Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Alcohol Expectancy Associates as a Probe of the Motivational Processes that Lead to Drinking, Daniel C. Faraci
Features of borderline personality and related psychopathologies as a contemporaneously and temporally connected network, Haya Fatimah
Editing the Self Away: The Effects of Photo Manipulation on Perceptions of the Self, Roxanne N. Felig
Motivation Matters: The Interaction of Approach and Avoidance Alcohol Motivation and Self-Control Demands in College Drinkers, Becky K. Gius
Facilitators and Barriers to Treatment Engagement in a Behavioral Parent Training Program, Holland Hayford
Effects of Inter-Male Status Challenge and Psychopathic Traits on Sexual Aggression, Amy M. Hoffmann
If at First You Don’t Succeed...Your Coworkers Just Might Be Pleased: A Story of Workplace Schadenfreude, Kim Johnson
Motivation to Volunteer, Lendi N. Joy
Affect and Craving: Examining the Differential Influences of Positive and Negative Affect on Inclinations to Approach and Avoid Alcohol Use, Jacob A. Levine
Threat-Induced Alterations in Cognition and Associations with Disinhibited Behavior, Julia B. McDonald
A Prospective Examination of Psychosocial Outcomes Following Gynecomastia Surgery, D. Luis Ordaz
Assessing the Impacts of Sensorimotor Stimuli and Nicotine Content on Cravings and Other Outcomes of E-Cigarette Use, Amanda M. Palmer
The Threat of Virality: Digital Outrage Combats the Spread of Opposing Ideas, Curtis Puryear
Why Are Women Leaving STEM? An Examination of Workplace Rivalry, Joseph Regina
A Fidelity-based Integration Model for Explicit and Implicit Ensemble Coding, Ke Tong
Care in Context: Constructing a Theory of Care in One Fifth Grade Classroom, Emily J. Wingate
Depression, Music Choice, and Affective Outcomes in Daily Life, Sunkyung Yoon
The Immediate Effect of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Attention and Acceptance, Xiaoqian Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Understanding the Mechanisms Between Job Stress and Employee Sleep: A Daily Diary Study, Marijana L. Arvan
The Effects of Mortality Salience on Interest in Death (and Life) Among High Openness Individuals, Patrick Boyd
Linking Sleep and Aggression: The Role of Response Inhibition and Emotional Processing, Melanie L. Bozzay
Mapping Reward Values to Cues, Locations, and Objects: The Influence of Reward Associations on Visual Attention, Constanza de Dios
From C++ to Conscientiousness: Modeling the Psychosocial Characteristics Influencing Cybersecurity Personnel Performance, Rachel C. Dreibelbis
Personality and Process: The Role of Dyadic Homophily, Christina N. Falcon
Why Does Coaching Work? An Examination of Inputs and Process Variables in an Employee Coaching Program, Sarah E. Frick
Examining the Effect of Context on Responses to Social Interaction, Renee R. Hangartner
Women’s Orgasm Gap as a Function of Precarious Manhood, Jessica A. Jordan
Collaboration: Who, When, and Why to Work Together, Michelle S. Kaplan
Prejudice Asymmetry: The Cultural Acceptance of Sexism, Sophie Kuchynka
Linking Trait-Based Influences with Proximal, Contextually Driven Processes to Understand the Relationship Between Alcohol Use and Risk Behavior, Patrick M. Logan
Evaluating Theories of Bilingual Language Control Using Computational Models, Mark D. Lowry
Job Crafting and Individual Management of Work-Family Balance Across Family Stages, Victor S. Mancini
Phishing in Dark Waters: A Quasi-Experimental Approach with Evaluating Cyber-Security Training for End-Users, Jaclyn Martin
Identifying Employees Who Fit with Electronic Communication Styles, Britany Telford Mills
Contribution of Sleep Disruption and Physical Inactivity to Fatigue In Survivors of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant, Ashley M. Nelson
Disentangling the Impact of Poor Sleep from Depressive Symptoms on Emotion Regulation, Kimberly O'leary
Discrimination, Victimization, and Suicidality in the LGBTQ Population: The Role of Psychological Pain and Perceived Connectedness, Amanda L. Peterson
Conditions for Maximizing Expected Value in Repeated Choices from Experience, Andrea Y. Ranieri
Health-Promoting Behaviors and Subjective Well-Being Among High School Students, Nicholas David W. Smith
Reference Dependence in Bayesian Reasoning, Alaina N. Talboy
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Predicting Weight Loss Following Bariatric Surgery: The Impact of Stress, Depression, Social Support and Patient Gender, Erica Ahlich
Egos Gone Wild: Threat Detection and the Domains Indicative of Toxic Leadership, Matthew S. Arbogast
Anticipatory Motivation for Drinking Alcohol: An In-Vivo Study, Bryan Benitez
Development and Validation of the Exercise Appearance Motivations Scale, Leah S. Boepple
Message Received? The Relationship between Graphic Warning Labels, Message Framing, and Psychological Responses among Smokers, John B. Correa
An Experimental Examination of Automatic Interpretation Biases in Major Depression, Alexandra H. Cowden Hindash
Manipulating Relative LMX: Effects on Performance, Conflict, and Strain, Keaton A. Fletcher
An Examination of Underlying Causes for Differences in Affect-Rich and Affect-Poor Choice, Elizabeth M. Fuller
You’re Not Helping: Unhelpful Workplace Social Support as a Job Stressor, Cheryl E. Gray
Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Ethanol Consumption and the Combined Effects on Neuroinflammation, Cognition, and Behavior in Mice, Jessica L. Hoffman
Development of the Cybersecurity Attitudes Scale and Modeling Cybersecurity Behavior and its Antecedents, David J. Howard
