Green Archiving For USF Faculty: Getting Started

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Submissions from 1994


Escape from Terror: Violence and Migration in Guatemala, Rachel A. May and Andrew R. Morrison


Mediation as a New Technique for Resolving Disputes in the Mental Health System, Noel Mazade, Andrea Blanch, and John Petrila


"Amphibian Decline": A Scientific Dilemma in More Ways than One, Earl D. McCoy

Field Techniques for Studying North American Tortoises, Earl D. McCoy


Reviewer Rejoinder, Earl D. McCoy


Designing Refuges for the Florida Sand Pine Scrub Habitat, Earl D. McCoy and Henry R. Mushinsky


Effects of Fragmentation on the Richness of Vertebrates in the Florida Scrub Habitat, Earl D. McCoy and Henry R. Mushinsky


The Community Concept in Community Ecology, Earl D. McCoy and Kristin S. Shrader-Frechette


Population Ecology of Two Species of Pasimachus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Sandhill Habitat of Florida, Earl D. McCoy and Brian W. Witz


Volcanic Tremor Amplitude Correlated with Eruption Explosivity and its Potential Use in Determining Ash Hazards to Aviation, Stephen R. McNutt

Volcanic Tremor Amplitude Correlated with the Volcano Explosivity Index and Its Potential Use in Determining Ash Hazards to Aviation, Stephen R. McNutt

Volcanic Tremor from Around the World: 1992 Update, Stephen R. McNutt

Glucocorticoids as Modulators of Neuron Survival, Repair and Function in the Aged Rat, Michael J. Meaney, Shari R. Bodnoff, D. O'Donnell, and David M. Diamond


Comparison of TOPEX Sea Surface Heights and Tide Gauge Sea Levels, Gary T. Mitchum


Elderly Outpatients' Understanding of a Physician-Initiated Advance Directive Discussion, Kathleen A. Moore, Joseph H. Danks, Peter H. Ditto, Jennifer A. Druley, Aloen Townsend, and William D. Smucker


Becoming an Academic Writer: A Modern Rhetoric, Joseph M. Moxley


Mesoscale Processes Affecting Phytoplankton Abundance in the Southern Caribbean Sea, Frank E. Muller-Karger and R. A. Castro


Comparison of Gopher Tortoise Populations on Islands and on the Mainland in Florida, Henry R. Mushinsky and Earl D. McCoy


Growth and Sexual Dimorphism of Gopherus Polyphemus in Central Florida, Henry R. Mushinsky, Dawn S. Wilson, and Earl D. McCoy


A Client-Satisfaction-Based Model of Urban Public Service Delivery Organizational Effectiveness, Ambe J. Njoh


The Land Use Policy Implementation System in Cameroon: Historical/Contemporary Perspectives and Implications for National Development, Ambe J. Njoh


Coral Reef Catastrophe, John C. Ogden


The Coral Reefs of the San Blas Islands: Revisited after 20 Years, John C. Ogden and Nancy B. Ogden


A Long-Term Interdisciplinary Study of the Florida Keys Seascape, John C. Ogden, James W. Porter, Ned P. Smith, Alina M. Szmant, Walter C. Jaap, and David Forcucci

Speleological Investigations in Kopparfjell Area (Nordland, Norway), Bogdan P. Onac

Le Karst sur la Roche Miocene du Nord-Ouest de la Roumanie, Bogdan P. Onac and I. Dumitru

The Shrinking National Collection: A Study of the Effects of the Diversion of Funds from Monographs to Serials on the Monograph Collections of Research Libraries, Anna Perrault


United States History: A Selective Guide to Information Sources, Anna Perrault and Ron Blazek


Reinventing Resource Sharing, Anna H. Perrault


Florida's Treatment-Based Drug Court: Gearing up against Substance Abuse, Roger H. Peters, Brenda A. Pennington, Jennifer Dyer Wells, Lisa Rosenthal, and John Meeks


Housing Discrimination and the Mentally Ill: The Impact of Federal Law, John Petrila


Enforcing the Fair Housing Amendments Act to Benefit People with Mental Disability, John Petrila and Kelly Ayers


Dialogue: Ethical hazards of capitation contracting: legal and ethical concerns, John Petrila and M. Cotler

Violence, Mental Disorder and the Law, John Petrila, Randy Otto, and Norman Poythress


Adolescents', Parents', and Teachers' Distress Over Adolescents' Behavior, Vicky Phares and J. S. Danforth


