About This Journal
About This JournalGenocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal (GSP) publishes empirical and theoretical work that deals with collective violence- with a focus on genocides. It promotes the scholarly discussion of concepts and cases that address the causes (roots) occurrences, consequences, and the prevention and punishment of such violence. This peer-reviewed journal publishes articles on the latest developments in policy, research, and theory from various disciplines and fields including anthropology, criminology, education, gender studies, history, law, literature, philosophy, political science, psychology, religious studies, social theory, sociology, and visual culture. It features full research and state of the field articles, (legal) case studies, field notes, translations of important works from languages other than English, as well as book and film reviews.
Review Process by the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board assesses all submissions first. In order to be reviewed at all, submissions must follow the GSP Submission Guidelines.
After internal review, the Editorial Board will determine if the submission should be sent for peer review. For submissions that are sent out for peer review, the Editorial Board will assess the reviews and provide feedback to the authors, which may include revisions by the author. The Editorial Board retains the final say on acceptance of a submission for publication, which may include a request for further revisions subsequent to the peer review revisions.
Peer-Review Process
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The editors will refer articles that are of sufficient quality and germane to genocide studies and/or the focus of a special issue to peer reviewers. The editors reserve the right not to refer a submission if, in their opinion, the article does not meet the basic standards of the journal. This is out of respect for the time of reviewers. If manuscripts are judged to be of sufficient scholarly quality, they will be reviewed by at least two experts in the field (double blind), whose expertise is germane to the focus of the manuscript.
As an open access publication, GSP is in line with requirements of European institutions that fund research as the programs of the European Union.
This journal’s content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Please refer to the infograph detailing the GSP journey of submissions for more information.
Ethics Guidelines & Policies
Regarding the ethical aspects involved in the processes of text submission, editorial decision making, text editing, and text publication, GSP follows the guidelines and the code of conduct established by the Committee on Publication Ethics. Please refer to the Ethics Guidelines and Policies page for detailed information.
Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal is supported by the University of South Florida Libraries. As a service to the research community, the USF Tampa Library's commitment to true open-access scholarly information extends to the authors. This means that there are no article or submission charges for Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal. Content is archived in LOCKSS and Portico, in addition to the back-ups at USF and offsite via bepress.
Journal ISSNs
- E-ISSN: 1911-9933
- Print ISSN: 1911-0359
Abstracting & Indexing
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- De Gruyter Saur
- IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
- Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
- EBSCOhost
- SocINDEX with Full Text
- ArticleFirst, vol. 4.1 - vol. 6.2
- Electronic Collections Online, vol. 4.1 - vol. 6.2
- China Education Publications Import & Export Corporation (CEPIEC)
- Swetswise Online Content