Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started
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Submissions from 2006
Frequently Ignored Methodological Issues in Cross-Cultural Stress Research, Juan I. Sanchez, Paul E. Spector, and Cary L. Cooper
Functional Representations of Spatial Layout Can Consist of Independent Pieces, Thomas Sanocki, Kimberly Michelet, Eric William Sellers, and Joseph Reynolds
Effects of Administering Sexually Explicit Questionnaires on Anger, Anxiety, and Depression in Sexually Abused and Non Abused Females: Implications for Risk Assessment, Jodi K. Savell, Bill N. Kinder, and M. Scott Young
Petrology and Geochemistry of West Philippine Basin Basalts and Early Palau–Kyushu Arc Volcanic Clasts from ODP Leg 195, Site 1201D: Implications for the Early History of the Izu–Bonin–Mariana Arc, Ivan P. Savov, Rosemary Hickey-Vargas, Massimo D'Antonio, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Piera Spadea
Plasticity in Resource Allocation and Nitrogen-Use Efficiency in Riparian Vegetation: Implications for Nitrogen Retention, John D. Schade and David B. Lewis
Making it Personal: Shared Meanings in the Narratives of Holocaust Survivors, Brian Schiff and Chaim Noy
Strain Accumulation Across the Carrizo Segment of the San Andreas Fault, California: Impact of Laterally Varying Crustal Properties, Gina Schmalzle, Timothy H. Dixon, Rocco Malservisi, and Rob Govers
Suppression of Spontaneous Genome Rearrangements in Yeast DNA Helicase Mutants, Kristina H. Schmidt and Richard D. Kolodner
Assessing Selected Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts on Freshwater Lens Morphology on Small Barrier Islands: Dog Island and St. George Island, Florida, USA, James A. Schneider and Sarah Kruse
Wandering MDS Analysis, L. Schonfeld, V. Molinari, L. M. Brown, William D. Kearns, and B. Kallimanis
Quality of Life and Symptom Control in Hospice Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy, Ronald S. Schonwetter, Lori A. Roscoe, Martin Nwosu, Brian Zilka, and Sehwan Kim
Feeding Ecology and Metabolism of the Antarctic Cydippid Ctenophore Callianira Antarctica, Kerri M. Scolardi, Kendra L. Daly, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, and Joseph J. Torres
Brain-Computer Interface Research at the University of South Florida Cognitive Psychophysiology Laboratory: The P300 Speller, Eric William Sellers, A. Kubler, and Emanuel Donchin
Modelling of Wind Wave‐induced Bottom Processes during the Slack Water Periods in Tampa Bay, Florida, John Z. Shi, Mark E. Luther, and Steven D. Meyers
Brain Evolution by Natural Selection, Toru Shimizu
Detection and Quantification of Chemical Plumes Using a Portable Underwater Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometer, Robert T. Short, Susan K. Toler, Gottfried P. G. Kibelka, Digna Rueda Roa, R. J. Bell, and Robert H. Byrne
Peer Influences, Body-image Dissatisfaction, Eating Dysfunction and Self-esteem in Adolescent Girls, Hemal M. Shroff and Joel Kevin Thompson
The Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image and Eating Disturbance: A Replication with Adolescent Girls, Hemal M. Shroff and Joel Kevin Thompson
Psychological Support to Defense Counterintelligence Operations, Scott Shumate and Randy Borum
Middle Eastern Mindset: Operational Analysis and Implications, Scott Shumate, Randy Borum, and James Turner
A Three-Phase Study to Develop and Validate a Chinese Coping Strategies Scale in Greater China, Oi-Ling Siu, Paul E. Spector, and Cary L. Cooper
