QMaSC: A Handbook for Directors of Quantitative and Mathematics Support Centers
This handbook is a resource for people who lead, manage or direct Mathematics and Quantitative Support Centers (QMaSCs). In the chapters below, directors will find information about how to 1) manage a center, 2) interact with other entities on their campus, 3) train and build a staff, 4) assess their center, and 5) start a new center. Each chapter has been written by an experienced center director recognizing the diversity of QMaSCs. Additionally, there are ten case studies authored by directors representing a range of centers, from community colleges to liberal arts colleges to large research institutions.
This material is based upon work supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation under Grant DUE-1255945. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Center Leadership and Management
02. Effective Management, Rosalie Tepper
03. Responding to Institutional Needs, Ja'Wanda S. Grant
04. Addressing Diversity, Ibrahim Rosic
05. Strategic Planning and Budgeting, Gail Hilyard
06. Incorporating Technology, Maria Belk
07. Math Anxiety and the Impact on QMaSC Services, Gail Hilyard
Community Interactions
08. Coordinating with Institutional Administration, Frederick L. Van Swearingen
09. Outreach and Promotion, Laurie Wern Overmann
10. Building Effective Quantitative and Math Faculty Development, Matthew Salomone and Kathryn Bjorge
11. Course Collaboration Models, Eric Gaze
12. Virtual Presence, McKayla Nuffer
Staffing, Hiring, and Training
13. Staffing and Hiring, Christine Tinsley
14. Training Materials and Methods, Johnathan Nelson
15. Practice and Mentoring, Cymra Haskell
Center Assessment
16. Internal Evaluation and Reporting, Tiana Bosley
17. Reporting Assessment Findings to External Audiences, Rachel M. Dunwell, Grace Coulombe, and Michael E. Schuckers
18. Center Staff Feedback, Dennis Lewandowski
Starting a Center
19. Defining Staff Roles, Darry Andrews and Carolyn Johns
20. Hiring a Director, George Recck
21. Designing a QMaSC Space, Eileen M. Phillips
Case Studies
22. Case Study: Symbolic and Quantitative Resource Center at Lewis & Clark College, Margot Black
23. Case Study: Math and Computer Science Academic Support Services at Bethel University, Patrice Conrath
24. Case Study: The Mathematics & Statistics Workshop at Bates College, Grace Coulombe
25. Case Study: Math Learning Center at Oregon State University, Thomas Dick
26. Case Study: The William B. Law Learning Commons at Tallahassee Community College, Vera L. Mayes
27. Case Study: The Spinelli Center for Quantitative Learning at Smith College, Catherine McCune
28. Case Study: Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning Center at Hamilton College, Mary B. O'Neill
29. Case Study: The Math Study Center at the University of Washington, Patrick T. Perkins
30. Case Study: Quantitative Learning Center at UConn, Tom Roby
31. Case Study: Peterson Quantitative Resource Center at St. Lawrence University, Michael Schuckers