This collection includes articles associated with the Karst Information Portal


Submissions from 2007


Speleological investigations, Nico Goldscheider and David Drew


Speleothems, Ian J. Fairchild, Silvia Frisia, and Andrea Borsato


Speleothems as indicators of wet and dry periods, Ian John Fairchild and Emily Anne McMillan


Stalagmite evidence for the precise timing of North Atlantic cold events during the early last glacial, Russell N. Drysdale, Giovanni Zanchetta, John C. Hellstrom, and Anthony E. Fallick


Stalagmite evidence from Belize indicating significant droughts at the time of Preclassic Abandonment, the Maya Hiatus, and the Classic Maya collapse, James W. Webster, George A. Brook, L. Bruce Railsback, and Hai Cheng


Stalagmite stable isotope record of recent tropical cyclone events, Amy B. Frappier, Dork Sahagian, and Scott J. Carpenter


Stratigraphy, U-Th chronology, and paleoenvironments at Gladysvale Cave: insights into the climatic control of South African hominin-bearing cave deposits, Robyn Pickering, Phillip J. Hancox, and Julia A. Lee-Thorp


Subterranean archipelago in the Australian arid zone: mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of amphipods from central Western Australia, Steven J. Ann Cooper, John H. Bradbury, and Kathleen M. Saint


Taphonomy of a South African cave: geological and hydrological influences on the GD 1 fossil assemblage at Gondolin, a Plio-Pleistocene paleocave system in the Northwest Province, South Africa, Justin W. Adams, Andy I.R. Herries, and Kevin L. Kuykendall


The Anthropology of Mesoamerican Caves, Paul F. Healy

The Creation and Sacrifice of Witches in Classic Maya Society, Lisa J. Lucero and Sherry A. Gibbs


The discovery and exploration of the Lost River Cave System, Orange County, Indiana, 1996–2007, Aaron Atz


The Earlier Stone Age In South Africa: Site Context And The Influence Of Cave Studies, Kathy Schick and Nicholas Toth


The Early Austronesian Migration to Luzon: Perspectives from the Peuffffablanca Cave Sites, Armand Salvador B. Mijares


The Early Austronesian Migration to Luzon: Perspectives from the Peuffffablanca Cave Sites, Armand Salvador B. Mijares


The El Gigante Rock Shelter, Honduras, Timothy E. Scheffler


The Emergence of Ornaments and Art: An Archaeological Perspective on the Origins of “Behavioral Modernity”, João Zilhão


The geological and geomorphological framework, Nico Goldscheider and David Drew


The Hidden Meaning of Forms: Methods of Recording Paleolithic Parietal Art, Carole Fritz and Gilles Tosello


The Human Cranium from the Peştera Cioclovina Uscată, Romania, Andrei Soficaru, Catalin Petrea, and Adrian Dobos


The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo), Graeme Barker, Huw Barton, and Michael Bird


The impact of host rock geochemistry on bacterial community structure in oligotrophic cave environments, Hazel A. Barton, Nicholas M. Taylor, and Michael P. Kreate


The impact of host rock geochemistry on bacterial community structure in oligotrophic cave environments, Hazel A. Barton, Nicholas M. Taylor, Michael P. Kreate, Austin C. Springer, Stuart A. Oehrle, and Janet L. Bertog


The lakes of Titan, E. R. Stofan, C. Elachi, and J. I. Lunine


The Late Classic Drought Cult: Ritual Activity as a Response to Environmental Stress among the Ancient Maya, Holley Moyes


The lens controls cell survival in the retina: Evidence from the blind cavefish Astyanax, Allen G. Strickler, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, and William R. Jeffery

THEMIS observes possible cave skylights on Mars, G. E. Cushing, T. N. Titus, and J. J. Wynne


The origin of erratic calcite speleothems in the Dangcheomul Cave (lava tube cave), Jeju Island, Korea, Kyung SikWoo, Jeong Chan Kim, and Don Won Choi


The political appropriation of caves in the Upper Belize Valley, Michael J. Mirro


The polygenetic caves of Cuatro Ciénegas (Coahuila, Mexico): morphology and speleogenesis, Leonardo Piccini, Paolo Forti, Italo Giulivo, and Marco Mecchia