Spiny Lobster Recruitment and Sea Level Revisited: Results of a 1990 Forecast, Jeffrey J. Polovina and Gary T. Mitchum


Physical and Biological Consequences of a Climate Event in the Central North Pacific, Jeffrey J. Polovina, Gary T. Mitchum, Nick E. Graham, Mitchell P. Craig, Edward E. Demartini, and Elizabeth N. Flint


Book Review: Dangerous Men: The Sociology of Parole (2nd ed.), Norman Poythress


Procedural Preferences, Perceptions of Fairness, and Compliance with Outcomes: A study of Alternatives to the Standard Adversary Trial Procedure, Norman Poythress


Book Review: Recent Studies in Mental Disability and Law, Norman G. Poythress


A Numerical Analysis of Shipboard and Coastal Zone Color Scanner Time Series of New Production Within Gulf Stream Cyclonic Eddies in the South Atlantic Bight, J. Raymond Pribble, John J. Walsh, Dwight A. Dieterle, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Drinking-Related Differences in the Memory Organization of Alcohol Expectancies, Bruce C. Rather and Mark S. Goldman


More Thought Provokers, Doug Rohrer


An Analysis of Latency and Interresponse Time in Free Recall, Doug Rohrer and John T. Wixted

Husbands Respond Negatively to Depressed Wives, William P. Sacco, C. D. Dumont, and M. G. Dow


Gulf of California Biogeographic Regions Based on Coastal Zone Color Scanner Imagery, E. Santamaria-Del-Angel, S. Alvarez-Borrego, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


The 1982-1984 El Nino in the Gulf of California as Seen in Coastal Zone Color Scanner Imagery, E. Santamaria-Del-Angel, S. Alvarez-Borrego, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


Creativity Research and Classroom Practice, Linda Sarbo and Joseph M. Moxley


Significance of Studies of the Avian Brain from Three Perspectives, Toru Shimizu


Cholera Toxin Mapping of Retinal Projections in Pigeons (Columba Livia), with Emphasis on Retinohypothalamic Connections, Toru Shimizu, Kevin Cox, Harvey J. Karten, and Luiz R.G. Britto


Applied Ecology and the Logic of Case Studies, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy


Biodiversity, Biological Uncertainty, and Setting Conservation Priorities, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy


How the Tail Wags the dog: How Value Judgments Determine Ecological Science, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy


What Ecology Can do for Environmental Management, Kristin Shrader-Frechette and Earl D. McCoy


Alcohol Expectancy Theory and the Identification of High-Risk Adolescents, Gregory T. Smith and Mark S. Goldman


Using Self-Report Questionnaires in OB Research: A Comment on the Use of a Controversial Method, Paul E. Spector


The Contribution of Personality Traits, Negative Affectivity, Locus of Control and Type A to the Subsequent Reports of Job Stressors and Job Strains, Paul E. Spector and Brian J. O'Connell


Large-Scale Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Turbulence with Rossby Waves, Semion Sukoriansky, Boris Galperin, and Ilya Staroselsky


Redesigning Emergency Room Psychiatry in New York, Richard C. Surles, John D. Petrila, and Mary E. Evans


Accuracy Assessment of the Large-scale Dynamic Ocean Topography from TOPEX/POSEIDON Altimetry, B. D. Tapley, D. P. Chambers, C. K. Shum, R. J. Eanes, J. C. Ries, and R. H. Stewart


Factor Analysis of Multiple Measures of Body Image Disturbance: Are We All Measuring the Same Construct, Joel K. Thompson, Madeline N. Altabe, Sylvia Johnson, and Susan M. Stormer


Biogenic Silica Fluxes and Accumulation Rates in the Gulf of California, R. C. Thunell, C. J. Pride, E. Tappa, and Frank E. Muller-Karger


The Flood Hazard and Dynamics of the Residential Land Market, Graham A. Tobin and Burrell E. Montz

The Great Midwestern Floods of 1993, Graham A. Tobin and Burrell E. Montz

An Examination of Stress in a Flood-Prone Environment, Graham A. Tobin and Jane C. Ollenburger


Metabolism of Antarctic Micronektonic Crustacea as a Function of Depth of Occurrence and Season, Joseph J. Torres, A. V. Aarset, J. Donnelly, Thomas L. Hopkins, T. M. Lancraft, and D. G. Ainley


Proximate Composition and Overwintering Strategies of Antarctic Micronektonic Crustacea, Joseph J. Torres, J. Donnelly, Thomas L. Hopkins, T. M. Lancraft, A. V. Aarset, and D. G. Ainley


