Spanish Civil War History Project
Video, Forever Activist with Ed Balchowsky, 1986
Ed Balchowsky
A segment from "Forever Activist" featuring Abraham Lincoln Brigade veteran Ed Balchowsky. Balchowsky is speaking in English with an unknown translator translating in Spanish.
Video, Excerpt of Interview with Al Prago, 1986
Al Prago
Video interview excerpt of Al Prago in Madrid in fall 1986 where Al Prago speaks about Jews serving in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.
Video, Interview of Yekhiel Shulevitch, 1986
Yekhiel Shulevitch
Interview of Abraham Lincoln Brigade veteran Yekhiel Shulevitch about his joining the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to fight antisemitism and fascism in Spain.
Video, Excerpt of Interview with Frye, 1986
Video interview excerpt of Frye speaking about his motivation to go to Spain and fight as a way to combat antisemitism.
Program, Benefit for Centro Español Sección de Damas de Protección y Auxilio, May 13, 1943
Centro Español de Tampa
Program for a performance benefitting Sección de Damas de Protección y Auxilio of Centro Español in Tampa, held May 13, 1943 at Teatro Casino. The performance featured the premiere of the comedy play "Tu seras mio," plus variety acts. The cover features a picture of Ramón Fernández Rey, president of Centro Español, with the headline: El Presidente amado por todos.
Manifesto, España 1936--Tampa 1940, circa 1940s
Tract in support of Mariano Rodríguez, union leader and former treasurer of the Tampa Democratic Popular Committee to Aid Spain. The manifesto also urges Tampa workers to continue their efforts to help exiles and refugees from the Spanish Civil War.
Program, Gran Tendia Social, September 9, 1938
Loyal Knights of America (Tampa, Fla.)
Program of an event organized by the Loyal Knights of America in Tampa, held Friday, Sept. 9, 1938. The program lists songs, speeches, and "sorpresa" (surprise).
Postcard, El Pueblo de Cuba Socorre Amorosamente a la Infancia Española: Ayúdenos a Hacerle un 1938 Más Grato, circa 1938
Advertising postcard of the Cuban organization that helped Spanish children during the Civil War. The front of the card contains a photo of two infants, with the picture surrounded by drawings of planes and bombs. The message at the bottom translates as: The people of Cuba lovingly succor the Spanish children. Help us make 1938 a more pleasant year for them.
Pamphlet, La Civilizacion y la Paz, 1938
Armando Florial
Cover of the booklet La civilización y la paz, by Armando Florial. The work analyzes the situation in Europe, and particularly the Nazi and Fascist intervention in the Spanish Civil War. It is dedicated to the Group "La Riscossa" [The Insurrection], an Italian antifascist group organized in Tampa around 1923.
Flier, Grandiosa Función Organizada por el Frente Popular a Beneficio del Regalo de las Máquinas de Coser, September 26, 1937
Centro Asturiano de Tampa
Flier announcing a performance of the one-act play "Los heroes de Madrid," written by Tampa cigarmaker J.M. Gil., to be held at the theater in Centro Asturiano de Tampa on Sunday, Sept. 26, 1937. Proceeds from the performance would be used by the Democratic Popular Committee to Aid Spain to purchase sewing machines to send to Republican Spain.
Letter, Felipe Rojas to Victoriano Manteiga, August 18, 1937
Felipe Rojas
Letter in Spanish to the editor of the Tampa newspaper La Gaceta, who was a prominent member of the Democratic Popular Committee to Aid Spain. Felipe Rojas was one of the Tampans who joined the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and fought to defend the Spanish Republic against the forces of General Francisco Franco. In the letter, Rojas asks Manteiga to send copies of La Gaceta to his brigade. Handwritten on stationery with letterhead 24 Brigada Mixta, Batallón no.93.
Ticket, Gran pic-nic que se Celebrara en La Columna Park, May 23, 1937
Loyal Knights of America (Tampa, Fla.)
Ticket for picnic sponsored by Loyal Knights of America, held Sunday, May 23, 1937 in Tampa. Back of ticket contains lyrics by Carmen Ramirez to the song "La orgía dorada" (commonly known in Tampa as 'El Miliciano"). The song, honoring the Loyalist troops who defended the Spanish Republic during the Civil War, was one of the songs often sung at events sponsored by the Democratic Popular Committee to Aid Spain.
