Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 1990


A Role and Expectancy Model of Participative Decision Making: A Replication and Theoretical Extension, Carlla S. Smith and Michael T. Brannick


An Analytical Electron Microscopy Study of Iron-Rich Teeth from the Butterflyfish (Chaetodon-Ornatissimus), N. H. C. Sparks, Philip J. Motta, R. P. Shellis, V. J. Wade, and S. Mann


Inorganic Complexation of Zinc (II) in Seawater, J. K. Stanley and R. H. Byrne


The Influence of Solution Chemistry on REE Uptake by Ulva Lactuca L. in Seawater, John K. Stanley and Robert H. Byrne


Hydraulic Conductivity Predicted as a Function of Grain Size, Sorting and Porosity for Dune, Washover and Foreshore Despositional Envirionments on a Barrier Island, Florida, U.S.A., Rick J. Stebnisky and H. L. Vacher

Rapid Reconnaissance of Fresh-Water Lenses on Small Oceanic Islands, Mark T. Stewart


Body Image Disturbance: Assessment and Treatment, Joel K. Thompson


Procedures, Problems and Progress in the Assessment of Body Images, Joel K. Thompson, Louis A. Penner, and Madeline N. Altabe

Response of the Real Estate Market to Frequent Flooding: The Case of Des Plaines, Illinois, Graham A. Tobin and Burrell E. Montz


Expert Opinion and Groundwater Quality: The Case of Agricultural Drainage Wells, Graham A. Tobin and Rangaswamy Rajagopal


The Point-of-Use Water Treatment Industry: Expert Opinion on Regulation, Graham A. Tobin and Rangaswamy Rajagopal

A Comparison of Flood Alleviation in Duluth, Minnesota and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Graham A. Tobin and H. Rasid


Forms of Patronage, Stephen Turner


Weber and his Philosophers, Stephen Turner


The Disappearance of Tradition in Weber, Stephen Turner and Regis A. Factor


The Impossible Science: An Institutional Analysis of American Sociology, Stephen Turner and Jonathan H. Turner


Hydrology of Meteoric Diagenesis: Residence Time of Meteoric Ground Water in Island Fresh-Water Lenses with Application to Aragonite-Calcite Stabilization Rate in Bermuda, H. L. Vacher, T. O. Bengtsson, and L. N. Plummer


Lecturas Marxistas de Mariátegui, Harry E. Vanden


Nicaraguan-U.S. Relations, Harry E. Vanden


Terrorism, Law and State Policy in Central America: The Eighties, Harry E. Vanden


Shape of Fresh-Water Lens in Small Carbonate Islands: Exuma vs Bermuda and the Effect of Climate, T. N. Wallis and H. L. Vacher


The Effect of Reproductive State, Temperature, and Salinity on DNA and RNA Levels and Activities of Metabolic Enzymes of the Pyloric Ceca in the Sea Star Luidia-Clathrata (Say), Stephen A. Watts and John M. Lawrence


Neural Adaptive Information Processing: A Preliminary Model of Receptive Field Plasticity in Auditory Cortex During Pavlovian Conditioning, Norman M. Weinberger, John H. Ashe, Raju Metherate, Thomas M. McKenna, David M. Diamond, Jon Bakin, Robert C. Lennartz, and Michael J. Cassidy


A Linear Analysis of Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Thermocline Variability, Robert H. Weisberg and T. Y. Tang


Geophysical Mapping and Hydrogeologic Analysis of Fresh-Water Lenses at Big Pine Key, Florida, M. J. Wightman, M. T. Stewart, and H. L. Vacher


Interannual Differences of Geosat Altimeter Heights and Sea Level: The Importance of a Datum, Klaus Wyrtki and Gary Mitchum

Submissions from 1989


The Influence of Surface State and Saturation State on the Dissolution Kinetics of Biogenic Aragonite in Seawater, James G. Acker and Robert H. Byrne


Long Term Dynamics of the Solid Earth, D. Agnew, K. Burke, A. Cazenave, Timothy H. Dixon, B. H. Hager, J. R. Heirtzler, T. H. Jordan, J. B. Minster, M. K. McNutt, L. H. Royden, D. T. Sandwell, and D. L. Turcotte

Developing Social Competence within Regular Classrooms through a Cognitive Strategies Approach, J. Andrews, D. Peat, R. Mulcahy, and Kofi Marfo


Adult Beliefs about Pragmatic Development, Judith A. Becker and Melanie S. Hall


The Interactive Effects of Request Form and Speaker Status on Judgments of Requests, Judith A. Becker, Herbert D. Kimmel, and Michael J. Bevill


Phosphate Complexation of Gadolinium(III) in Aqueous Solution, L. S. Bingler and R. H. Byrne


Rare Earth Element Uptake by the Marine Diatom, L. S. Bingler, R. H. Byrne, G. A. Vargo, and C. R. Tomas