Reproducibility of Geochemical and Climatic Signals in the Atlantic Coral Montastraea Faveolata, Jennifer M. Smith, Terrence M. Quinn, Kevin P. Helmle, and Robert B. Halley
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice (4th Ed.), Paul E. Spector
Method Variance in Organizational Research Truth or Urban Legend?, Paul E. Spector
Emotions, Violence and Counterproductive Work Behavior, Paul E. Spector, Suzy Fox, and Theresa Domagalski
The Dimensionality of Counterproductivity: Are All Counterproductive Behaviors Created Equal, Paul E. Spector, Suzy Fox, Lisa M. Penney, Kari Bruursema, Angeline Goh, and Stacey R. Kessler
Improving the Definition, Measurement, and Application of Emotional Intelligence, Paul E. Spector and Hazel-Ann M. Johnson
Effects of Novelty on Behavior in Adolescent and Adult Rats, Kirstie Helen Stansfield and Cheryl L. Kirstein
Multistage Testing: Widely or Narrowly Applicable?, Stephen Stark and Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko
Standardized Testing, Stephen Stark and Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko
Detecting Differential Item Functioning with Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory: Toward a Unified Strategy, Stephen Stark, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, and Fritz Drasgow
Item Responding in Personality Assessment: Should Ideal Point Methods be Considered for Scale Development and Scoring?, Stephen Stark, Oleksandr S. Chernyshenko, Fritz Drasgow, and Bruce A. Williams
The Interaction Between Victim Race and Gender on Sentencing Outcomes in Capital Murder Trials: A Further Exploration, Amy R. Stauffer, M. Dwayne Smith, John K. Cochran, Sondra J. Fogel, and Beth E. Bjerregaard
A Borehole Geophysical Method for the Detection and Quantification of DNAPL in Saturated Soils, Mark T. Stewart and Loren North
Parental Representations in the Play of Preschool Aged Witnesses of Marital Violence, Carla Smith Stover, Patricia Van Horn, and Alicia F. Lieberman
A Numerical Model of the Partitioning of Trace Chemical Solutes during Drop Freezing, Amy L. Stuart and M. Z. Jacobson
A Quasi-normal Scale Elimination Model of Turbulence and Its Application to Stably Stratified Flows, S. Sukoriansky, B. Galperin, and V. Perov
Developing a Practical Framework for ERP Project Implementation: A Proposed Research Design, John J. Sullivan, Mela Wyeth, and Wade M. Chumney
PreMortem: Designing Predictive Assessment Models for ERP Project Implementations, John J. Sullivan, Mela Wyeth, and Wade M. Chumney
Quantifying What Research Has Taught Us about ERP Projects: A Proposed Research Design, John J. Sullivan, Mela Wyeth, and Wade M. Chumney
Dry Creek Long Term Watershed Study: Buffer Zone Performance as Viable Amphibian Habitat, Brooke L. Talley and Thomas Crisman
Annotazioni Sulla Cultura di Thapsos : A Margine di una Rilettura dell'Opera di A. De Gregorio, Davide Tanasi
Parental Ratings of Behavioral Adjustment in Two Samples of Adopted Chinese Girls: Age-Related Versus Socio-Emotional Correlates and Predictors, Tony X. Tan and Kofi Marfo
Building a Common Language in Mental Health Care Delivery, Gregory B. Teague, Tom Trabin, and Charles Ray
Maternal Depressive Symptoms, Relationship Satisfaction, and Verbal Behavior: A Social-Cognitive Analysis, Susan A. Tenzer, Desiree W. Murray, Christine A. Vaughan, and William P. Sacco
Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT): Considerations for Knowledge Transfer, Larry Thompson and Randy Borum
Understanding and Developing Virtualcomputer-Supported Cooperative Work Teams, Lori Foster Thompson and Michael D. Coovert
Processes and Patterns of Sedimentation at Blind Pass, Florida, David K. Tidwell and Ping Wang
Processes and Patterns of Sedimentation at Blind Pass, Florida, D. K. Tidwell and Ping Wang
Vulnerability of Displaced Persons: Relocation Park Residents in the Wake of Hurricane Charley, Graham A. Tobin, Heather M. Bell, Linda M. Whiteford, and Burrell E. Montz
Medical Interventions Among Pregnant Women in Fee-for-Service and Managed Care Insurance: a Propensity Score Analysis, Leo Turcotte, John Robst, and Solomon Polachek
Kuhn, T. S., Stephen Turner
Methodological Individualism, Stephen Turner
Paradigm, Stephen Turner
Social Exclusion, Stephen Turner
Sociology, Stephen Turner
The Importance of Social Philosophy to Morgenthau and Waltz, Stephen Turner
The Philosophy of the Social Sciences in Organizational Studies, Stephen Turner
Was “Real Existing Socialism” Merely a Premature Form of Rule by Experts?, Stephen Turner
Weber, Max, Stephen Turner
Metaphors and Models: The ASR Bubble in the Floridan Aquifer, H. Len Vacher, William Charles Hutchings, and David A. Budd
Seasonal Isotopic Variability of Precipitation and Cave Drip Water at Indian Oven Cave, New York, Philip E. van Beynen and Peter Febroriello
Mortality, Joseph A. Vandello
José Carlos Mariátegui, Harry E. Vanden
The 2005 Hurricane Season: an Echo of the Past or a Harbinger of the Future?, Jyotika I. Virmani and Robert H. Weisberg
The 2005 Hurricane Season: An Echo of the Past or a Harbinger of the Future?, Jyotika I. Virmani and Robert H. Weisberg
Differential Effects of Predator Stress and the Antidepressant Tianeptine on Physiological Plasticity in the Hippocampus and Basolateral Amygdala, Rose M. Vouimba, Carmen Muñoz, and David M. Diamond
Nonparametric Decision Support Systems in Medical Diagnosis: Modeling Pulmonary Embolism, Steven Walczak, Bradley B. Brimhall, and Jerry B. Lefkowitz
Market Decision Making for Online Auction Sellers: Profit Maximization or Socialization, Steven Walczak, Dawn G. Gregg, and Joy L. Berrenberg
Modeling Online Service Discontinuation with Nonparametric Agents, Steven Walczak and Madhavan Parthasarathy
Red Tides in the Gulf of Mexico: Where, When, and Why?, John J. Walsh, J. K. Jolliff, B. P. Darrow, J. M. Lenes, S. P. Milroy, A. Remsen, D. A. Dieterle, Kendall L. Carder, F. R. Chen, Gabriel A. Vargo, Robert H. Weisberg, Kent A. Fanning, Eugene Shinn, K. A. Steidinger, Cynthia A. Heil, C. R. Tomas, J. S. Prospero, T. N. Lee, G. J. Kirkpatrick, T. E. Whitledge, D. A. Stockwell, T. A. Villareal, A. E. Jochens, P. S. Bontempi, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Bathymetric and Shoreline Survey at Withlacoochee River, Ping Wang
Measuring Longshore Sediment Transport in a Large-Scale 3-Dimensional Laboratory Facility, Ping Wang
Morphological and Sedimentological Impacts of Hurricane Ivan and Immediate Post-Storm Beach Recovery Along the Northwestern Florida Barrier-Island Coasts, Ping Wang, James H. Kirby, Joseph D. Haber, Mark H. Horwitz, Paul O. Knorr, and Jennifer Rose Krock
Deepwater Reef Fishes and Multibeam Bathymetry of the Tortugas South Ecological Reserve, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida, Douglas C. Weaver, David F. Naar, and Brian T. Donahue
Items as Context: Effects of Item Order and Ambiguity on Factor Structure, Andrea H. Weinberger, Jack Darkes, Frances K. Del Boca, Paul E. Greenbaum, and Mark S. Goldman
A Simulation of the Hurricane Charley Storm Surge and its Breach of North Captiva Island, Robert H. Weisberg and Lianyuan Zheng
Circulation of Tampa Bay Driven by Buoyancy, Tides, and Winds, as Simulated Using a Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model, Robert H. Weisberg and Lianyuan Zheng
