C-IMAGE Publications | C-IMAGE Collection | University of South Florida


Submissions from 2017


Using a Gulf of Mexico Atlantis Model to Evaluate Ecological Indicators for Sensitivity to Fishing Mortality and Robustness to Observation Error, M. D. Masi


Species-Specific Metabolism of Naphthalene and Phenanthrene in 3 Species of Marine Teleosts Exposed to Deepwater Horizon Crude Oil, Erin Pulster, Kevan Main, Dana Wetzel, and Steven Murawski


Oil biodegradation: Interactions of artificial marine snow, clay particles, oil and Corexit., Shokouh Rahsepar, Alette A. M. Langenhoff, Martijn P. J. Smit, Justine S. van Eenennaam, Albertinka J. Murk, and Huub H. M. Rijnaarts


Large-Scale Deposition of Weathered Oil in the Gulf of Mexico Following a Deep-Water Oil Spill, Isabel Romero, Gerardo Toro-Farmer, Arne R. Diercks, Patrick Schwing, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Steven Murawski, and David Hollander


Constraining the Spatial Extent of Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation Following the Deepwater Horizon Event Using an Excess 210Pb Flux Approach, Patrick Schwing, Greg Brooks, Rebecca Larson, C. W. Holmes, Bryan J. O'Malley, and David Hollander


Characterizing the Variability of Benthic Foraminifera in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon Event (2010-2012), Patrick Schwing, Bryan J. O'Malley, Isabel C. Romero, M Martínez-Colón, D. W. Hastings, M. A. Glabach, E. M. Hladky, Anthony M. Greco, and David Hollander


More Surprises in the Global Greenhouse: Human Health Impacts from Recent Toxic Marine Aerosol Formations, Due to Centennial Alterations of World-Wide Coastal Food Webs, John J. Walsh, Jason M. Lenes, Robert H. Weisberg, Lianyuan Zheng, Chuanmin Hu, Kent A. Fanning Ph.D., R. Snyder, and J. Smith


Predicting the Consequence of Natural and Chemical Dispersion for Oil Slick Size over Time, Marieke Zeinstra-Helfrich, Wierd Koops, and Albertinka Murk

Submissions from 2016


Feeding Ecology of Dolphinfish in the Western Gulf of Mexico, Rachel A. Brewton, Matthew J. Ajemian, Peter C. Young, and Gregory W. Stunz


Experimental Assessment of Lionfish Removals to Mitigate Reef Fish Community Shifts on Northern Gulf of Mexico Artificial Reefs, Kristin A. Dahl, William F. Patterson III, and Richard A. Synder


Assessing the Impacts of Oil-associated Marine Snow Formation and Sedimentation during and after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Kendra L. Daly, Uta Passow, Jeffrey Chanton, and David Hollander


Developing a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure Dose-Response Model for Fish Health and Growth, Lindsey N. Dornberger, Cameron Ainsworth, Stephan Gosnell, and Felicia Coleman


How Did the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact Deep-Sea Ecosystems?, Charles R. Fisher, Paul A. Montagna, and Tracey Sutton


How Did the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Impact Deep-Sea Ecosystems?, Charles R. Fisher, Paul A. Montagna, and Tracey T. Sutton


Delphinid Echolocation Click Detection Probability on Near-Seafloor Sensors, Kaitlin E. Frasier, Sean M. Wiggins, Danielle Harris, Tiago A. Marques, Len Thomas, and John A. Hildebrand


Simulating Gas-Liquid-Water Partitioning and Fluid Properties of Petroleum under Pressure: Implications for Deep-Sea Blowouts, Jonas Gros, Christopher M. Reddy, Robert K. Nelson, Scott A. Socolofsky, and J. Samuel Arey


Changes in Sediment Redox Conditions Following the BP DWH Blowout Event, D. W. Hastings, Patrick Schwing, G. R. Brooks, R. A. Larson, J. L. Morford, T. Roeder, K. A. Quinn, T. Bartlett, Isabel C. Romero, and David Hollander


Responses of Microbial Communities to Hydrocarbon Exposures, Samantha B. Joye, Sara Kleindienst, Jack A. Gilbert, Kim M. Handley, Pamela Weisenhorn, Will A. Overholt, and Joel E. Kostka


Methane Bubble Rise Velocities under Deep-Sea Conditions—Influence of Initial Shape Deformation, Katrin Laqua, Karen Malone, Marko Hoffman, Dieter Krause, and Michael Schlüter


Simulating the Effects of Droplet Size, High-Pressure Biodegradation, and Variable Flow Rate on the Subsea Evolution of Deep Plumes from the Macondo Blowout, David Lindo-Atichati, Claire B. Paris, Martina Schedler, Ana Gabriela Valladares Juárez, and Rudolf Müller


Refinement of the Critical Angle Calculation for the Contrast Reversal of Oil Slicks under Sunglint, Yingcheng Lu, Shaojie Sun, Minwei Zhang, Brock Murch, and Chuanmin Hu


Detecting and Quantifying Oil Slick Thickness by Thermal Remote Sensing: A Ground-Based Experiment, Yingcheng Lu, Wenfeng Zhan, and Chuanmin Hu


Molecular Characterization of Benthic Foraminifera Communities from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Slope Following the Deepwater Horizon Event, Joseph M. Moss, Chelsea McCurry, Patrick Schwing, Wade H. Jeffrey, Isabel Romero, David Hollander, and Richard A. Snyder


How Did the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Affect Coastal and Continental Shelf Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico?, Steven Murawski, John E. Fleeger, William F. Patterson III, Chuanmin Hu, Kendra L. Daly, Isabel C. Romero, and Gerardo Toro-Farmer


Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacteria Exhibit a Species-Specific Response to Dispersed Oil while Moderating Ecotoxicity., Will A. Overholt, Kala P. Marks, Isabel Romero, David Hollander, Terry W. Snell, and Joel E. Kostka


Chemical Composition of Macondo and Other Crude Oils and Compositional Alterations During Oil Spills, Edward B. Overton, Terry L. Wade, Jagoš R. Radović, Buffy M. Meyer, M. Scott Miles, and Stephen R. Larter


Rapid Screening of Glycerol Ether Lipid Biomarkers in Recent Marine Sediment Using Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization in Positive Mode Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Jagoš R. Radović, Renzo C. Silva, Ryan Snowdon, Stephen R. Larter, and Thomas B. P. Oldenburg


A Rapid Method to Assess a Broad Inventory of Organic Species in Marine Sediments Using Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Jagoš R. Radović, Renzo C. Silva, Ryan W. Snowdon, Melisa Brown, Steve Larter, and Thomas B. P. Oldenburg


Chemical Dispersants: Oil Biodegradation Friend or Foe?, Shokouh Rahsepar, Martijn P. J. Smit, Albertinka J. Murk, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, and Alette A. M. Langenhoff


Sediment Core Extrusion Method at Millimeter Resolution Using a Calibrated, Threaded-rod, Patrick Schwing, Isabel C. Romero, Rebekka A Larson, Bryan J. O'Malley, Erika E Fridrik, Ethan Goddard, Gregg R Brooks, David Hastings, Brad Rosenheim, David Hollander, Guy Grant, and Jim Mulhollan


How Do Oil, Gas, and Water Interact Near a Subsea Blowout?, Scott A. Socolofsky, E. Eric Adams, Claire B. Paris-Limouzy, and Di Yang


Sun Glint Requirement for the Remote Detection of Surface Oil Films, Shaojie Sun and Chuanmin Hu


Oil Slick Morphology Derived from AVIRIS Measurements of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Implications for Spatial Resolution Requirements of Remote Sensors, Shaojie Sun, Chuanmin Hu, Lian Feng, Gregg A. Swayze, Jamie Holmes, George Graettinger, Ian MacDonald, Oscar Garcia, and Ira Leifer


