Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2010


Nanomechanical Properties of TiO2 Granular Thin Films, Houman Yaghoubi, Nima Taghavinia, Eskandar Keshavarz Alamdari, and Alex A. Volinsky


A Novel Method to Estimate Subpixel Temperature by Fusing Solar-Reflective and Thermal-Infrared Remote-Sensing Data With an Artificial Neural Network, Guijun Yang, Ruiliang Pu, Wenjiang Huang, Jihua Wang, and Chunjiang Zhao


Perceptions of Health and Attractiveness: The Effects of Body Fat, Muscularity, Gender, and Ethnicity, Tovah Yanover and Joel Kevin Thompson


Weight Ratings of Others: The Effects of Multiple Target and Rater Features, Tovah Yanover and Joel Kevin Thompson


Indexing, JungWon Yoon


Utilizing Quantitative Users' Reactions to Represent Affective Meanings of an Image, JungWon Yoon


Engineering an Image-Browsing Environment: Re-Purposing Existing Denotative Descriptors, JungWon Yoon and Brian O'Connor


Contribution of SMC (Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes) and SpoIIIe to Chromosome Segregation in Staphylococci, Wenqi Yu, Silvia Herbert, Peter L. Graumann, and Friedrich Götz


Hospice and palliative Care: When and Where to Deliver End-of-Life Care, Cheryl Zambroski and Harleah G. Buck


Rookery Bay and Naples Bay Circulation Simulations: Applications to Tides and Fresh Water Inflow Regulation, Lianyuan Zheng and Robert H. Weisberg


Beneficial Effects of Tianeptine on Hippocampus-Dependent Long-Term Memory and Stress-Induced Alterations of Brain Structure and Function, Phillip R. Zoladz, Carmen Muñoz, and David M. Diamond


Activation of a Remote (1-Year Old) Emotional Memory Interferes with the Retrieval of a Newly Formed Hippocampus-Dependent Memory in Rats, Phillip R. Zoladz, James C. Woodson, Vernon F. Haynes, and David M. Diamond

Submissions from 2009


Identities and Social Justice Values of Prospective Teachers of Color: A Case Study of Three Prospective Teachers of Color, Vonzell Agosto


Negotiation Behaviors in Agent-Based Negotiation Support Systems, Manish Agrawal and Kaushal Chari


A Bioeconomic Optimization Approach for Rebuilding Marine Communities: British Columbia Case Study, C. H. Ainsworth and T. J. Pitcher


Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs: An Evidence-Based Approach, Tammy D. Allen, Lisa M. Finkelstein, and Mark L. Poteet


Mentoring and Protégé Narcissistic Entitlement, Tammy D. Allen, Hazel-Anne M. Johnson, Xian Xu, Andrew Biga, Ozgun B. Rodopman, and Raymond C. Ottinot


Organization-Level Mentoring and Organizational Performance Within Substance Abuse Centers, Tammy D. Allen, Mark Alan Smith, Fred A. Mael, Patrick Gavan O'Shea, and Lilian T. Eby


A Nested Model of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela): Description of the Basin'S Interior Hydrography and Interactions with the Open Ocean, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, Alexander Barth, and Robert H. Weisberg


The Surface Circulation of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico as Inferred from Satellite Altimetry, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, Alexander Barth, and Robert H. Weisberg


Polynomial Cocycles of Alexander Quandles and Applications, Kheira Ameur and Masahico Saito


Genomic Analysis of Multiple Roseophage SIO1 Strains, Florent Angly, Merry Youle, Bahador Nosrat, Shailaja Srinagesh, Beltran Rodriguez‐Brito, Patrick McNairnie, Gordafaried Deyanat‐Yazdi, Mya Breitbart, and Forest Rohwer


Parsing the Componential Structure of Post Error ERPs: A Principal Component Analysis of ERPs following errors, Yael Arbel and Emanuel Donchin


Keeping Up with the YouTube Generation: Collaborating with Student Video Bloggers to Enhance Instruction, Susan A. Ariew


Outreach Blogs: Innovative Strategies for Connecting Libraries to Their Communities, Susan A. Ariew and Gina Clifford

