

Emerging digital technologies have changed some of the ways that genocides are planned and executed. This paper examines those differences, calling attention to how changes in the execution of genocide should prompt a shift in the approaches to atrocity prevention. It develops a conceptual framework addressing how atrocity prevention efforts might adapt to new technology within three realms of potential prevention efforts: the ethical (norms), the legal (laws), and the digital (code).

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The authors are grateful for the comments and discussion on this work from Nathaniel Raymond, Akriti Guar, Kate Pundyk, Olivia Mooney, and the participants in the Humanitarian Tech Governance Panel sponsored by the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University in March 2023. The authors remain responsible for the entirety of the article's content. Each author's contribution to the work is roughly of equal weight, regardless of the order in which they are listed.



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