Progression of a Gulf of Mexico Food Web Supporting Atlantis Ecosystem Model Development, Joseph H. Tarnecki, Amy A. Wallace, James E. Simons, and Cameron Ainsworth


Weathering of Oil Spilled in the Marine Environment, Matthew A. Tarr, Phoebe Zito, Edward B. Overton, Gregory M. Olson, Puspa L. Adhikari, and Christopher M. Reddy


Oil Spill Dispersants Induce Formation of Marine Snow by Phytoplankton-Associated Bacteria, Justine S. van Eenennaam, Yuzhu Wei, Katja C. F. Grolle, Edwin M Foekema, and AlberTinka J. Murk


Photochemical Changes in Water Accommodated Fractions of MC252 and Surrogate Oil Created during Solar Exposure as Determined by FT-ICR MS, Pamela P. Vaughan, Tashiema Wilson, Rebecca Kamerman, Melissa E. Hagy, Amy McKenna, Huan Chen, and Wade H Jeffrey


Impacts of Combined Overfishing and Oil Spills on the Plankton Trophodynamics of the West Florida Shelf Over the Last Half Century of 1965-2011: a Two-Dimensional Simulation Analysis of Biotic State Transitions, from a Zooplankton- to a Bacterioplankton-Modulated Ecosystem, John J. Walsh, Jason M. Lenes, Brian P. Darrow, Ashley A. Parks, and Robert H. Weisberg


Benthic Taxa as Potential Indicators of a Deep-Sea Oil Spill, Travis Washburn, Adelaide C.E. Rhodes, and Paul A. Montagna


Hercules 265 Rapid Response: Immediate Ecosystem Impacts of a Natural Gas Blowout Incident, Sarah C. Weber, Leigha Peterson, Jessica J. Battles, Brian J. Roberts, Richard N. Peterson, David J. Hollander, Jeffrey P. Chanton, Samantha Joye, and Joseph P. Montoya


Karenia Brevis Blooms on the West Florida Shelf: A Comparative Study of the Robust 2012 Bloom and the Nearly Null 2013 Event, Robert H. Weisberg, Lianyuan Zheng, Yonggang Liu, Alina A. Corcoran, Chad Lembke, Chuanmin Hu, Jason M. Lenes, and John J. Walsh


Did Deepwater Horizon Hydrocarbons Transit to the West Florida Continental Shelf?, Robert H. Weisberg, Lianyuan Zheng, Yonggang Liu, Steven Murawski, Chuamin Hu, and John Paul


Methods of Oil Detection in Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Helen K. White, Robyn N. Conmy, Ian R. MacDonald, and Christopher M. Reddy


Gulf of Mexico Low-Frequency Ocean Soundscape Impacted by Airguns, Sean M. Wiggins, Jesse M. Hall, Bruce J. Thayre, and John A. Hildebrand


Large-Eddy Simulation and Parameterization of Buoyant Plume Dynamics in Stratified Flow, Di Yang, Bicheng Chen, Scott A. Socolofsky, Marcelo Chamecki, and Charles Meneveau


How Oil Properties and Layer Thickness Determine the Entrainment of Spilled Surface Oil, Marieke Zeinstra-Helfrich, Wierd Koops, and Albertinka J. Murk

Submissions from 2015


An Atlantis Ecosystem Model for the Gulf of Mexico supporting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, Cameron Ainsworth, Michael Schirripa, and Hem Nalini Morzaria-Luna


High-Pressure Visual Experimental Studies of Oil-in-Water Dispersion Droplet Size, Zachary M. Aman, Claire B. Paris, Eric F. May, Michael L. Johns, and David Lindo-Atichati


Sedimentation Pulse in the NE Gulf of Mexico following the 2010 DWH Blowout, Gregg R. Brooks, Rebekka A. Larson, Patrick Schwing, Isabel C. Romero, Christopher Moore, Gert-Jan Reichart, Tom Jilbert, Jeff P. Chanton, David W. Hastings, Will A. Overholt, Kala P. Marks, Joel E. Kostka, Charles W. Holmes, and David Hollander


