Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 2012


Developing Strategies for Reducing Cancer Disparities via Cross-Institutional Collaboration: Outreach Efforts for the Partnership Between the Ponce School of Medicine and the Moffitt Cancer Center, Clement K. Gwede, Eida Castro, Thomas H. Brandon, Jessica McIntyre, Cathy D. Meade, Teresita Munoz-Antonia, Vani N. Simmons, Susan T. Vadaparampil, Julio Jimenez, and Gwendolyn P. Quinn


The FoRAM Index Revisited: Uses, Challenges, and Limitations, Pamela Hallock


An Index to Assess the Health and Benefits of the Global Ocean, Benjamin S. Halpern, Catherine Longo, Darren Hardy, Karen L. McLeon, Jameal F. Samhouri, Steven K. Katona, Kristen Kleisner, Sarah E. Lester, Jennifer O'Leary, Marla Ranelletti, and Kendra L. Daly


Developing a Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe to Alter Over-Ground Walking Coordination, Ismet Handzic, Erin Vasudevan, and Kyle B. Reed


Regional Beach/Cliff System Dynamics along the California Coast, Cheryl J. Hapke and Dave Reid


ABRACADABRA for Magic under which Conditions? Case Studies of a Web-Based Literacy Intervention in the Northern Territory, Helen Harper, Janet Helmer, Tess Lea, Kalotina Chalkiti, Susan Emmett, and Jennifer R. Wolgemuth


Psychological Consequences of Obesity: Weight Bias and Body Image in Overweight and Obese Youth, Jennifer A. Harriger and Joel K. Thompson


Coming out of the dark: Content analysis of articles pertaining to gay, lesbian, and bisexual issues in couple and family therapy journals, Erica E. Hartwell, Julie M. Serovich, Erika L. Grafsky, and Zachary Y. Kerr


Benjamin P. Flower (1962–2012), David W. Hastings, Amelia E. Shevenell, and James P. Kennett


Variation Among Individuals in Cone Production in Pinus palustris Mill. (Pinaceae), Kelly L. Haymes and Gordon A. Fox


Contrasting Genetic Differentiation of a Poorly Dispersing Lizard in Connected and Fragmented Scrub Habitats, Stacy A. Heath, Aaron W. Schrey, Kyle G. Ashton, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy


The Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging, Jerry W. Hedge and Walter Borman


Personnel Recruitment, Selection, and Turnover, Jerry W. Hedge, Walter Borman, and Dan Ispas


Work and Aging, J. W. Hedge and Walter Borman


No Atheists in Foxholes: Afterlife Evidence Buffers Mortality Salience Effectsin Atheists, Nathan A. Heflick and Jamie L. Goldenberg


Density Dependence and Population Regulation in Marine Fish: a Large-scale, Long-term Field Manipulation, Mark A. Hixon, Todd W. Anderson, Kevin L. Buch, Darren W. Johnson, J. Brock McLeod, and Christopher D. Stallings


Where Were You? Development of a Time-Geographic Approach for Activity Destination Re-Construction, Mark W. Horner, Brandon Zook, and Joni Downs


Modeling Speed Profile on Freeway Exit Ramps Using Support Vector Regression, Bing Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Jian J. Lu, and Linjun Lu


Citation Characterization and Impact Normalization in Bioinformatics Journals, Hong Huang, James Andrews, and Jiang Tang


Health Numeracy Confidence among Racial/ Ethnic Minorities in HINTS 2007: Sociodemographic, Attitudinal, and Knowledge Correlates, Hong Huang, Yiu Ming Chan, and Dong Feng


EST-SSRs Characterization and In-Silico Alignments with Linkage Map SSR Loci in Grape (Vitis L.) Genome, Hong Huang, Jiang Lu, Xia Xu, Xiaoqin Yang, Shuang Liang, and Jiao Wu


Curation Roles and Perceived Priorities for Data Quality Dimensions and Skills in Genome Curation Work, Hong Huang, Besiki Stvilia, and Corinne Jörgensen


Prioritization of Data Quality Dimensions and Skills Requirements in Genome Annotation Work, Hong Huang, Besiki Stvilia, Corinne Jorgensen, and Bass W. Hank


Library and Information Science Oriented Bioinformatics Education in North America, Hong Huang and Jiang Tang


South Florida Marine Environments Can be Assessed with Satellite Remote Sensing, Chuanmin Hu


Evaluation of GOCI Sensitivity for At-Sensor Radiance and GDPS-Retrieved Chlorophyll-a Products, Chuanmin Hu, Lian Feng, and ZhongPing Lee


