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Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico, C-IMAGE


“We were of the mind that with studying the Deepwater Horizon in the northern Gulf we weren’t getting a full Gulf of Mexico perspective.” Geochemist David Hollander is travelling with an international team of scientists aboard a Mexican research vessel. Over the last few years, his team has studied the effects of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill. But today, they’re looking back at a spill that happened 35 years ago and what they learn on this trip might help them understand the future of the Gulf. Mind Open Media producer David Levin talks to David Hollander, Joel Ortega Ortiz, Isabel Romero, Adriana Gaytán-Caballero, and Travis Washburn about their experiences on the RV Justo Sierra in the southern Gulf of Mexico during the research on the Ixtoc spill.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

In the Mud in Mexico, The Loop, Mind Open Media

The Loop Episode 8 SPANISH.mp3 (19623 kB)
Podcast in Spanish

the-loop-episode-8-eng.pdf (136 kB)
English transcript

TheLoop_ep8_ESP.docx (20 kB)
Spanish transcript