An Ammonium Enrichment Event in the Surface Ocean: Wind Forcing and Potential Ramifications, Kent A. Fanning, Robert T. Masserini Jr., John J. Walsh, Rik Wanninkhof, K. Sullivan, Jyotika I. Virmani, and Cynthia A. Heil


Detection of Floating Oil Anomalies from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill with Synthetic Aperture Radar, Oscar Garcia-Pineda, Ian MacDonald, Chuanmin Hu, Jan Svejkovsky, Mark Hess, Dmitry Dukhovskoy, and Steven L. Morey


Shelf break Exchange Events near the De Soto Canyon, Peter Hamilton, Kevin Speer, Richard Snyder, Nicolas Wienders, and Robert R. Leben


Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Beaked Whale Densities in the Gulf of Mexico, John A. Hildebrand, Simone Baumann-Pickering, Kaitlin E. Frasier, Jennifer S. Trickey, Karlina P. Merkens, Sean M. Wiggins, Mark A. McDonald, Lance P. Garrison, Danielle Harris, Tiago A. Marques, and Len Thomas


Spectral and Spatial Requirements of Remote Measurements of Pelagic Sargassum Macroalgae, Chuamin Hu, Lian Feng, Robert F. Hardy, and Eric J. Hochberg


Detecting Surface Oil Slicks Using VIIRS Nighttime Imagery under Moon Glint: A Case Study in the Gulf of Mexico, Chuanmin Hu, Shuangling Chen, Mengqiu Wang, Brock Murch, and Judd Taylor


Using Dispersants after Oil Spills: Impacts on the Composition and Activity of Microbial Communities, Sara Kleindienst, John H. Paul, and Samantha B. Joye


Draft Genome Sequence of the Piezotolerant and Crude Oil-Degrading Bacterium Rhodococcus qingshengii Strain TUHH-12, Sara A. Lincoln, Trinity L. Hamilton, Ana Gabriela Valladares Juárez, Martina Schedler, Jennifer L. Macalady, Rudolf Müller, and Katherine H. Freeman


Sand Patties Provide Evidence for the Presence of Deepwater Horizon Oil on the Beaches of the West Florida Shelf, Lauren McDaniel, J Basso, Erin Pulster, and John H. Paul


Ciliated Protists from the Nepheloid Layer and Water Column of Sites Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Joseph A. Moss, Chelsea McCurry, Sarah Tominack, Isabel C. Romero, David Hollander, Wade H. Jeffrey, and Richard A. Snyder


Enhancing the Ocean Observing System to Meet Restoration Challenges in the Gulf of Mexico, Steven Murawski and William T. Hogarth


Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Oil, Chemical Dispersant, and Dispersed Oil on the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi, Ryan F. Peiffer and Jonathan H. Cohen


δ13C and δ15N in Deep-Living Fishes and Shrimps after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Gulf of Mexico, Ester Quintana-Rizzo, Joseph J. Torres, Steve W. Ross, Isabel Romero, Kathleen Watson, Ethan Goddard, and David Hollander


Tracking the Hercules 265 Marine Gas Well Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico, Isabel C. Romero, Tamay Özgökmen, Susan Snyder, Patrick Schwing, Bryan J. O'Malley, Francisco J. Beron‐Vera, Maria J. Olascoaga, Ping Zhu, Edward Ryan, Shuyi S. Chen, Dana L. Wetzel, David Hollander, and Steven Murawski


Hydrocarbons in Deep-Sea Sediments following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Northeast Gulf of Mexico, Isabel C. Romero, Patrick Schwing, Gregg R Brooks, Rebekka A Larson, David W. Hastings, Greg Ellis, Ethan Goddard, and David Hollander


A Decline in Benthic Foraminifera following the Deepwater Horizon Event in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Patrick Schwing, Isabel Romero, Gregg R. Brooks, David Hastings, Rebekka A. Larson, and David Hollander