Dynamic Range and Sensitivity Requirements of Satellite Ocean Color Sensors: Learning from the Past, Chuanmin Hu, Lian Feng, Zhongping Lee, Curtiss O. Davis, Antonio Mannino, Charles R. McClain, and Bryan A. Franz


Chlorophyll Aalgorithms for Oligotrophic Oceans: A Novel Approach Based on Three-band Reflectance Difference, Chuanmin Hu, Zhongping Lee, and Bryan Franz


An IMS/ATP Assay for the Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Urine, Dawn M. Hunter and Daniel V. Lim


Open Access Week 2012: Creating and Curating OA Special Collections, Andy Huse


Environmental Enrichment Protects Against the Effects of Chronic Stress on Cognitive and Morphological Measures of Hippocampal Integrity, Katie M. Hutchinson, Katie J. McLaughlin, Ryan L. Wright, J. Bryce Ortiz, Danya P. Anouti, Agnieszka Mika, David M. Diamond, and Cheryl D. Conrad


Lipidated Peptidomimetics with Improved Antimicrobial Activity, Yaogang Hu, Mohamad Nassir Amin, Shruti Padhee, Rongsheng E. Wang, Qiao Qiao, Ge Bai, Yaqong Li, Archana Mathew, Chuanhai Cao, and Jianfeng Cai


Sauvons les Bébés: Child Health and U.S. Humanitarian Aid in the First World War Era, Julia F. Irwin


Irwin on McVety, 'Enlightened Aid: U.S. Development as Foreign Policy in Ethiopia', Julia F. Irwin


Irwin on Schaller, 'Deliver Us from Evil: A Southern Belle in Europe at the Outbreak of World War I', Julia F. Irwin


Making Care Count: A Century of Gender, Race, and Paid Care Work, Julia F. Irwin


The Great White Train: Typhus, Sanitation, and U.S. International Development during the Russian Civil War, Julia F. Irwin


Multi-vehicle Collisions involving Large Trucks on Highways: An Exploratory Discrete Outcome Analysis, Mouyid B. Islam and Salvador Hernandez


The Co-Evolution of E-Government and Public Libraries: Technologies, Access, Education, and Partnerships, Paul T. Jaeger, Natalie Greene Taylor, John C. Bertot, Natalie Perkins, and Emily E. Wahl


The Impact of Context and Word Type on Students' Maze Task Accuracy, Stacy-Ann A. January, Scott P. Ardoin, and Amanda VanDerHeyden


Comparing Dose in the Build-up Region Between Compensator- and MLC-based IMRT, Khosrow Javedan, Geoffrey G. Zhang, Sarah Hoffe, Vladimir Feygelman, and Kenneth Forster


Levels of PAHs in the Waters, Sediments, and Shrimps of Estero De Urias, an Estuary in Mexico, and Their Toxicological Effects, Foday M. Jaward, Henry A. Alegria, Jose G. Galindo Reyes, and Armando Hoare


Heterostructures for Realizing Magnon-Induced Spin Transfer Torque, P. B. Jayathilaka, M. C. Monti, J. T. Markert, and Casey W. Miller


Shallow Seismicity, Triggered Seismicity, and Ambient Noise Tomography at the Long-Dormant Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia, Jennifer A. Jay, Matthew E. Pritchard, Michael E. West, Douglas Christensen, Matthew Haney, Estela Minaya, Mayel Sunagua, Stephen R. McNutt, and Mario Zabala


Substance Use as a Risk Factor for Intimate Partner Violence Overlap: Generational Differences Among Hispanic Young Adults, Wesley G. Jennings, Jennifer M. Reingle, Stephanie A. Staras, and Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina


Slow Slip Events in Costa Rica Detected by Continuous GPS Observations, 2002–2011, Yan Jiang, Shimon Wdowinski, Timothy H. Dixon, Matthias Hackl, Marino Protti, and Victor Gonzalez


Meta-Analysis of Cognitive Functioning in Breast Cancer Survivors Previously Treated With Standard-Dose Chemotherapy, Heather S.L. Jim, Kristin M. Phillips, Sari Chait, Leigh Anne Faul, Mihaela A. Popa, Yun-Hsiang Lee, Mallory G. Hussin, Paul B. Jacobsen, and Brent J. Small