Program, Gran Picnic a Beneficio de la Sección de Propaganda, May 2, 1937
Centro Asturiano de Tampa
Program for a picnic to benefit the Sección de Propaganda of Centro Asturiano de Tampa, held May 2, 1937. The cover of the program is designed as a reproduction of the Spanish Republican flag, showing the community's support for the Spanish Republic.
Flier, Gran Función Teatral, April 25, 1937
Centro Asturiano de Tampa. Sección de Damas
Flier announcing a performance at the theatre in Centro Asturiano de Tampa, to be held Sunday, Apr. 25, 1937. The performance was sponsored by la Sección de Damas (Women's Section) of Centro Asturiano as a benefit to purchase milk for children in Spain during the Civil War. The bottom of the flier notes that children under 12 would be admitted free if they donated a can of milk.
Program, Velada Commemorativa del Sexto Aniversario de la República Española, April 14, 1937
Centro Asturiano de Tampa and Spain. Consulado (Tampa, Fla.)
Program for an event commemorating the sixth anniversary of the proclamation of the Spanish Republic, held Apr. 14, 1937 at Centro Asturiano de Tampa. The cover of the program is a reproduction of the Spanish Republican flag.
Flier, Gran Función a Beneficio de los Huerfanos de España, January 24, 1937
Loyal Knights of America (Tampa, Fla.) and
Flier announcing a performance by Seccion Juvenil (Youth Section) of Loyal Knights of America, to be held at the theatre in Centro Asturiano de Tampa on Sunday, Jan. 24, 1937. The show was a benefit for Spanish children left orphaned by the Civil War.
Letter, Harry A. Havens to Ramón Oural, January 11, 1937
Harry A. Havens
Letter in English from the Acting Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Administration, Harry A. Havens, concerning the accounting paperwork for the money Ramón Oural deposited for payment to his wife to bring her and their children back to the U.S.
Letter, Harry A. Havens to Ramón Oural, April 14, 1937
Harry A. Havens
A two-page letter in English from the Acting Chief of the Division of Foreign Service Administration, Harry A. Havens, detailing further accounting paperwork for the money Ramón Oural deposited for payment to his wife to bring her and their children back to the U.S. Also included are the following enclosures: Affidavit from Josefa Oural dated November 23, 1936; Affidavit from Josefa Oural dated November 26, 1936; Form for $10 deposit delivered to Josefa Oural; Account current form for $10 deposit; Account current form for $90 deposit; Exchange voucher for $90; Schedule of disbursements for $10, Currency Cash Accounts form for $10; and envelope.
Letter, José Menéndez to José Martinez, August 2, 1937
José Menéndez
Letter in Spanish regarding the purchase of ambulances to be sent to the Spanish Red Cross. José Menéndez was one of the members of the New York delegation of the Tampa Democratic Popular Committee to Aid Spain that was in charge of purchasing four ambulances that the Committee sent to the Spanish Red Cross in September 1937. Letter written on the stationery of La Naviera Coffee Mills.
Flier, Soldado: Prevente Contra las Enfermedades Venéreas, 1937
Spain. Jefatura de Sanidad del Ejército de Tierra
A message from the Army's health office, warning soldiers to guard against venereal disease.
Telegram to Josefa Oural, December 3, 1936
Shore to ship telegram in Spanish (called a 'Marconigramma') telling Josefa Oural that Josefina is waiting at the port in New York for Josefa's ship to arrive.
Telegram, Josefa Oural to Ramón Oural, November 30, 1936
Josefa Oural
Telegram in Spanish sent while Josefa Oural was sailing from Lisbon, Portugal on the Vulcania, telling her husband she and the children will arrive in New York early Thursday.
Telegram, R. Walton Moore to Ramón Oural, November 27, 1936
R. Walton Moore
Telegram in English from the Acting U.S. Secretary of State telling Ramón Oural that his wife and their two children set sail from Lisbon, Portugal on Nov. 26 and are expected in New York on Dec. 3.
Ticket, Bilhete de Passagem em Terceira Classe, November 25, 1936
Cosulich Line
Ticket issued by the Cosulich Line for third-class travel on board the Vulcania ocean liner from Lisbon, Portugal to New York, dated Nov. 26, 1936. Passenger names listed on the ticket are Josefa Oural and her children Josefina and José. The ticket is written in Portuguese.