A Decline in Benthic Foraminifera following the Deepwater Horizon Event in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, Patrick Schwing, Isabel C. Romero, Gregg R Brooks, David W Hastings, Rebekka A Larson, and David Hollander


PAH Exposure in Gulf of Mexico Demersal Fishes, Post-Deepwater Horizon, Susan M. Snyder, Erin Pulster, Dana L Wetzel, and Steven A. Murawski


Intercomparison of Oil Spill Prediction Models for Accidental Blowout Scenarios with and without Subsea Chemical Dispersant Injection, Scott A. Socolofsky, E. Eric Adams, Michel C. Boufadel, Zachary M. Aman, Øistein Johansen, Wolfgang J. Konkel, David Lindo, Mads N. Madsen, Elizabeth W. North, Claire B. Paris, Dorte Rasmussen, Mark Reed, Petter Rønningen, Lawrence H. Sim, Thomas Uhrenholdt, Karl G. Anderson, Cortis Cooper, and Tim J. Nedwed


Surface Oil Footprint and Trajectory of the Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Determined from Landsat/MSS and CZCS Observations, Shaojie Sun, Chuanmin Hu, and John W. Tunnell


Changes in Red Snapper Diet and Trophic Ecology Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Andrea M. Tarnecki and William F. Patterson III


Field Observations of Ixtoc I Oil and Tar in Texas and Mexico during 1979-1980 and Beyond, Wes Tunnel


Online Monitoring of Crude Oil Biodegradation at Elevated Pressures, Ana Gabriela Valladares Juárez, Hari Spandana Kadimesetty, Daniela E. Achatz, Martina Schedler, and Rudolf Müller


Ocean Currents Generate Large Footprints in Marine Palaeoclimate Proxies, Erik van Sebille, Paolo Scussolini, Jonathan V. Durgadoo, Frank J. C. Peeters, Arne Biastoch, Wilbert Weijer, Chris Turney, Claire B. Paris, and Rainer Zahn


Was the Extreme and Wide-Spread Marine Oil-Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA) Event during the Deepwater Horizon Blow-out Unique?, Sophie M. Vonk, David J. Hollander, and AlberTinka J. Murk


A Simulation Analysis of the Plankton Fate of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spills, J. J. Walsh, J. M. Lenes, B. P. Darrow, A. A. Parks, Robert H. Weisberg, Lianyuan Zheng, C. Hu, B. B. Barnes, Kendra L. Daly, and S. I. Shin


Extracting Oil Slick Features From VIIRS Nighttime Imagery Using a Gaussian Filter and Morphological Constraints, Mengqiu Wang and Chuanmin Hu


Quantification of the Effect of Oil Layer Thickness on Entrainment of Surface Oil, Marieke Zeinstra-Helfrich, Wierd Koops, Klaas Dijkstra, and Albertinka J. Murk


The NET Effect of Dispersants - A Critical Review of Testing and Modelling of Surface Oil Dispersion, Marieke Zeinstra-Helfrich, Wierd Koops, and Albertinka J. Murk

Submissions from 2014


Using Natural Abundance Radiocarbon To Trace the Flux of Petrocarbon to the Seafloor Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Jeffrey Chanton, Tingting Zhao, Brad E. Rosenheim, Samantha H. Bosman, Charlotte Brunner, Kevin M. Yeager, Arne R. Dierks, and David J. Hollander


In Search of Oil Seeps in the Cariaco Basin Using MODIS and MERIS Medium-Resolution Data, Shuangling Chen and Chuanmin Hu


Habitat-Specific Density and Diet of Rapidly Expanding Invasive Red Lionfish, Pterois volitans,, Populations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Kristen A. Dahl and William F. Patterson III


A Rapid Response Study of the Hercules Gas Well Blowout, Samantha Joye, Joseph P. Montoya, Steven Murawski, Tamay Özgökmen, Terry L. Wade, Raffaele Montuoro, Brian J. Roberts, David Hollander, Wade H Jeffrey, and Jeffrey Chanton


