Editorial Board | Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal | Open Access Journals | University of South Florida

Editorial Board


Kirril Shields

Kirril Shields, PhD, Asia-Pacific Center for the Responsibility to Protect, University of Queensland, Australia
Disciplines: Genocide Prevention, Holocaust Studies
Fields of Interest: Cultural Studies, Peace & Conflict Studies, Human Rights & Humanitarianism, Communications
e-mail: k.shields@uq.edu.au

Managing Editor

Fiza Lee Winter

Fiza Lee Winter, PhD, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE), Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
Disciplines: Human Rights, Social Science
Fields of Interest: International Human Rights Law, Foreign Policy & Transnational Governance, Refugees, Forced Migration & Regionalism in Asia
email: fiza.malhotra@rub.de


Christopher Sands

Christopher Sands, PhD Candidate, Department of War Studies, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Disciplines: War Studies, Perpetrator Studies
Fields of Interest: Political violence, insurgency, terrorism, transitional/post-conflict justice
email: christopher.sands@kcl.ac.uk


Jeff Bachman

Jeff Bachman, PhD School of International Service, American University, USA
Disciplines: Genocide Studies, Human Rights, International Law
Fields of Interest: War and genocide, Human rights and conflict, US foreign policy, Political and media communication
email: bachman@american.edu

Daniel Bultmann

Daniel Bultmann, PhD Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany / Department of Social Sciences, Siegen University, Germany
Disciplines: Sociology, Area Studies
Fields of Interest: Political violence, Social structure of armed groups, Disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR), Knowledge production in (post)conflict zones, Sociology of the body, Torture, Regional focus on Southeast Asia, History of the Khmer Rouge
email: daniel.bultmann@hu-berlin.de

Shannon Fyfe

Shannon Fyfe, PhD, Washington and Lee University, School of Law, USA
Disciplines: Legal, Moral and Political Philosophy
Fields of Interest: International criminal law, International criminal justice, Moral and legal responsibility
email: sfyfe@wlu.edu

Douglas Irvin-Erickson

Douglas Irvin-Erickson, PhD, Centre for Peacemaking Practice, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, USA
Disciplines: Political Science, Legal History, Political Theory
Fields of Interest: History of international law, International criminal justice, Human rights, Peace and conflict resolution
email: dirviner@gmu.edu

Roland Moerland

Roland Moerland, PhD, Faculty of Law and The Maastricht Centre for Human Rights, Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Disciplines: Criminology and Law
Fields of Interest: Genocide and other gross human rights violations, Organizational/institutional criminogenic environments, Transitional justice, Language and discourse of violence, Genocide denial and the general role of denial in the process of genocide
email: roland.moerland@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Kate Temoney

Kate Temoney, PhD, Department of Religion, Montclair State University, USA
Disciplines: Religious Studies, Comparative Religious Ethics
Fields of Interest: Religion and genocide, Genocide prevention, Theory of history, Human rights, Warfare and sexual violence
email: temoneyk@mail.montclair.edu

Book Review Editor

JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz

JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz, PhD, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA
Discipline: Political Science
Fields of Interest: Foreign Policy and Political Violence, Southeast Asia, Gender and Genocide, Comparative Genocide
email: digeorgj@tamug.edu

Arts & Literature Editor

Sabah Carrim

Sabah Carrim, PhD, Department of English, Texas State University, USA
Discipline: Law, Political Science, Creative Writing
Fields of Interest: Genocide studies, Perpetrator studies, Philosophy, Neuroscience and Law, Transitional justice, Khmer Rouge
email: sabahcarrim@txstate.edu


Nathalie Marver-Kwon

Nathalie Marver-Kwon, Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, USA
Discipline: Regional and Comparative Studies
Fields of Interest: Genocide Studies, Central Asian Studies
email: ncm63@georgetown.edu

Matthew Reid

Matthew Reid, Bachelor of Science, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Discipline: International Relations
Fields of Interest: Genocide Studies, Security Studies, International Political Economy
email: m.reid2@lse.ac.uk

Official Mailing Addresses

Kirril Shields
Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
School of Political Science and International Studies
The University of Queensland
St Lucia
Brisbane 4075

Mailing Address for Books to Review
JoAnn DiGeorgio-Lutz
Texas A&M University at Galveston
Department of Liberal Studies
Box 1675
200 Sea Wolf Parkway
Galveston, TX 77553