Hurricane Storm Surge Simulations for Tampa Bay, Robert H. Weisberg and Lianyuan Zheng
Modelling the Spatial Distribution of Volcanoes: An Example from Armenia, Jennifer N. Weller, Andrew J. Martin, Charles B. Connor, Laura J. Connor, and Arkadi Karakhanian
Effects of Exposing DBA/2J Mice to a High-Frequency Augmented Acoustic Environment on the Cochlea and Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus, James F. Willot, Justine Vanden Bosche, Toru Shimizu, and Da-Lian Ding
Effects of Exposing Gonadoectomized and Intact C57BL/6J Mice to a High-Frequency Augmented Acoustic Environment: Auditory Brainstem Response Thresholds and Cytocochleograms, James F. Willot, Justine VandenBosche, Toru Shimizu, Da-Lian Ding, and Richard Salvi
Infrasonic Array Observations at I53US of the 2006 Augustine Volcano Eruptions, C. R. Wilson, John V. Olson, Curt A. L. Szuberla, Stephen R. McNutt, Guy Tytgat, and Douglas P. Drob
Kinosternon Baurii – Striped Mud Turtle, Dawn S. Wilson, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy
Changes in the Circulation of Tampa Bay Due to Hurricane Frances as Recorded by ADCP Measurements and Reproduced with a Numerical Ocean Model, M. Wilson, S. D. Meyers, and Mark E. Luther
Brain Activity in the Play of Dominant Strategy and Mixed Strategy Games, Rick K. Wilson, Randolph Stevenson, and Geoffrey Potts
Supranational Networks: States and Firms, Alvin W. Wolfe
Network Perspectives on Communities, Alvin W. Wolfe
Comparing Longitudinal Academic Achievement of Full-Day and Half-Day Kindergarten Students, Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, R. Brian Cobb, Marc A. Winokur, Nancy Leech, and Dick Ellerby
Toward an Inquiry of Discomfort: Guiding Transformation in “Emancipatory” Narrative Research, Jennifer R. Wolgemuth and Richard Donohue
Event-Related Potentials to Auditory and Visual Selective Attention in Schizophrenia, Susan M. Wood, Geoffrey Potts, Jennie F. Hall, Jocelyn B. Ulanday, and Chaiyapoj Netsiri
Geological and Palaeontological Context of a Pliocene Juvenile Hominin at Dikika, Ethiopia, Jonathan G. Wynn, Zeresenay Alemseged, René Bobe, Denis Geraads, Denné Reed, and Diana C. Roman
Measuring Variation of the Australian Soil Organic Carbon Pool With Climatic, Edaphic and Biotic Controls, Jonathan G. Wynn, Michael I. Bird, Lins Vellen, Emilie Grand-Clement, John Carter, and Sandra L. Berry
Stable Carbon Isotope Depth Profiles and Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in the Lower Mississippi Basin, Jonathan G. Wynn, Jennifer W. Harden, and Terry L. Fries
Sexual Experiences among College Women: The Differential Effects of General versus Contextual Body Images on Sexuality, Yuko Yamamiya, Thomas F. Cash, and Joel Kevin Thompson
Pharmacokinetics of Recombinant Human Endostatin in Rats, Xiao-Xia Yang, Zen-Ping Hu, Eli Chan, Wei Duan, and Shufeng Zhou
Monitoring Drug-Protein Interaction, Xiao-Xia Yang, Ze-Ping Hu, Sui Yung Chan, and Shufeng Zhou
Drug-Herb Interactions: Eliminating Toxicity with Hard Drug Design, Xiao-Xia Yang, Ze-Ping Hu, Wei Duan, Yi-Zhun Zhu, and Shufeng Zhou
The Last 10 Amino Acid Residues Beyond the Hydrophobic Motif are Critical for the Catalytic Competence and Function of Protein Kinase Cα, Sui Sum Yeong, Yimin Zhu, Derek Smith, Chandra Verma, Wee Guan Lim, Bee Jen Tan, Qiu Tian Li, Nam Sang Cheung, Minnie Cai, Yi-Zhun Zhu, Shu-Feng Zhou, Seng-Lai Tan, and Wei Duan
An Exploration of Needs for Connotative Messages during Image Search Process, JungWon Yoon