Hampton Dunn Photouring Florida Collection
Unimpressive Marker Notes Historic Treaty, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the historical marker noting the site of the Treaty of Moultrie Creek.
Union Station Was out in the Boondocks, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the Tampa Union Station.
Unusual Monument Symbolizes Friendship, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes monument at Coral Gables' Cartagena Plaza that symbolizes the friendly ties between Coral Gables and its sister city Cartagena, Colombia,
U.S. 1 Starts Here at the End of the Rainbow, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the beginning point for U.S. Highway 1 in Key West.
U.S. Gibraltar Obsolete Before Completion, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the fortification of Key West Harbor with Fort Taylor and East Martello Tower.
U.S. Hero Built Lighthouses in Florida, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the lighthouses at Sand Key and Seahorse Key that are attributed to George Meade.
U.S.'s First Hero of World War II a Floridian, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes Captain Colin P. Kelly, Jr.'s involvement in World War II and the Kelly monument in Madison, Florida.
Village Boasts Oldest Brick Rail Station, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the brick railroad station built in 1858 in Lloyd, near Monticello in Jefferson County.
Virginia Dare not First White Young'un Born in U.S.!, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the French colony, established by Jean Ribaut and settled by Rene de Laudonniere, near the present-day Fort Caroline National Memorial.
Wacissa More Promising than Tallahassee to Episcopalians, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the establishment of St. John's Episcopal Church in Wacissa, a plantation settlement near Tallahassee.
Walking Dredge Had Role in Building Tamiami Trail, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes how the Tamiami Trail at the Collier Seminole State Park in the Everglades was built and the memorial walking dredge that sits at the park's entrance.
Waltons Were Freedom-fighters, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the Dorothy Walton house in Pensacola and her grave in the St. Michael's Cemetery.
Way Down Upon De Swanee Ribber, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the Stephen Collins Foster memorial in White Springs and the use of Foster's Old folks at home as the Florida state song.
Weather is Balmy and So is Fisher', circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the monument of Carl Graham Fisher in Miami Beach.
When Miami Lighthouse Was a Blazing Chimney, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes John W.B. Thompson's efforts to keep the lighthouse at Cape Florida on Key Biscayne lighted during the Seminole Wars.
Where Andy Jackson Took over Florida for U.S., circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the square in Pensacola where Andrew Jackson took possession of Florida for the United States.
Whitehall, the Taj Mahal of North America, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes Whitehall, Henry Flagler's Palm Beach home.
Whitty's Drug Store a North Florida Landmark, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes Whitty's Drug Store, built by Shellie E. Whitty in 1910, in Lee.
Who Cares What Time It Is?, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the clock tower on the Hendry County Court House in La Belle.
Who Was Jefferson Bell?, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the Miami home of Jefferson Bell, society columnist for the Miami Herald.
World's First Scheduled Airline, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the historical marker at the end of the Platt St. bridge that commemorates the site where Benoist Aeroplane Co., the world's first scheduled airline, had a terminal.
World's Most Beautiful Post Office, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the old post office building in Fort Myers.
World's Most Beautiful Swimmin' Hole, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes how the town of Coral Gables turned a rock quarry into a swimming pool.
World's Most Unique Monument, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes the Monument of States in Kissimmee's Lake Front Park.
Wright Architecture Marks Florida Southern, circa 1960s
Hampton Dunn
Photouring Florida column that describes buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright on the Florida Southern College campus, including the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel.