Cape Canaveral Space Force Station – 3D Historic Launch Complexes

Blockhouse at Launch Complex 19

Blockhouse at Launch Complex 19


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This launch complex was used by NASA for all of the Gemini manned spaceflights, as well as the unmanned Titan I and Titan II missiles. It was built in 1959 by the US Army Corp of Engineers. The structure is made of reinforced concrete, with the site including a ready room, launch ramp and test stand along with the impressive the launch control center (Blockhouse). This structure was documented using a phase shift laser scanner as well as photogrammetry, imaging, and GPS survey. Listed as 8BR2261 with the Florida Master Site File. See our docu-short on our 3D project:

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Laser scanning, Landmark, Heritage, Florida, AR, Astronaut, Education, Preservation, Gemini, Space engineers, National Register, Cape Canaveral, Space history, 3D modeling, Space, History, Space Force, SLD 45, NoAI


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Blockhouse at Launch Complex 19


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