be referred to ISS again after completing the RP program and remained invested in meeting their behavioral goals. The success of the program appeared to be rooted in the ways the teacher built trusting, collaborative relationships through community circles and supported students’ development of self-regulatory skills though digital modules. However, for some students, the ability to leverage these assets outside of ISS was mitigated by other teachers’ negative perceptions of the students and their reputations as “troublemakers.” Implications for class- and school-level implementation of RP are discussed.