Applying Communication Theory to Family Communication: An Editor's Introduction, Arthur P. Bochner


Interpersonal Communication, Arthur P. Bochner


Nonlinear and Noncompensatory Processes in Performance Evaluation, Michael T. Brannick and Joan P. Brannick


Construct Validity of In-basket Scores, Michael T. Brannick, Charles E. Michaels, and David P. Baker


Chemically Specific Retinal Ganglion Cells Collateralize to the Pars Ventralis of the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Optic Tectum in the Pigeon (Columba livia), Luiz R. G. Britto, Kent T. Keyser, Dania E. Hamassaki, Toru Shimizu, and Harvey J. Karten


The Broader Perspectives of Expectancy Research: Comment on Corcoran and Parker, Sandra A. Brown, Mark S. Goldman, B. A. Christiansen, and G. T. Smith

Algues Calcaires dans les Dêpots Oligocènes Inferieurs de la Région Purcaret-Mesteacan-Valea Chioarului (NW du bassin de Transylvanie), I. Bucur, Bogdan P. Onac, and V. Todoran


Comment on “Cerium: A Chemical Tracer for Paleo-oceanic Redox Conditions” by Y.-G. Liu, M. R. U. Miah and R. A. Schmitt, Robert H. Byrne and Linda S. Bingler


High Precision Multiwavelength pH Determinations in Seawater Using Cresol Red, Robert H. Byrne and Jabe A. Breland


Using Alcohol Expectancies to Predict Adolescent Drinking Behavior after One Year, Bruce A. Christiansen, Gregory T. Smith, Patricia V. Roehling, and Mark S. Goldman


Stress and Coping Preventive Interventions for Children and Adolescents, Brian E. Compas, Vicky Phares, and Normand Ledoux


Parent and Child Stress and Symptoms: An Integrative Analysis, Bruce E. Compas, David C. Howell, Vicky Phares, Rebecca A. Williams, and Normand Ledoux


Risk Factors for Emotional/Behavioral Problems in Young Adolescents: A Prospective Analysis of Adolescent and Parental Stress and Symptoms, Bruce E. Compas, D. C. Howell, Vicky Phares, and R. A. Williams


Anomalous Soil Mercury Concentrations at Paricutin Volcano, Michacan-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, Mexico, Charles B. Connor


The Psycho-Sexual Aspects of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: A Review of the Literature, D. L. Coovert, Bill N. Kinder, and Joel K. Thompson


A Preliminary Assessment of Chironomid Distributions in Acidic Florida Lakes, Thomas Crisman


AMERIEZ 1988: Abundance, Distribution, and Overwintering Strategies of Krill in the Ice-Edge Zone, Kendra L. Daly and Michael C. MacAulay


Adrenalectomy Reduces the Threshold for Hippocampal Primed Burst Potentiation in the Anesthetized Rat, David M. Diamond, Catherine M. Bennett, David A. Engstrom, Monika Fleshner, and Greg M. Rose


The Role of Context in the Expression of Learning-Induced Plasticity of Single Neurons in Auditory Cortex, David M. Diamond and Norman M. Weinberger


Vesicles, Amygdales and Similar Structures in Fault-Generated Pseudotachylites - Comment, Jacqueline E. Dixon and Timothy H. Dixon


Topographic and Volcanic Asymmetry around the Red Sea: Constraints on Rift Models, Timothy H. Dixon, Erik R. Ivins, and Brenda J. Franklin


Interdependence Theory and the Client Therapist Relationship: a Model for Cognitive Psychotherapy, Jeffrey J. Dolce and Joel K. Thompson


On Why Collet's Doubts Egarding the PCA are Misplaced, Emanuel Donchin


The Learning Strategies Project: Introductory Remarks, Emanuel Donchin


Psychometric Evaluation of the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale using a Community Sample, Victoria Dunn and William P. Sacco

Techniques for High Resolution Global Digital Land Topography Mapping, C. Elachi, F. Li, and Timothy H. Dixon


Image Quality of the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. I. Results of the First Flight Series, J. L. Elliott, E. W. Dunham, R. L. Baron, A. W. Watts, Sarah E. Kruse, W. C. Rose, and C. M. Gillespie


Perceptual Learning of Spatiotemporal Events: Evidence from an Unfamiliar Modality, William Epstein, Barry Hughes, Sandra L. Schneider, and Paul Bach-y-rita


The Training of Complex Task Performance, Monica Fabiani, Jean Buckley, Gabriele Gratton, Michael G.H. Coles, and Emanuel Donchin


Body Image and Eating Disturbance in Young Females, Lisa J. Fabian and Joel K. Thompson


Unsupervised Practice: The Performance of the Control Group, Mark A. Foss, Monica Fabiani, Amir M. Mane, and Emanuel Donchin