The Rhafas Cave (Morocco): Chronology of the mousterian and aterian archaeological occupations and their implications for Quaternary geochronology based on luminescence (TL/OSL) age determinations, N. Mercier, L. Wengler, and H. Valladas


The Role of Condensation-Corrosion in Thermal Speleogenesis: Study of a Hypogenic Sulfidic CAve in Aix-LEs-Bains, France, Philippe Audra, Fabien Hoblea, and Jean-Yves Bigot


The Role of Frugivorous Bats in Tropical Forest Succession, Robert Muscarella and Theodore H. Fleming


Tool-related cognition in New Caledonian crows., Lucas A. Bluff, Alex A.S. Weir, and Christian Rutz


Tracer Test Work Plan Kinney and Uvalde Counties, Geary M. Schindel and Steven Johnson


Travel time based approach for the assessment of vulnerability of karst groundwater: the Transit Time Method, Karolin Brosig, Tobias Geyer, and Ali Subah


Upper Pleistocene Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) skeleton remains from Praha-Podbaba and other lion finds from loess and river terrace sites in Central Bohemia (Czech Republic), Cajus G. Diedrich


Uranium-series dating rock art in East Timor, Maxime Aubert, Sue O'Connor, and Malcolm McCulloch


Use of speleologic data to evaluate Holocene uplifting and tilting: An example from the Frasassi anticline (northeastern Apennines, Italy), S. Mariani, M. Mainiero, and M. Barchi


Utilization of hydrochemical data for characterization of the karst system: example of Iskrets karst spring, Bulgaria


Variable Flow Study Seven Years of Monitoring and Applied Research


Ventanas sagradas: Un studio etnoarqueológico de las creencias y rituals relacionados con las cuevas en Chocola, Suchitepéquez, Juan Pedro Laporte, Bárbara Arroyo, Héctor E. Mejía, and Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología (Guatemala)

Viaje al centro de la tierra, Gemma Gil


Westcave—A summary of geologic interpretations, B. B. Hunt, C. M. Woodruff Jr., and E. W. Collins


Zizania, Edward E. Terrell

Submissions from 2006


Acta carsologica Annotated bibliography of karst publications, no. 14, Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa (Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti) and Andrej Kranjc


A dye-tracing test as an aid to studying karst development at an artesian limestone sub-aquifer: Zagros Zone, Iran, Zargham Mohammadi, Ezzatollah Raeisi, and Mohammad Zare


A high‐resolution multi‐proxy stalagmite record from Mechara, Southeastern Ethiopia: palaeohydrological implications for speleothem palaeoclimate reconstruction, Asfawossen Asrat, Andy Baker, and Mohammed Umer Mohammed

A karst connection model for Grand Canyon, Arizona, Carol A. Hill, N. Eberz, and R. H. Buecher


Al-Daher Cave (Bergish), Jordan, the First Extensive Jordanian Limestone Cave: A Convective Carlsbad-Type Cave?, Stephan Kempe, Ahmad Al-Malabeh, and Ahmad Al-Shreideh


AMCS Activities Newsletter, No. 29, June 2006, Bill Mixon


A minimum age for canyon incision and for the extinct Molossid bat, Tadarida constantinei, from Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico, Joyce Lundberg and Donald A. Mcfarlane

Ancient Maya ritual cave use in the Sibun Valley, Belize, Polly A. Peterson


An examination of short-term variations in water quality at a karst spring in Kentucky., Martin Ryan and Joe Meiman


An Observation of Fran ois' Langurs Using Caves at Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China, Cyril C. Grueter and DING Wei


An Observation of Fran ois' Langurs Using Caves at Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China, Cyril C. Grueter and DING Wei


A preliminary investigation of National Park Service paleontological resources in cultural resource contexts, Part 1: general overview, J. P. Kenworthy and Vincent L. Santucci


Archaeological charcoal as a window on palaeovegetation and wood-use during the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu Cave, Lucy Fiona Allott


Archaeomagnetic evidence for climate change at Sibudu Cave, I. R. Herries Andy


A Reappraisal of Ancient Maya Cave Mining, James E. Brady and Dominique Rissolo


Assessing the importance of conduit geometry and physical parameters in karst systems using the storm water management model (SWMM), Eric W. Peterson and Carol M. Wicks