Best Practices in Information Literacy, Susan A. Ariew and Ilene Frank


Beyond the Basics - “Casting a Net” to Provide Customized Research Services for Faculty and Students, Susan A. Ariew, Cheryl McCoy, Gloria Colvin, Marcia Gorin, and Matt Torrence


Blowing in the (Social) Wind: Implications of Extrinsic Esteem Contingencies for Terror Management and Health, Jamie Arndt, Cathy R. Cox, Jamie L. Goldenberg, Matthew Vess, Clay Routledge, Douglas P. Cooper, and Florette Cohen


The Psychosocial Effect of Thoughts of Personal Mortality on Cardiac Risk Assessment by Medical Students, Jamie Arndt, Matthew Vess, Cathy R. Cox, Jamie L. Goldenberg, and Stephen Lagle


Larger Foraminifers of the Florida Reef Tract, USA: Distribution Patterns on Reef-Rubble Habitats, Rebekah D. Baker, Pamela Hallock, Elizabeth F. Moses, Dana E. Williams, and Alexa Ramirez


The Framework of a Coastal Hazards Model—A Tool for Predicting the Impact of Severe Storms, Patrick L. Barnard, Bill O'Reilly, Maarten van Ormondt, Edwin Elias, Peter Ruggiero, Li H. Erikson, Cheryl Hapke, Brian D. Collins, Robert T. Guza, Peter N. Adams, and Julie Thomas


Factors Predicting Arrest for Homeless Persons Receiving Integrated Residential Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders, Blake Barrett, M. Scott Young, Kathleen Moore, Randy Borum, and E. Ochshorn


Conversation and Psychotherapy: How Questioning Reveals Institutional Answers, Mariaelena Bartesaghi


How the Therapist Does Authority: Six Strategies to Substitute Client Accounts in the Session, Mariaelena Bartesaghi


The Acquisition of Memory by Interview Questioning: Holocaust Re-membering as Category-Bound Activity, Mariaelena Bartesaghi and Sheryl Perlmutter-Bowen


Tracing Our Steps Through Communication Social Construction: Six Propositions for How to Go On, M. Bartesaghi and Theresa R. Castor


Social Construction, M. Bartesaghi and Kenneth N. Cissna


Dynamically Constrained Ensemble Perturbations - Application to Tides on Thewest Florida Shelf, Alexander Barth, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, J. M. Beckers, Robert H. Weisberg, L. Vandenbulcke, F. Lenartz, and M. Rixen


Dynamically Constrained Ensemble Perturbations: Application to Tides on the West Florida Shelf, Alexander Barth, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, J. M. Beckers, Robert H. Weisberg, L. Vandenbulcke, F. Lenartz, and M. Rixen


Music Autoethnographies: Making Autoethnography Sing/Making Music Personal, Brydie-Leigh Bartleet and Carolyn Ellis


Sex Workers and HIV/AIDS: Analyzing Participatory Culture-Centered Health Communication Strategies, Ambar Basu and Mohan J. Dutta


Branding as a Health Campaign Marketing Strategy, Ambar Basu and Jian Wang


A Draft Regional Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Vernal Pool Depressional Wetlands in Southern California, Ellen T. Bauder, Andrew J. Bohonak, Barry Hecht, Marie A. Simovich, David Shaw, David G. Jenkins, and Mark C. Rains


Early Intervention Program Criteria: Evaluating Officer Use of Force, Thomas Bazley, Thomas Mieczkowski, and Kim Michelle Lersch

Australian Family and Professional Carer Attitudes to Technologies Used to Manage Wandering in Persons with Dementia, E. Beattie, William D. Kearns, and S. P. Applegarth


Attitudes and Expectations of Technologies to Manage High Risk Wandering and Elopement in Persons with Dementia: An Australian Perspective, E. Beattie, J. M. McCrow, William D. Kearns, and S. P. Applegarth


The Association of Individual and Facility Characteristics with Psychiatric Hospitalization Among Nursing Home Residents, Marion Becker, Ross Andel, Timothy Boaz, and Timothy Howell


Risk for Suicide among Medicaid beneficiaries, Marion Becker, Lisa M. Brown, Ezra Ochshorn, and Ronald Diamond


Influences of Channel Dredging on Flow and Sedimentation Patterns at Microtidal Inlets, West-Central Florida, USA, Tanya M. Beck and Ping Wang


Morphodynamics of New Pass and Big Sarasota Pass, West-central Florida, USA, Tanya Beck and Ping Wang


Humor and Laughter May Influence Health IV. Humor and Immune Function, Mary Payne Bennett and Cecile Lengacher


Negotiating “A Blues Riff”: Listening for Django Reinhardt’s Place in American Jazz, Andrew S. Berish


Cultural Studies and the Politics of Representation: Experience ↔ Subjectivity ↔ Research, Keith Berry and John T. Warren


InSAR Observations of 2007 Tanzania Rifting Episode Reveal Mixed Fault and Dyke Extension in an Immature Continental Rift, Juliet Biggs, Falk Amelung, Noel Gourmelem, Timothy H. Dixon, and Sang-Wan Kim


The 2007 Pisco, Peru, Earthquake (M8.0): Seismology and Geodesy, Juliet Biggs, David P. Robinson, and Timothy H. Dixon


Frequent Detection of Highly Diverse Variants of Cardiovirus, Cosavirus, Bocavirus, and Circovirus in Sewage Samples Collected in the United States, O. Blinkova, Karyna Rosario, A. Kapoor, B. Slikas, F. Bernardin, Mya Breitbart, and E. Delwart


Transfer of Power, Arthur P. Bochner


Vulnerable Medicine, Arthur P. Bochner


Vulnerable Medicine, Arthur P. Bochner


Warm Ideas and Chilling Consequences, Arthur P. Bochner


The Integrative Model of E-Health Use, Graham D. Bodie, Mohan J. Dutta, and Ambar Basu


Ethical Challenges When Working with Independent Youth Across International Boundaries, Roger A. Boothroyd, Paul Stiles, and K. A. Best


Risk Taking Differences on a Behavioral Task as a Function of Potential Reward/Loss Magnitude and Individual Differences in Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking, Marina Bornovalova, Alex Cashman-Rolls, Jennifer M O'Donnell, Kenneth Ettinger, Jerry B Richards, H deWit, and C W Lejuez


Stability, Change, and Heritability of Borderline Personality Disorder Traits from Adolescence to Adulthood: A Longitudinal Twin Study, Marina Bornovalova, Brian M Hicks, William G Iacono, and Matt McGue


Testing Gender Effects on the Mechanisms Explaining the Association between Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Substance Use Frequency, Marina Bornovalova, Paige Ouimette, Aaron V Crawford, and Roy Levy


Characteristics Associated with Mammography Screening among Both Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women, Evelinn A. Borrayo, Lisa Hines, Tim Byers, Betsy Risendal, Martha L. Slattery, Carol Sweeney, Kathy B. Baumgartner, and Anna Giuliano


Insights from Past Experience with Human Dynamics in Military Operations, Randy Borum


What Can Be Done About School Shootings?: A Review of the Evidence, Randy Borum, Dewey Cornell, William Modzeleski, and Shane Jimerson


Al-Qaeda's Operational Evolution: Behavioral and Organizational Perspectives, Randy Borum and Michael Gelles


Interview and Interrogation: A Perspective and Update from the USA, Randy Borum, Michael Gelles, and Steven Kleinman


Comparison of Inherent Optical Properties as Surrogate for Particulate Matter Concentration in Coastal Waters, Emmanuel Boss, Lisa Taylor, Sherryl Gilbert, Kjell Gundersen, Nathan Hawley, Carol Janzen, Tom Johengen, Heidi Purcell, Charles Robertson, Daniel Schar, G. Jason Smith, and Mario Tamburri


Self-Esteem, Jennifer K. Bosson and W. B. Swann Jr.


