Marine Science Faculty Publications
Submissions from 1993
Potential Economic Benefits from Efficient Harvest of New England Groundfish, Steven F. Edwards and Steven A. Murawski
Biostratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Diagenesis of the Tamana Formation, Trinidad: a Tectonic Marker Horizon, R. N. Elrich, P. F. Farfan, and Pamela Hallock
Large Eddy Simulation of Complex Engineering and Geophysical Flows, Boris Galperin and Steven A. Orszag
Eddy Rossby Wave Frequency in Β‐plane Turbulence, Boris Galperin, Semion Sukoriansky, and Ilya Staroselsky
Coral Reef Decline - Anthropogenic Nutrients and the Degradation of Western Atlantic and Caribbean Coral Reefs, Pamela Hallock, F. E. Müller-Karger, and J. C. Halas
Foraminifera with Chlorophyte Endosymbionts: Habitats of Six Species in the Florida Keys, Pamela Hallock and Mark W. Peebles
Bleaching in a Reef-dwelling Foraminifer, Amphistegina gibbosa, Pamela Hallock, H. K. Talge, K. Smith, and E. M. Cockey
Complexation of Trivalent Rare Earth Elements (Ce, Eu, Gd, Tb, Yb) by Carbonate Ions, Jong Hyeon Lee and Robert H. Byrne
Rare Earth Element Complexation by Fluoride Ions in Aqueous Solution, Jong Hyeon Lee and Robert H. Byrne
A Description of COADS Surface Meteorological Fields and the Implied Sverdrup Transports for the Atlantic Ocean from 30°S to 60°N, Dennis A. Mayer and Robert H. Weisberg
The Internal Consistency of CO2 Measurements in the Equatorial Pacific, Frank J. Millero, Robert H. Byrne, Rik Wanninkhof, Richard Feely, Tonya Clayton, Paulette Murphy, and Marilyn F. Lamb
River Discharge Variability Including Satellite-Observed Plume- Dispersal Patterns, Frank E. Muller-Karger
Climate Change and Marine Fish Distributions: Forecasting from Historical Analogy, S. A. Murawski
Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase Gene Expression in Subtropical Marine Phytoplankton Populations, Scott L. Pichard, Marc E. Frischer, and John H Paul
The Development of Two Oceanic Microplates: Easter and Juan Fernandez Microplates, East Pacific Rise, R. C. Searle, R. T. Bird, R. I. Rusby, and D. F. Naar
Seasonal-Variations in Equatorial Atlantic-Ocean Zonal Volume Transport at 28-Degrees-W, T. Y. Tang and Robert H. Weisberg
Seasonal Variations in Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Zonal Volume Transport at 28°W, T. Y. Tang and Robert H. Weisberg
Varve Formation in the Gulf of California: Insights from Time Series Sediment Trap Sampling and Remote Sensing, R. Thunell, C. Pride, E. Tappa, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Submissions from 1992
Morphologies and Transformations of Celestite in Seawater: The Role of Acantharians in Strontium and Barium Geochemistry, Renate E. Bernstein, Robert H. Byrne, Peter R. Betzer, and Anthony M. Greco
Modeling Vertical Structure of Open‐Channel Flows, Alan F. Blumberg, Boris Galperin, and Donald J. O'Connor
Determination of Sea Water Alkalinity by Direct Equilibration with Carbon Dioxide, Jabe A. Breland and Robert H. Byrne
Water and Carbon Dioxide in Basaltic Magmas, Jacqueline Eaby Dixon
Nutrient Provinces in the Sea: Concentration Ratios, Reaction Rate Ratios, and Ideal Covariation, Kent A. Fanning
The Importance of Density Driven Circulation in Well Mixed Estuaries: The Tampa Bay Experience, Boris Galperin, Alan F. Blumberg, and Robert H. Weisberg
Simulation of the 1979 Spring Bloom in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: A Coupled Physical/Biological/Optical Model, Watson W. Gregg and John J. Walsh