Spatiotemporal Analysis of Brain Alectrical Fields, Don M. Tucker, Mario Liotti, Geoffrey F. Potts, Gerald S. Russell, and Michael I. Posner


Relativism Hot and Cold, Stephen Turner


Max Weber: The Lawyer as Social Thinker, Stephen Turner and Regis A. Factor


Significance of Copepod Emergence of Benthic, Pelagic, and Phytal Linkages in a Subtidal Seagrass Bed, Keith Walters and Susan S. Bell


Equatorially Trapped Waves of a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System, Chunzai Wang and Robert H. Weisberg


On the "Slow Mode' Mechanism in the Enso-Related Coupled Ocean- Atmosphere Models, Chunzai Wang and Robert H. Weisberg

Field Measurement of Longshore Sediment Transport in the Surf Zone: Preliminary Results, Ping Wang and Richard A. Davis Jr.


Home Range, Activity, and Burrow Use of Juvenile Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus Polyphemus) in a Central Florida Population, Dawn S. Wilson, Henry R. Mushinsky, and Earl D. McCoy


Analyzing the Dynamics of Free Recall: An Integrative Review of the Empirical Literature, John T. Wixted and Doug Rohrer


Defense and Transport Systems against Xenobiotics in some Benthic Foraminifera, V. Yanko, V. Bresler, and Pamela Hallock


Understanding Family Communication, Janet Yerby, Nancy Buerkele-Rothfuss, and Art Bochner


Mapping the World's Topography Using Radar Interferometry: the TOPSAT Mission, H. A. Zebker, T. G. Farr, R. P. Salazar, and Timothy H. Dixon

Submissions from 1993


Body Image Changes During Early Adulthood, Madeline N. Altabe and Joel K. Thompson


B-Be Systematics in Subduction-Related Metamorphic Rocks: Characterization of the Subducted Component, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and William P. Leeman


B-Be Systematics in Subduction-Related Metamorphic Rocks: Characterization of the Subducted Component, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and William P. Leeman


Requests and Rerequests in Normal and Emotionally Disturbed Children, Judith A. Becker, E. M. Whitaker, and E. L. Gesten


Overcompensation by Plants: Herbivore Optimization or Red Herring?, Joy A. Belsky, Walter P. Carson, Cynthia L. Jensen, and Gordon A. Fox


Attitude accessibility as a Moderator of Autonomic Reactivity during Decision Making, Jim Blascovich, John M. Ernst, Joe Tamaka, Kristen Salomon, and Russell H. Fazio


Speed of Scanning in Primary Memory in Persons with Dementia of the Alzheimer Type, Timothy L. Boaz and Douglas R. Denney


The Coercive Grip of Neutrality: Can Psychology Escape?, Arthur P. Bochner


Viruses, Bacterioplankton, and Phytoplankton in the Southeastern Gulf of Mexico: Distribution and Contribution to Oceanic DNA Pools, J. Boehme, M. E. Frischer, S. C. Jiang, C. A. Kellogg, S. Pichard, J. B. Rose, C. Steinway, and John H. Paul


More Progress Toward a Taxonomy of Managerial Performance Requirements, Walter C. Borman and Donald H. Brush


The Role of Early Supervisory Experience in Supervisor Performance, Walter C. Borman, Mary Ann Hanson, Scott H. Oppler, Elaine D. Pulakos, and Leonard A. White


Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance, Walter C. Borman and S. M. Motowidlo


Mental Training for High Risk Encounters in Law Enforcement, Randy Borum


Improving Clinical Judgment and Decision Making in Forensic Evaluation, Randy Borum, Randy Otto, and Steve Golding


Detection of Deception in Law Enforcement Applicants: A Preliminary Investigation, Randy Borum and Harley Stock


Einige Aspekte der Stalinistischen "Säuberungen" in der Russischen Provinz, Kees Boterbloem


Delineation of Spatial Boundaries in a Wetland Habitat, P S. Botts and Earl D. McCoy


Regression and Discriminant Analysis for Analyzing Judgments, Michael T. Brannick


Understanding Team Performance: A Multimethod Study, Michael T. Brannick, Regina M. Roach, and Eduardo Salas


Spectrophotometric Procedures for Determination of Sea Water Alkalinity Using Bromocresol Green, Jabe A. Breland and Robert H. Byrne


Coral Bleaching, Barbara E. Brown and John C. Ogden