Integrating Observing Systems to Benefit Stakeholders: A Case Study in the Gulf of Mexico, Ann E. Jochens, Matthew K. Howard, Lisa Campbell, Ruth Mullins-Perry, Gary Kirkpatrick, Barbara Kirkpatrick, Chris Simoniello, Chuanmin Hu, Robert H. Weisburg, Chad Lembke, Alina Corcoran, Jim Ivey, and Steven H. Wolfe


Prescription for Heterosexuality: Sexual Citizenship in the Cold War Era. By Carolyn Herbst Lewis, David K. Johnson


Reviewed Work: The Un-Natural State: Arkansas and the Queer South by Brock Thompson, David K. Johnson


Whitney Strub. Perversion for Profit: The Politics of Pornography and the Rise of the New Right., David K. Johnson


Daring Pedagogy: Dialoguing about Intersectionality and Social Justice, Julia R. Johnson, Mary González, Cris Ray, Jessica Hager, Diana Leon, Sally Spalding, and Tiffany Brigham


The Print in Regency Print Culture, Steven E. Jones

Codename Revolution: The Nintendo Wii Platform, Steven E. Jones and George K. Thiruvathukal


Spreadsheet Activities with Conditional Progression and Automatically Generated Feedback and Grades, Thomas C. Juster


Accurate Determination of Imaging Modality Using an Ensemble of Text- and Image-based Classifiers, Charles E. Kahn, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Cesar A. Lam, and Christina Eldredge


Testing a Distinctiveness Explanation of the Primacy Effect in Free Recall using Event-Related Potentials, Siri-Maria Kamp, Glen Robert Forester, Anthony R. Murphy, Ty Brumback, and Emanuel Donchin


Are Charter Schools a Viable Educational Model as an Alternative to Public Education? Counterpoint., Zorka Karanxha


Barbara Garii's Book review of Student teaching and the law in the Journal of Tutoring and Mentoring: Partnership in Learning, Zorka Karanxha


A Paleomagnetic Reanalysis of the Auborus Formation, Namibia, Jennifer J. Kasbohm, Joseph E. Panzik, and David A. D. Evans


Measuring Student Learning Using Initial and Final Concept Test in an Stem Course, Autar Kaw and Ali Yalcin


A Holistic View on History, Development, Assessment, and Future of an Open Courseware in Numerical Methods, Autar Kaw, Ali Yalcin, James Eison, Corina Owens, Glen H. Besterfield, Gwen Lee-Thomas, Duc Nguyen, Melinda Hess, and Ram Pendyala


A Holistic View on History, Development, Assessment, and Future of an Open Courseware in Numerical Methods, Autar Kaw, Ali Yalcin, Gwen Lee-Thomas, Duc T. Nguyen, Melinda R. Hess, James A. Eison, Ram Pendyala, Glen H. Besterfield, and Corina M. Owens

Developing Practical Solutions for Older People, William D. Kearns

Falls and Dementia: Predicting Health Changes Using Sensor Networks, William D. Kearns

Increased Path Tortuosity Related to Falls in Assisted Living Facility Residents, William D. Kearns

Publishing and Dissemination, William D. Kearns

Tampa Smart Home: Rehabilitation for the 21st Century, William D. Kearns

Transdisciplinary Working, William D. Kearns


The Sensitive Residence: Predicting Health Changes Using Sensor Networks, William D. Kearns and James L. Fozard PhD


Tracking Natural Human Movements Identifies Differences in Cognition and Health, William D. Kearns and James L. Fozard


Something in the Way She Moves: Falls and Fractal Dimension, William D. Kearns, James L. Fozard PhD, M. A. Becker, C. Dion, J. Craighead, and J. Jasiewicz


Path Tortuosity in Everyday Movements of Elderly Persons Increases Fall Prediction Beyond Knowledge of Fall History, Medication Use, and Standardized Gait and Balance Assessments, William D. Kearns, James L. Fozard, Marion Becker, Jan M. Jasiewicz, Jeffrey D. Craighead, Lori Holtsclaw, and Charles Dion

Locomotor Variability and Fall Risk in Seniors with Dementia, William D. Kearns and J. L. Fozard

Symposium: "The Sensitive Residence: Predicting Health Changes Using Sensor Networks", William D. Kearns and J. L. Fozard

Something in the Way She Moves: Falls and Fractal Dimension, William D. Kearns, J. L. Fozard, M. A. Becker, C. Dion, J. Craighead, and J. Jasiewicz


Lion, Ungulate, and Visitor Reactions to Playbacks of Lion Roars at Zoo Atlanta, Angela S. Kelling, Stephanie M.A. Dampier, Nicholas J. Kelling, Estelle A. Sandhaus, and Terry L. Maple