Particles Fluxes and Moving Fluids: Experience from Synchronous Trap Collection in the Sargassso Sea, G. Gust, R. H. Byrne, R. E. Bernstein, P. R. Betzer, and W. Bowles
Aquiarius Habitat Site at Conch Reef: Possibilities for Research on Formanifera with Algal Symbionts, Pamela Hallock, Elizabeth M. Cockey, and Helen K. Talge
Megabreccia Shedding from Modern, Low-Relief Carbonate Platforms, Nicaraguan Rise, Albert C. Hine, Stanley D. Locker, Leonore P. Tedesco, Henry T. Mullins, Pamela Hallock, Daniel F. Belknap, Juan L. Gonzales, A. C. Neumann, and Stephen W. Snyder
An Internally Heated, Rapid-quench, High-pressure Vessel, John R. Holloway, Jacqueline Eaby Dixon, and Alison R. Pawley
Concentration of Microbial Populations from Aquatic Environments by Vortex Flow Filtration, Sunny C. Jiang, Jennifer M. Thurmond, Scott L. Pichard, and John H. Paul
Spatial and Temporal Variability during Periods of "Recovery" after Mass Bleaching on Western Atlantic Coral Reefs, Judith C. Lang, Howard R. Lasker, Elizabeth H. Gladfelter, Pamela Hallock, Walter C. Japp, Freddy J. Losada, and Robert G. Muller
Roller-bearing Tectonic Evolution of the Juan Fernandez Microplate, R. L. Larson, R. C. Searle, M. C. Kleinrock, H. Schouten, R. T. Bird, D. F. Naar, R. I. Rusby, E. E. Hooft, and H. Lasthiotakis
Examination of Comparative Rare Earth Element Complexation Behavior Using Linear Free-energy Relationships, Jong Hyeon Lee and Robert H. Byrne
Variation in the Distribution of Fish Stocks on the Northeast Continental Shelf in Relation to their Environment, 1980-1989, D. G. Mountain and S. A. Murawski
Remote Sensing of Marine Pollution: a Challenge for the 1990S, Frank E. Muller-Karger
Multispecies Size Composition: A Conservative Property of Exploited Fishery Systems?, S. A. Murawski and J. S. Idoine
Microplates, David F. Naar
Variability in Spiny Lobster Panulirus Marginatus Recruitment and Sea Level in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Jeffrey J. Polovina and Gary T. Mitchum
15N/14N and 13C/12C in Weddell Sea Birds, Seals, and Fish: Implications for Diet and Trophic Structure, Greg H. Rau, David G. Ainley, John L. Bengston, Joseph J. Torres, and Thomas L. Hopkins
Morphology, Sediments, and Depositional Environments of a Small Carbonate Platform: Serranilla Bank, Nicaraguan Rise, Southwest Caribbean Sea, Nina J. Triffleman, Pamela Hallock, and Albert C. Hine
The 26‐Day Oscillation Observed in the Satellite Sea Surface Temperature Measurements in the Equatorial Western Indian Ocean, Pedro T. H. Tsai, James J. O'Brien, and Mark E. Luther
Meridional Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Matter in the North Atlantic Ocean, John J. Walsh, Kendall L. Carder, and Frank E. Muller-Karger
Submissions from 1991
The Phytoplankton Bloom in the Northwestern Arabian Sea During the Southwest Monsoon of 1979, John C. Brock, Charles R. McClain, Mark E. Luther, and William W. Hay
Rare Earth Element Complexation by PO43− Ions in Aqueous Solution, Robert H. Byrne, Jong Hyeon Lee, and Linda S. Bingler
Reflectance Model for Quantifying Chlorophyll-a in the Presence of Productivity Degradation Products, Kendall L. Carder, S. K. Hawes, K. A. Baker, R. C. Smith, R. G. Steward, and B. G. Mitchell
Picritic Glasses from Hawaii, David A. Clague, William S. Weber, and Jacqueline Eaby Dixon
