Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal (GSP) is the official journal of The International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS). IAGS is a global, interdisciplinary, non-partisan organization that seeks to further research and teaching about the nature, causes, and consequences of genocide, and advance policy studies on prevention of genocide. IAGS, founded in 1994, meets to consider comparative research, important new work, case studies, the links between genocide and other human rights violations, and prevention and punishment of genocide.
GSP is a peer-reviewed journal that fosters comparative research, important new work, case studies, the links between genocide, mass violence and other human rights violations, and prevention and punishment of genocide and mass violence. The E-Journal contains articles on the latest developments in policy, research, and theory from various disciplines, including history, political science, sociology, psychology, international law, criminal justice, women's studies, religion, philosophy, literature, anthropology, and museology, visual and performance arts and history.
Current Issue: Volume 18, Issue 2 (2024) Limits of Legal Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity
Front Matter
Limits of Legal Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity: Introduction to the Special Issue
Paul Morrow and Shelley Inglis
Bench Stacking and Biases: The ICJ’s Partial Decision in Yugoslavia v. NATO Members in Comparative Perspective
Jeffrey S. Bachman
Reviving the Genocide Convention’s Preventive Purpose
Yonah Diamond and John Packer
Beyond Hierarchy: Investigating the Role of Complex-Fluid Structures in the Accountability of Criminal Organizations
María Manuela Márquez Velásquez and Rodrigo Moreno
Assembling Pieces of Accountability for the Srebrenica Genocide
Annick Pijnenburg and Nataša Nedeski
If Only Justice Could Heal or Make Whole: Hard Lessons from Rwanda’s Legal Responses to Genocide and Mass Atrocity
Gerald Gahima
Rethinking the Application of Formal and Informal Justice Responses to Conflict Related Sexual Violence in Uganda
Josephine Ndagire
“A Disturbing Portent of Future Harm”? Attacks on Cultural Heritage, Atrocity Crimes, and the Problem of Prevention
Matthew S. Weinert