A Material System for Reliable Low Voltage Anodic Electrowetting, M Khodayari, J Carballo, and Nathan B. Crane


The Repression of Soviet Koreans during the 1930s, Alexander A. Kim


The Use of an Online Forum for Health Information by Married Korean Women in the United States, Soojung Kim and JungWon Yoon


Quasi-Lagrangian Drifter Studies of Iron Speciation and Cycling Off Point Conception, California, Andrew King, Kristen N. Buck, and Katherine Barbeau


Perspectives on Leadership from Belizean Women, Kathleen P. King


International Case Study of Transformative Learning Among Women Higher Education Leaders in Belize, Kathleen P. King


Social Media as Positive Disruption in Education, E-Learning and B-Learning, Kathleen P. King


The Mind–Body-Spirit Learning Model Transformative Learning Connections to Holistic Perspectives: Seizing Control of Your Healthcare - The Relationship among Self-Agency, Transformative Learning, and Wellness, Kathleen P. King


Transformational Leadership Journeys of Transnational Individuals: A Study of Belizean Leaders, Kathleen P. King


Transformative Research in China: Insights Into a Recent Research Journey, Kathleen P. King


If at First You Don’t Succeed, Become a Lifelong Learner: Gaining Capital through Online Higher Education Environments, Kathleen P. King, Christina M. Partin, Hidelisa C. Manibusan, and Gillian M. Sadhi


Facilitating Transformative Learning Opportunities in Higher Education Contexts for Adult Learners in Online and Virtual Spaces, Kathleen P. King and Shelley Stewart


Using Conjoint Analysis to Measure the Acceptability of Rectal Microbicides Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Four South American Cities, Janni J. Kinsler, William E. Cunningham, César Nureña, Carsten Nadjat-Haiem, Beatriz Grinsztejn, Martin Casapia, Orlando Montoya-Herrera, Jorge Sánchez, and Jerome T. Galea


Rectal Douching Among Peruvian Men Who Have Sex with Men, and Acceptability of a Douche-formulated Rectal Microbicide to Prevent HIV Infection, Janni J. Kinsler, Jerome T. Galea, Javier R. Lama, Patricia Segura, Jesús Peinado, Martin Casapia, Abner Ortiz, Carsten Nadjat-Haiem, Silvia Montano, and Jorge Sanchez


Brief Treatment of Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), Kevin E. Kip, Carrie A. Elk, Kelly L. Sullivan, Rajendra Kadel, Cecile A. Lengacher, Christopher J. Long, Laney Rosenzweig, Amy Shuman, Diego F. Hernandez, Jennifer D. Street, Sue Ann Girling, and David M. Diamond


Relationship between Dike and Volcanic Conduit Distribution in A Highly Eroded Monogenetic Volcanic Field: San Rafael, Utah, USA, Koji Kiyosugi, Charles B. Connor, Paul H. Wetmore, Brian P. Ferwerda, Aurélie M. Germa, Laura J. Connor, and Amanda R. Hintz


Microfluidic Device for Examining Directional Sensing in Dendritic Cell Chemotaxis, Piyush Koria, Abhinav Bhushan, Daniel Irimia, and Martin L. Yarmush


Detecting Differential Item Functioning Across Different Age Groups on the Turkish Receptive Language Test for Children, H. Tugbua Erol Korkmaz, Steve Stark, Sibel Kazak Berument, and Ayse Gul Guven


Quantifying Anthropogenically Driven Morphologic Changes on a Barrier Island: Fire Island National Seashore, New York, Meredith G. Kratzmann and Cheryl J. Hapke


Investigation of a High Temperature Packed Bed Sensible Heat Thermal Energy Storage System With Large Sized Elements, Sarada Kuravi, Jamie Trahan, Yogi Goswami, Chand Jotshi, Elias Stefanakos, and Nitin Goel


Technical and Teacher Training Challenges in Uganda: An Instructional Technology Approach to a 21st Century Development Issue, Charles Kyobe and Kathleen P. King


Martinique: a Clear Case for Sediment Melting and Slab Dehydration as a Function of Distance to the Trench, Shasa Labanieh, Catherine Chauvel, Aurélie Germa, and Xavier Quidelleur


Late Quaternary Grounded Ice Extent in the Filchner Trough, Weddell Sea, Antarctica: New Marine Geophysical Evidence, Robert D. Larter, Alastair G. C. Graham, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, James A. Smith, and Jennifer A. Gales