Influence of Physical and Biological Mesoscale Dynamics on the Seasonal Distribution and Behavior of Euphausia superba in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone, Kendra L. Daly and Michael C. Macaulay
Solution Chemistry of the Rare Earths in Seawater, H. J. W. De Baar, J. Schijf, and R. H. Byrne
Degassing History of Water, Sulfur, and Carbon in Submarine Lavas from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, Jacqueline Eaby Dixon, David A. Clague, and Edward M. Stolper
The Effects of Streamline Curvature and Spanwise Rotation on Near-surface, Turbulent Boundary Layers, Boris Galperin and George L. Mellor
Hypotheses on Form and Function in Foraminifera, Pamela Hallock, R. Röttger, and K. Wetmore
Similarities between Planktonic and Larger Foraminiferal Evolutionary Trends through Paleogene Paleoceanographic Changes, Pamela Hallock, Isabella P. Silva, and Anne Boersma
Gadolinium Behavior in Seawater: a Molecular Basis for Gadolinium Anomalies, Ki-Hyun Kim, Robert H. Byrne, and Jong Hyeon Lee
Three-dimensional SeaMARC II, Gravity, and Magnetics Study of Large-offset Rift Propagation at the Pito Rift, Easter Microplate, Fernando Martinez, David F. Naar, Thomas B. Reed, and Richard N. Hey
On the Seasonal Phytoplankton Concentration and Sea Surface Temperature Cycles of the Gulf of Mexico as Determined by Satellites, Frank E. Muller-Karger, John J. Walsh, Robert H. Evans, and Mark B. Meyers
Can We Manage Our Multispecies Fisheries?, Steven A. Murawski
Tectonic Evolution of the Easter Microplate, David F. Naar and R. N. Hey
Pito Rift: How a Large-offset Rift Propagates, David F. Naar, Fernando Martinez, R. N. Hey, Thomas B. Reed, and Seth Stein
The Seasonal Circulation of the Upper Ocean in the Bay of Bengal, James T. Potemra and Mark E. Luther
15N/14N and 13C/12C in Weddell Sea Invertebrates: Implications for Feeding Diversity, Greg H. Rau, Thomas L. Hopkins, and Joseph J. Torres
Distribution of Foraminiferal Tests in Sediments of Serranilla Bank, Nicaraguan Rise, Southwestern Caribbean, Nina J. Triffleman, Pamela Hallock, Albert C. Hine, and Mark W. Peebles
A Description of the Annual Cycle in Sea Surface Temperature and Upper Ocean Heat in the Equatorial Atlantic, Thomas J. Weingartner and Robert H. Weisberg
On the Annual Cycle of Equatorial Upwelling in the Central Atlantic-Ocean, Thomas J. Weingartner and Robert H. Weisberg
Submissions from 1990
On the Summer Circulation in New York Bight and Contiguous Estuarine Waters, Alan F. Blumberg and Boris Galperin
Rare Earth Element Scavenging in Seawater, Robert H. Byrne and Ki-Hyun Kim
Overwintering Development, Growth, and Feeding of Larval Euphausia superba in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone, Kendra L. Daly
Surface-Ocean Color and Deep-Ocean Carbon Flux: How Close a Connection?, W. G. Deuser, Frank E. Muller-Karger, R. H. Evans, O. B. Brown, W. Esaias, and G. Feldman
Relationships between Interannual Variability in the Arabian Sea and Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall, S. K. Dube, Mark E. Luther, and J. J. O'Brien
Reply by Authors to G. D. Stubley and G. Riopelle, Boris Galperin and Lakshmi H. Kantha
A Time-dependent, Three-dimensional Model of the Delaware Bay and River System. Part 1: Description of the Model and Tidal Analysis, Boris Galperin and George L. Mellor
A Time-dependent, Three-dimensional Model of the Delaware Bay and River System. Part 2: Three-dimensional Flow Fields and Residual Circulation, Boris Galperin and George L. Mellor
