Dataset Authors

Adolfo Gracia


This dataset contains liver anomalies in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) that were collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II cruises WB-1701 and WB-1603 in the southern Gulf of Mexico from 2015-09-17 to 2016-08-19. Red snapper samples were caught in Campeche Bay and Yucatan Shelf using demersal longline sampling gear. At each station, 544 kg test monofilament main line was deployed, with a mean of 433 baited hooks per set. Livers of red snappers were examined for hepatic parenchymal changes. The dataset includes the date, location of sample collection sites, the common and scientific name of the fish examined, the classification and the exact description of the anomaly. This research was conducted as part of the C-IMAGE Gulf-wide surveys in order to characterize the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on benthic species. The cruise documentation was provided for R/V Weatherbird II cruises WB1701 and WB1603, led by chief scientist Dr. Steven A. Murawski.


Supplemental Information

Cruise, vessel name, date (sample collection date, yyyymmdd), longitude (decimal degrees), latitude (decimal degrees), station ID, species common name, species scientific name, matrix (liver), region classification (CAM=Campeche Bay, YUC= Yucatan Shelf), liver classification (H=healthy, D=damaged), description of the anomaly.|Fishes were collected using demersal longline sampling gear, line of 544 kg test monofilament, with 433 baited hooks. Test leader of 136 kg, 2.4 m long attached to #13/0 circle hooks.||||


Data were collected as part of the C-IMAGE Gulf-wide surveys in order to characterize the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on fish.


Deepwater Horizon, pathology, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Red Snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, Liver anomalies, Longline




June 2019

Point of Contact


Adolfo Gracia


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México / Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología


Steven A Murawski


University of South Florida / College of Marine Science

Funding Source




Rights Information

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 License.
