
This dataset contains trace and minor element composition in coastal marine sediments collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB1731 in the northwestern margin of Cuba from 2017-05-11 to 2017-05-23. Cores were carefully extruded using a calibrated threaded rod at 2 mm or 5 mm resolution. Subsamples (~0.2 g) were freeze-dried, weighed, then digested in a Milestone Ethos EZ microwave oven in closed digestion vessels with 10mL concentrated trace metal grade HNO3 at 175°C and high pressure (~25 bar) for 15 minutes according to standard methods (US EPA method 3051a). The digest was diluted 1:10 with MQ ultrapure H2O, and filtered with 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filters. The samples were analyzed using an Agilent 7500cx ICP-MS with an octopole reaction cell in helium mode for V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr, Zn, and Cd to reduce isobaric interferences and in no-gas mode for Mo, Ba, Re, Hg, Pb and U. Prior to analysis, samples were spiked with an internal standard containing Ge, In, and Bi in order to correct for instrumental drift during analysis. Elemental concentrations were determined using a 6-point external calibration line. The dataset contains the location, date and trace metal concentrations. The cruise documentation was provided for the R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB1731 led by chief scientist Dr. Steven Muraski.


Supplemental Information

Site ID, Sampling date (mm/dd/yyyy), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Water depth (m), Core length (mm), Sample ID, Depth (mm), Depth (cm), V (ppm), Cr (ppm), Mn (mg/g), Fe (ppm), Co (ppm), Ni (ppm), Cu(ppm), Sr (mg/g), Mo (ppm), Cd (ppm), Ba (mg/g), Ba (ppm), Re (ppb), U(ppm), Ni (ppm), Zn (ppm), Hg (ppm), Hg (ppb), Pb (ppm). Correction note: In the worksheet "SL 40 750_”, the sample ID "WB0517..." represents the cruise ID WB1731.|Sediment cores were collected on a research cruise off the northwestern coast of Cuba on the R/V Weatherbird in May 2017. Cores were carefully extruded using a calibrated threaded rod at 2 mm or 5 mm resolution below 2 cm. Subsamples (~0.2 g) were freeze-dried, weighed, then digested in a Milestone Ethos EZ microwave oven in closed digestion vessels with 10mL concentrated trace metal grade HNO3 at 175°C and high pressure (~25 bar) for 15 minutes according to standard methods (US EPA method 3051a). The digest was diluted 1:10 with MQ ultrapure H2O, and filtered with 0.45 µm PVDF syringe filters. Since HF is not used during the digestion, the digest does not include refractory components such as aluminosilicates but will include authigenic phases, crude oil, organic phases, FeMn oxides, and carbonates. The samples were analyzed using an Agilent 7500cx ICP-MS with an octopole reaction cell in helium mode for V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr, Zn, and Cd to reduce isobaric interferences and in no-gas mode for Mo, Ba, Re, Hg, Pb and U. Prior to analysis, samples were spiked with an internal standard containing Ge, In, and Bi in order to correct for instrumental drift during analysis. Elemental concentrations were determined using a 6-point external calibration line.|The samples were analyzed using an Agilent 7500cx ICP-MS with an octopole reaction cell in helium mode for V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Sr, Zn, and Cd to reduce isobaric interferences and in no-gas mode for Mo, Ba, Re, Hg, Pb and U|||


We use the downcore changes in the concentration of trace and minor metals (Mn, Re, and Cd) to investigate the impact of anthropogenic contamination in coastal sediments off northwest Cuba.


contamination, trace metal, zinc, mercury, lead, mining




September 2019

Point of Contact


David W. Hastings


Eckerd College / Marine Science


Patrick Schwing


University of South Florida / College of Marine Science

Funding Source




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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 License.
