

In response to the question “Can genocide in our world be stopped to a significant extent,” I answer “yes.” I propose an International Peace Army (IPA) sponsored by a world government that operates rationally, based on verified news reports and scientific assessments, to respond to mass murders that are in the beginning stages or threats that are gathering. It is very improbable, however, that genocide in our world will be stopped to a significant extent. Global society is not ready to launch an IPA: humankind is still largely governed by totalitarian magic/faith ideological modes, world government is still too much a theater of power seeking, and human beings are still too immoral— that is, they are not committed resolutely to Life over Death for all people. Nonetheless, we cannot afford to give up. Our developing field of genocide studies needs to emphasize efforts at prevention much more. Even if these turn out to be our flailing end-of-species efforts, for me the effort to stop genocide is what gives greatest meaning to being alive while we are.