Precarious Manhood and Displays of Physical Aggression, Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, Rochelle Milne Burnaford, Jonathan M. Weaver, and S. Arzu Wasti


Precarious Manhood and Displays of Physical Aggression, Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, Rochelle M. Burnaford, Jonathan R. Weaver, and S. Arzu Wasti


J. Arch Getty and Oleg V. Naumov. Yezhov: The Rise of Stalin's “Iron Fist.” Assisted by Nadezhda V. Muraveva., Kees Boterbloem

Video modeling by experts with video feedback to enhance gymnastics skills, Eva Boyer, Raymond G. Miltenberger, Catherine Batsche, and Victoria Fogel


Social Science in a Water Observing System, John B. Braden, Daniel G. Brown, Jeff Dozier, Patricia Gober, Sara M. Hughes, David R. Maidment, Sandra L. Schneider, P. Wesley Schultz, James S. Shortle, Stephen K. Swallow, and Carol M. Werner


Evaluation of an Error-Reduction Training Program for Surgical Residents, Michael T. Brannick, Peter J. Fabri, José Zayas-Castro, and Rebecca H. Bryant


Comparison of Trait and Ability Measures of Emotional Intelligence in Medical Students, Michael T. Brannick, Monika M. Wahi, Melissa Arce, Hazel-Anne Johnson, Stanley Nazian, and Steven B. Goldin


Metagenomic and Stable Isotopic Analyses of Modern Freshwater Microbialites in Cuatro Ciénegas, Mexico, Mya Breitbart, Ana Maria Hoare, Anthony G. Nitti, Janet Siefert, Matthew Haynes, Elizabeth Dinsdale, Robert Edwards, Valeria Souza, Forest Rohwer, and David Hollander


“Un final para la discutible historia”: El eterno retorno de Los adioses, Pablo A.J. Brescia


Guest Editorial: Interventions for Homeless Individuals With Co-Occurring Mental Health and Addictive Disorders, Nahama Broner, Brian Dates, and M. Scott Young


Defining Gerontechnology for R&D Purposes, Johanna E.M.H. Bronswijk, Herman Bouma, James L. Fozard, William D. Kearns, Gerald C. Davison, and Pan-Chio Tuan


Preventive Health Engineering in Earlier and Later Life, Johanna E.M.H. Bronswijk and William D. Kearns


Replicating and Extending Past Personality/Job Satisfaction Meta-Analyses, Valentina Bruk-Lee, Haitham A. Khoury, Ashley E. Nixon, Angeline Goh, and Paul E. Spector


Electrochemical Studies of Iron Meteorites: Phosphorus Redox Chemistry on the Early Earth, David E. Bryant, David Greenfield, Richard D. Walshaw, Suzanne M. Evans, Alexander E. Nimmo, Caroline Smith, Liming Wang, Matthew A. Pasek, and Terence P. Kee


Development of Communication, Judith B. Bryant

Language in Social Contexts: Communicative Competence in the Preschool Years, Judith B. Bryant

Pragmatic Development, Judith B. Bryant


The Geriatric Cancer Experience at the End of Life: Testing an Adapted Model, Harleah G. Buck, Janine Overcash, and Susan C. McMillan


Building Links with the Fishing, Aquaculture and Management Communities, Alida Bundy, Gary Borstad, John Field, Steve Groom, Nicolas Hoepffner, Chuanmin Hu, Vivian Lutz, and Cara Wilson

Copyright and Media, What you need to know, Merilyn S. Burke

Copyright and the classroom, Merilyn S. Burke

E-Libraries and Distance Learning, Merilyn S. Burke

Candid Discussion about Copyright , Merilyn S. Burke and Colin Mailloux


Preface, Patrice M. Buzzanell


Spiritual Mentoring: Embracing the Mentor-Mentee Relational Process, Patrice M. Buzzanell


Leading Communication Associations for Social Impact, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Betsy Bach, Dawn Braithwaite, Linda Putnam, and Charles Self


An Introduction to Some Distinctive Qualities in Communication Research, Patrice M. Buzzanell and Donal Carbaugh


Stories of Caregiving: Intersections of Academic Research and Women’s Everyday Experiences, Patrice M. Buzzanell and Suzy D’Enbeau