Consequences of Flowering-Time Variation in a Desert Annual: Adaptation and History, Gordon A. Fox


Life Tables and Statistical Inferences, Gordon A. Fox


Introduction to Attack and Defense: Behavioral Ecology of Parasites and Parasitoids and Their Hosts. Behavioral Ecology: From Fabulous Past to Chaotic Future, J H. Frank and Earl D. McCoy


Turbulence Model for Rotating Flows, B. Galperin and Lakshmi. H. Kantha


Modeling Rotating Stratified Turbulent Flows with Application to Oceanic Mixed Layers, B. Galperin, L. H. Kantha, G. L. Mellor, and A. Rosati


A Second Moment Closure Model for MHD Turbulence, Boris Galperin


Chemistry of Lakes in the Ocala National Forest, Florida, R. A. Garren, C. L. Clarkson, and Thomas Crisman


Alcohol Expectancies as Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology: Theory and Practice, Mark S. Goldman


Visions of Addiction: Major Contemporary Perspectives on Addiction and Alcoholism, Mark S. Goldman


The Effect of Mirror Confrontation and Size Estimation Feedback on Perceptual Inaccuracy in Normal Females who Overestimate Body Size, Debra Goldsmith and Joel K. Thompson


Electrofusion of Individual Animal Cells Directly to Intact Corneal Epithelial Tissue, Robert J. Grasso, Richard Heller, John C. Cooley, and Edward M. Haller


A Procedure for Using Multi-Electrode Information in the Analysis of Components of the Event-Related Potentials: Vector Filtering, Gabriele Gratton, Michael G. H. Coles, and Emanuel Donchin


Simulation Studies of the Latency Measures of Components of Event-Related Brain Potentials, Gabriele Gratton, Arthur F. Kramer, Michael Coles, and Emanuel Donchin


Experimental Investigations of Low-Ca Pyroxene Stability and Olivine-Pyroxene-Liquid Equilibria at 1-atm In Natural Basaltic and Andesitic Liquids, T. L. Grove and Thomas C. Juster


Upper Ocean Thermal and Flow Fields at 0°, 28°W (Atlantic) and 0°, 140°W (Pacific) during 1983-1985, David Halpern and Robert H. Weisberg


Construction of a Job in General Scale: A Comparison of Global, Composite, and Specific Measures, G. H. Ironson, P. C. Smith, M. T. Brannick, W. M. Gibson, and K. B. Paul


The Generalizability of Social Information Processing to Organizational Settings: A Summary of Two Field Experiments, Steve M. Jex and Paul E. Spector


Where is the “family” in family communication?: Exploring Families' Self‐Definitions, Jane Jorgenson


Effect of Rotation on Vertical Mixing and Associated Turbulence in Stratified Fluids, L. H. Kantha, A. Rosati, and B. Galperin


The Origins of Neocortex: Connections and Lamination as Distinct Events in Evolution, Harvey J. Karten and Toru Shimizu

Social Avoidance Behavior in Baboons: Systemic and Regional Hemodynamics, William D. Kearns


CASA Central and South America GPS Geodesy, James Kellogg, Timothy H. Dixon, and R. Neilan


Palladium Chemistry in Seawater, Lee R. Kump and Robert H. Byrne


The Economic Value of Riparian Corridors in Cornbelt Floodplains: A Research Framework, Christopher L. Lant and Graham A. Tobin


Working Memory in the Acquisition of Complex Cognitive Skills, Robert Logie, Alan Baddeley, A. M. Mane, Emanuel Donchin, and Russell Sheptak


Modelling the Variability in the Somali Current, Mark E. Luther and James J. O'Brien


Adaptive and Part-Whole Training in the Acquisition of a Complex Perceptual-Motor Skill, A. Mane, J. A. Adams, and Emanuel Donchin


The Space Fortress Game, A. Mane and Emanuel Donchin

Egalitarian Versus Pedagogical Concerns in Education: The Case of Integration in Special Education, Kofi Marfo and W. C. Nesbit


Responses of Single Auditory Cortical Neurons to Tone Sequences, T. M. McKenna, Norman M. Weinberger, and David M. Diamond


The Origin of the Marquesas Fracture Zone Ridge and Its Implications for the Nature of Hot Spots, Marcia McNutt, Karen Fischer, Sarah Kruse, and James Natland


Medicine Lake Highland September 1988 Earthquake Swarm, Stephen R. McNutt


Some Seismic Precursors to Eruptions at Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, October 1973–April 1986, Stephen R. McNutt


The Urban Floodplain as a Focus for Geographic Education, Burrell E. Montz, Graham A. Tobin, and Omie E. Medford


A Writing Program Certain to Succeed, Joseph M. Moxley


Creative Writing in America: Theory and Pedagogy, Joseph M. Moxley