Au Gravettien, dans la grotte Cosquer (Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône), l'Homme a-t-il compté sur ses doigts ?During the Gravettian, in the Cosquer cave (Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône), has the Man counted on his fingers?, André Roullion


Babbling behavior in the sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata), Mirjam Knörnschild, Oliver Behr, and Otto von Helversen


Balma Guilanyà y la ocupación de la vertiente sur del Prepirineo del Noreste de la Península Ibérica durante el Tardiglaciar, Jorge Martínez-Moeno, Rafael Torcal, and J. Casanova


Bats: Important Reservoir Hosts of Emerging Viruses, Charles H. Calisher, James E. Childs, and Hume E. Field


Bats of Socotra, Catherine Cheung, Lyndon DeVantier, and Kay Van Damme


Bears and humans in Chauvet Cave (Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche, France): Insights from stable isotopes and radiocarbon dating of bone collagen, Hervé Bocherens, Dorothée G. Druckerr, and Daniel Billiou

Bio3d: an R package for the comparative analysis of protein structures, Barry J. Grant, Ana P. C. Rodrigues, and Karim M. ElSawy


Boletín GEA, Numero 43, January 2006, Ricardo D. Piethé


Carbon Dioxide Sources, Sinks, and Spatial Variability in Shallow Temperate Zone Caves: Evidence from Ballynamintra Cave, Ireland, James U.L. Baldini, Lisa M. Baldini, and Frank McDermott


Carlsbad Caverns Cave and Karst Management Plan, National Park Service


Cave and Karst Management Plan Environmental Assessment, National Park Service


Cave development on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Peter L. Smart, Patricia A. Beddows, and Jim Coke


Caves and speleogenesis at Blomstrandsøya, Kongsfjord, W. Spitsbergen, Stein-Erik Lauritzen


Characterization of microsatellite loci in fulvous fruit bat Rousettus leschenaulti, P. Y. Hua, J. P. Chen, and M. Sun


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 31, January 31, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 32, February 21, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 33, March 29, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 34, May 4, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 35, May 26, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 36, June 25, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 37, July 31 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 38, August 31, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 39, September 30, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 40, October 23, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 41, November 1, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 42, November 16, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 43, December 13, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Conexão Subterrânea, No. 44, December 20, 2006, Augusto Auler, Ericson C. Igual, and Leda Zogbi


Coronaviruses in bent-winged bats (Miniopterus spp.), D. K.W. Chu, L. L. M. Poon, and K. H. Chan


Correlating specific conductivity with total hardness in limestone and dolomite karst waters, Wieslawa E. Krawczyk and Derek C. Ford


Cross-formational rising groundwater at an artesian karstic basin: the Ayalon Saline Anomaly, Israel, Amos Frumkin and Haim Gvirtzman

Cueva de Aldatxarren (Mendaro): II Campaña, A. Villaluenga, Pedro Castaños, and A. Arrizabalaga


Defining Groundwater Flow Characteristics in the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer Based on Groundwater Chemistry, Ian C. Jones


Devils Hole, Nevada, δ 18O record extended to the mid-Holocene, Isaac J. Winograd, Jurate M. Landwehr, and Tyler B. Coplen


Direct evidence for the use of ochre in the hafting technology of Middle Stone Age tools from Sibudu Cave, Marlize Lombard


Dissected hydrologic system at the Grand Canyon: Interaction between deeply derived fluids and plateau aquifer waters in modern springs and travertine, Laura J. Crossey, Tobias P. Fischer, and Jonathan Patchett


DNA extraction from low-biomass carbonate rock: An improved method with reduced contamination and the low-biomass contaminant database, H. A. Barton, N. M. Taylor, and B. R. Lubbeers


Dominant Microbial Populations in Limestone-Corroding Stream Biofilms, Frasassi Cave System, Italy, Jennifer L. Macalady, Ezra H. Lyon, and Bess Koffman


East Asian summer monsoon variability during Marine Isotope Stage 5 based on speleothem δ18O records from Wanxiang Cave, central China, Kathleen R. Johonson, B. Lynn Ingram, and Warren D. Sharp