Contributors to and Correlates of Loneliness in Lung Cancer Patients, Kelly A. Hyland
A Latent Profile Analysis of Benefactor and Beneficiary Organizational Citizenship Behaviors toward Individuals, Seulki Jang
Better Safe than Sorry: The Relationship Between Locus of Control, Perception of Risk, and Cyber Misbehaviors, Kim Johnson
The Role of Fathers in Behavioral Parent Training: An Exploration of Parent-Related Factors in Parent and Child Treatment Outcomes, Brittany L. Jordan-Arthur
Effects of Motivation on Prospective Memory Performance in Huntington's Disease, Emily Jane Kellogg
Rumination and Worry: Factor Structure and Predictive Utility, Andrew Mark Kiselica
A Longitudinal Exploration of Drive for Leanness: Potential Uniqueness, Sex Neutrality, Adaptive Nature, and Sociocultural Fit, Brittany Lang
Harnessing Social Norms to Increase Men's Interest in HEED Careers, Joanna R. Lawler
Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Clarifying Its Measurement and Antecedents, Tiffany T. Lee
An Evaluation of Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Trainings in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs, Maureen F. Monahan
Exploring the Decisional Process behind Alcohol Use: Converging Evidence Across Multiple Theories, Emily T. Noyes
Perceptions of Quality of Life, Peer Relationships, and Health Literacy in Adolescents with Phenylketonuria (PKU), Katherine L. Wesley
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Can we talk?: Synergistic Effects of Cognitive and Behavioral Frameworks to Address Substance Use and Abuse, Lauren Jaye Adams
The Impact of Traumatic Event Exposure in the Emergency Medical Services: A Weekly Diary Study, Stephanie A. Andel
Effect of Electronic Cigarette Messages on Young-Adult Behavioral Dispositions Towards Use, Idan Ariel
Modifiable Characteristics Associated with Fear of Cancer Recurrence among Colorectal Cancer Survivors, Julie M. Cessna Palas
A Psychometric Evaluation of the Compensatory Eating and Behaviors in Response to Alcohol Consumption Scale (CEBRACS), Emily M. Choquette
Nonresident Paternal Factors and the Psychosocial Adjustment of Black Adolescents from Single-Mother Households, Erica Elizabeth Coates
Development of Ethologically-Based Inhibitory Avoidance Models of Fear Memory, Savannah Dalrymple
Psychosocial Mechanisms of Outcome in Pediatric Psychiatry, Alessandro S. De Nadai
Psychopathic Traits and Substance Use in the Context of Erotic Services and Sex Exchange among College Students, Bethany Edwards
Episodic Work-Family Conflict and Strain: A Dynamic Perspective, Kimberly A. French
Leaders on their Best Behavior: Leader Behaviors Resulting in Effective Virtual Teams, Sarah Elizabeth Frick
Age of Alcohol Initiation and Reward Processes in a Current Alcohol Drinking Sample, Claire M. Gorey
Many Hands Make Light Work: Crowdsourced Ratings of Medical Student OSCE Performance, Mark Grichanik
The Structure of Resilience: An Empirical Examination of Resilience Factors, Matthew R. Grossman
The Relationships Among Emotion, Cognitive Dysfunction and Anosognosia in Huntington’s Disease, Danielle C. Hergert
Psychopathic Traits, Gender, and Sexual Motivations: Paths to Sexual Coercion, Amy M. Hoffmann
Emotional Memory for Affective Words in Manifest and Prodromal Huntington’s Disease, Patricia Lynn Johnson
An Anatomical Study of the Hyperpallium Densocellulare in the Pigeon (Columba livia), Sara Leilani Kellogg
Evaluating an Existing Training Design in a New Context: All-Inclusive Multicultural Diversity Program, Fred Macoukji
Something Looks Phishy Here: Applications of Signal Detection Theory to Cyber-Security Behaviors in the Workplace, Jaclyn Martin
A Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Increase Utilization of Smoking Cessation Services among Veterans Undergoing Substance Use Treatment, Nicole S. Menzie
Parsing the Influences of Nicotine and Expectancies on the Acute Effects of E-Cigarettes: A Balanced-Placebo Experiment, Amanda M. Palmer
Can Selection Tests Administered via Video Games Reduce Faking?, Philip Scott Ramsay
Development and Validation of the Distress Tolerance Questionnaire (DTQ), Elizabeth C. Rojas
The Development and Validation of the Physical Appearance Comparison Scale-3 (PACS-3), Lauren M. Schaefer
Contributions of Appetitive and Aversive Motivational Systems to Decision-Making, Heather E. Soder
The Effect of Androstenone as a Mating Prime on Drinking and Approach Behavior, Robin Tan
Capturing Resilience in Context: Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment Test of Resilience, Yuejia Teng
Effects of an Early Life Immune Challenge on Body Growth, Personality, Mating Behaviors, and Brain Development of Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata), Ahmet Kerim Uysal
Quality of Life and Burden in Caregivers of Youth with Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Monica S. Wu
Depression and Choice of Emotional Stimuli, Sunkyung Yoon
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Leader Behavior Portfolios, Matthew Stephen Arbogast
Encoding Style of Positive Autobiographical Memories: Relationship to Mood Repair, Memory Functioning, and Depression, Ena Begovic
The Effect of a Computerized Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Intervention On Psychological Factors and Diabetes Management, Cathy A. Bykowski
Reactivity and Recovery Among OIF/OEF/OND Combat Veterans: Do Those with Subthreshold PTSD Differ From Veterans with and without PTSD?, Paula Castro-Chapman