A Probabilistic Representation of Fish Diet Compositions from Multiple Data Sources: A Gulf of Mexico Case Study, M. Masi, Cameron Ainsworth, and D. Chagaris


Prevalence of External Skin Lesions and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations in Gulf of Mexico Fishes, Post-Deepwater Horizon, Steven Murawski, William T. Hogarth, Ernst B. Peebles, and Luiz Barbeiri


Response to Comment on “Toxicity and Mutagenicity of Gulf of Mexico Waters During and After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill”, John H. Paul


Effect of High Pressure on Hydrocarbon-Degrading Bacteria, Martina Schedler, Robert Hiessl, Ana Gabriela Valladares Juárez, Giselher Gust, and Rudolf Müller


Bryde’s Whale Calls Recorded in the Gulf of Mexico, Ana Širović, Hannah Bassett, Sarah C. Johnson, Sean M. Wiggins, and John A. Hildebrand


Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentrations across the Florida Panhandle Continental Shelf and Slope after the BP MC 252 Well Failure, Richard A. Snyder, Melissa Ederington-Hagy, Fredrick Hileman, Joseph A. Moss, Lauren Amick, Rebecca Carruth, Marie Head, Joel Marks, Sarah Tominack, and Wade H. Jeffrey


PAH Concentrations in Coquina (Donax spp.) on a Sandy Beach Shoreline Impacted by a Marine Oil Spill, Richard A. Snyder, Alexandra Vestal, Christina Welch, Gracie Barnes, Robert Pelot, Melissa Ederington-Hagy, and Fredrick Hileman


Stable Isotopes in Fish Eye Lenses as Potential Recorders of Trophic and Geographic History, Amy A. Wallace, David J. Hollander, and Ernst B. Peebles


Why No Red Tide Was Observed on the West Florida Continental Shelf in 2010, Robert H. Weisberg, Lianyuan Zheng, Yonggang Liu, Chad Lembke, Jason M. Lenes, and John J. Walsh


Exploring the Potential of Optical Remote Sensing for Oil Spill Detection in Shallow Coastal Waters--A Case Study in the Arabian Gulf, Jun Zhao, Marouane Temimi, Hosni Ghedira, and Chuanmin Hu

Submissions from 2013


Sand Bottom Microalgal Production and Benthic Nutrient Fluxes on the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Nearshore Shelf, Jeffrey G. Allison, M.E. Wagner, M. McAllister, A.K.J. Ren, and R.A. Snyder


Response to Comment on “Evolution of the Macondo Well Blowout: Simulating the Effects of the Circulation and Synthetic Dispersants on the Subsea Oil Transport”, Zachary M. Aman and Claire B. Paris


On the Accuracy of SeaWiFS Ocean Color Data Products on the West Florida Shelf, Jennifer P. Cannizzaro, Chuanmin Hu, Kendall L. Carder, Christopher R. Kelble, Nelson Melo, Elizabeth M. Johns, Gabriel A. Vargo, and Cynthia A. Heil


Generalized Additive Models used to Predict Species Abundance in the Gulf of Mexico: An Ecosystem Modeling Tool, Michael Drexler and Cameron H. Ainsworth


Uncertainties of SeaWiFS and MODIS Remote Sensing Reflectance: Implications from Clear Water Measurements, Chuanmin M. Hu, Lian Feng, and ZhongPing Lee


Simulating Cell Death in the Termination of Karenia brevis Blooms: Implications for Predicting Aerosol Toxicity Vectors to Humans, Jason M. Lenes, J. J. Walsh, and Brian P. Darrow


Optical Contrast of Oil Dispersed in Seawater under Windy Conditions, Z. Otremba, O. Zielinski, and Chuanmin Hu


Toxicity and Mutagenicity of Gulf of Mexico Waters During and After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, John H. Paul, David J. Hollander, Paula G. Coble, Kendra L. Daly, Sue Murasko, David C. English, Jonelle Basso, Jennifer A. Delaney, Lauren D. McDaniel, and Charles C. Kovach