Salinity Intrusion and Residual Circulation in Delaware Bay During the Drought of 1984, Boris Galperin and George L. Mellor
A SeaMARC II Survey of Recent Submarine Volcanism near Easter Island, Rick A. Hagen, Nancy A. Baker, David F. Naar, and R. N. Hey
Research Diving on Remote Shoals of the Nicaraguan Rise, Southwest Caribbean, Pamela Hallock, Walter C. Jaap, and Albert C. Hine
Coral Reefs, Walter C. Jaap and Pamela Hallock
Amino Acid Complexation of Palladium in Seawater, Jin He Li and Robert H. Byrne
Variability in Upwelling Fields in the Northwestern Indian Ocean 1. Model Experiments for the Past 18,000 Years, Mark E. Luther
Analysis of Volunteer Observing Ship Temperature Fields in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, D. A. Mayer, R. L. Molinari, and Robert H. Weisberg
Westward Propagation of Annual Sea Level and Wind Signals in the Western Pacific Ocean, Gary T. Mitchum and Roger Lukas
A Comparison of Ship and Coastal Zone Color Scanner Mapped Distribution of Phytoplankton in the Southeastern Bering Sea, Frank E. Muller-Karger, C. R. McClain, R. N. Sambrotto, and G. C. Ray
Variability in upwelling fields in the northwestern Indian Ocean 2. Data‐model comparison at 9000 years B.P., Warren L. Prell, Rebecca E. Marvil, and Mark E. Luther
Inorganic Complexation of Zinc (II) in Seawater, J. K. Stanley and R. H. Byrne
The Influence of Solution Chemistry on REE Uptake by Ulva Lactuca L. in Seawater, John K. Stanley and Robert H. Byrne
A Linear Analysis of Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Thermocline Variability, Robert H. Weisberg and T. Y. Tang
Interannual Differences of Geosat Altimeter Heights and Sea Level: The Importance of a Datum, Klaus Wyrtki and Gary Mitchum
Submissions from 1989
The Influence of Surface State and Saturation State on the Dissolution Kinetics of Biogenic Aragonite in Seawater, James G. Acker and Robert H. Byrne
Phosphate Complexation of Gadolinium(III) in Aqueous Solution, L. S. Bingler and R. H. Byrne
Rare Earth Element Uptake by the Marine Diatom, L. S. Bingler, R. H. Byrne, G. A. Vargo, and C. R. Tomas
Comment on “Cerium: A Chemical Tracer for Paleo-oceanic Redox Conditions” by Y.-G. Liu, M. R. U. Miah and R. A. Schmitt, Robert H. Byrne and Linda S. Bingler
High Precision Multiwavelength pH Determinations in Seawater Using Cresol Red, Robert H. Byrne and Jabe A. Breland
AMERIEZ 1988: Abundance, Distribution, and Overwintering Strategies of Krill in the Ice-Edge Zone, Kendra L. Daly and Michael C. MacAulay
Vesicles, Amygdales and Similar Structures in Fault-Generated Pseudotachylites - Comment, Jacqueline E. Dixon and Timothy H. Dixon
Turbulence Model for Rotating Flows, B. Galperin and Lakshmi. H. Kantha
Modeling Rotating Stratified Turbulent Flows with Application to Oceanic Mixed Layers, B. Galperin, L. H. Kantha, G. L. Mellor, and A. Rosati
A Second Moment Closure Model for MHD Turbulence, Boris Galperin
Upper Ocean Thermal and Flow Fields at 0°, 28°W (Atlantic) and 0°, 140°W (Pacific) during 1983-1985, David Halpern and Robert H. Weisberg
Effect of Rotation on Vertical Mixing and Associated Turbulence in Stratified Fluids, L. H. Kantha, A. Rosati, and B. Galperin
Palladium Chemistry in Seawater, Lee R. Kump and Robert H. Byrne
Modelling the Variability in the Somali Current, Mark E. Luther and James J. O'Brien
Pigment Distribution in the Caribbean Sea: Observations from Space, Frank E. Muller-Karger, C. R. McClain, T. R. Fisher, W. E. Esaias, and R. Varela