Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
Alternative Title
Patrones de abundancia del pecíolo y diversidad de los escarabajos de corteza (Scolytinae) de los árboles de Cecropia en Monteverde, Costa Rica
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Publication Date
August 2008
Cecropia trees regularly shed their woody, large petioles year round. This provides bark beetles from the family Scolytinae with a dependable and stable microhabitat. Bark beetles bore into the petioles, lay their eggs, and feed on the pith (Wood 1983). This study was conducted in Monteverde, Costa Rica. It examined the abundance and diversity of bark beetles between Cecropia polyphlebia in the Monteverde Cloud Forest (1550 meters) and an intermediary phenotype at Bajo del Tigre (1400 meters). It also investigated the percent of petioles colonized, species richness, evenness, and the influence of petiole moisture and length on the abundance and diversity of beetles. I analyzed 90 dead, woody petioles from the ground and from hanging vegetation from each site. Petioles were dissected and beetles were removed and identified by one of six Scolytinae morphospecies. Differences in the abundance and diversity of beetles between the two species were then compared. This study suggests that there was no difference in species diversity between the two tree species (p > 0.05). However, a difference in abundance between the hybrid phenotype and C. polyphlebia was observed. The hybrid phenotype possessed a higher abundance of beetles. Also moisture content (ANCOVA, F = 4.93, df = 2, p = 0.0083), the species of Cecropia (ANCOVA, F = 11.2, df = 1, p =0.001), and petiole length with Cecropia species (ANCOVA, F = 5.16, df = 1, p = 0.0244) had an influence on the abundance of beetles. The higher abundance of beetles in the hybrid phenotype could indicate differences in interspecific competition due to phenotypic traits of the Cecropia species. Differences in moisture content and petiole length between the two Cecropia species may reflect petiole preference and favorability of tree hosts. Furthermore, the higher abundance of beetles in the lower elevation hybrid phenotype could indicate that the majority of bark beetles may not be affected by climate change unlike many other species of animals and plants that are being severely impacted by the increasing temperatures.
Este estudio se realizó en Monteverde, Costa Rica. Examinó la abundancia y la diversidad de los escarabajos de corteza entre Cecropia polyphlebia (1550 metros) en el Bosque Nuboso de Monteverde y un fenotipo intermedio en el Bajo del Tigre (1400 metros). También investigó el porcentaje de pecíolos colonizados, riqueza de especies, igualdad y la influencia de la humedad del pecíolo y la longitud de la abundancia y diversidad de escarabajos.
Bark beetles--Behavior, Interspecific interactions, Climatic changes, CIEE Summer 2008
Palabras claves
Escarabajos de corteza--Comportamiento, Interacciones interespecíficas, Cambios climáticos, CIEE Verano 2008
9 pages
Geographic Location
Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve (Costa Rica)
Ubicación geográfica
Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde (Costa Rica)
Holding Location
Monteverde Institute
English; Spanish
Media Type
Digital Only
Recommended Citation
Gandhi, Sonali, "Patterns of petiole abundance and diversity in bark beetles (Scolytinae) of Cecropia trees in Monteverde, Costa Rica, August 2008" (2008). Monteverde Institute: Tropical Ecology and Conservation. 251.