Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Alternative Title
La riqueza de especies y abundancia de las libelulas (Odonata) en diferentes alturas de Monteverde, Costa Rica
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Publication Date
August 2008
Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) are very sensitive to differences in environmental conditions such as temperature, oxygen levels and amount of forest cover (Ramírez 2000). This study focuses on Odonata species in Monteverde, Costa Rica within the Lower Montane Wet habitat. I hypothesized that variations in altitude would influence Odonata biodiversity, abundance and species richness. I used a butterfly net to collect Odonata samples at five different elevations located at between altitudes of 1425 m and 1525 m. There was no significant correlation between altitude and species richness (r^2=0.3331; p=0.450185), H’ (r^2=0.03221; p=0.188120), evenness (r^2=0.03221; p=0.188120), Odonata abundance (r^2=0.03221; p=0.188120) and Brechmorhoga rapax abundance (r^2=0.1099; p=0.872889). A significant positive correlation was found, however, between the abundance of Cora chirripa and altitude (r^2=0.3809; R=0.974679; N=5; p=0.004818). This may indicate that Cora chirripa is more sensitive to environmental factors determined by altitude than other Odonata species.
Las libélulas (Odonata) son muy sensibles a las diferencias en las condiciones ambientales tales como la temperatura, los niveles de oxígeno y la cantidad de cubierta forestal (Ramírez 2000). Este estudio se centra en la especies Odonata en Monteverde, Costa Rica.
Dragonflies, Damselflies, CIEE Summer 2008
Palabras claves
Libélulas, CIEE Verano 2008
9 pages
Geographic Location
Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)
Holding Location
Monteverde Institute
English; Spanish
Media Type
Digital Only
Recommended Citation
Conley, Christy, "Species richness and abundance of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) at different elevations in Monteverde, Costa Rica, August 2008" (2008). Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation. 502.