Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Thermal Ecology and Swimming Performance of Native Tadpoles Dryophytes femoralis in Central Florida, Jessalyn Aretz
Comparing the Genomes of Multidrug and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium from a Florida Wastewater Treatment Plant, Eleanor Brodrick
Integrating Multiple Biodiversity Metrics to Assess Diatom Diversity and Diatom/Macrophyte Host Specificity in Four Florida Benchmark Lakes, Alana Jade Bronk
The Influence of Recycled Water on Microbial Source Tracking Techniques that Aim to Identify Untreated Sewage in Surface Waters, Aldo E. Lobos
Exploring the Swimming Behavior of a Hydromechanical Copepod in the Context of Positive Density Dependence, Eva J. Muir
Assessing Fish Species Richness Using eDNA and Seine Nets in a Restored Estuary in Tampa Bay, Florida, US, Alex Seigel
Species Distribution Modeling with Environmental Time Series Data and Deep Learning, Austin M. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Ecohydrology, Cultural Perceptions, and Recovery of Freshwater Wetlands in a Heavily Managed Urban Aquifer, Jessica Ashley Balerna
Patterns in Biodiversity and Community Assemblage in Macrofaunal Fouling Communities on Tampa Bay Floating Docks, Cassidy C. Bell
How Some Arboreal Salamanders (genus Aneides) Jump, Glide, and Generate Lift, Christian E. Brown
Plastic Accumulation in Stormwater Pond Soils across Socioeconomic and Watershed Development Gradients, Carley DeFillips
Diatom Diversity and Functional Groups in 72 Florida Lakes: Assessing Ecological Changes for Improved Protection and Management, Francesca M. Lauterman
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) Recruitment and Retention Dynamics on Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs in a Subtropical Estuary, Noreen Selma Mathews
Human Motion Detection Evaluated Through an Evoked Cortical Potential Frequency Spectrum, Howard E. Painter
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Utilizing Maternal Investment Strategies of Sharks to Develop Management Tools to Aid in Shark Conservation, Dennis Deeken
Mixed Method Analysis of Undergraduate Student Interpretation of Different Phylogenetic Trees, Faith Frings
Design and assessment of a novel eDNA survey method for the Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi), Emily K. Galbraith
Assessing the Human-health Risk of Exposure to Pathogens from Beach Sands, Javier Federico Gallard-Góngora
Moderators of Cannibalism among Herbivorous Insects, Christyn A. Geniesse
Anthropogenic Fecal Pollution Affects Microbial Water Quality and Multidrug Resistance in Tropical Aquatic Environments, Adriana González-Fernández
Investigating Students' Interpretations of Ecological Food Webs, Christopher Neil Grissett
Reproduction in Relation to Heavy-Metal Contamination Along an Urbanization Gradient in anInvasive Florida Lizard Species (Anolis sagrei), Elizabeth Hauck
Using Fine-scale Aquatic Habitat Data to Construct Dreissenid SDMs in the Laurentian Great Lakes, Grace C. Henderson
Oyster Reef-to-Mangrove Regime Shifts Along the West Coast of Florida, Stephen Gregory Hesterberg
Comparing Brood Care Behaviors Across Five Fertility Castes in The Invasive Fire Ant,Solenopsis invicta,and the Expression of Inotocin, Alexis Masnjak
Population Demography, Spatial Ecology, and Habitat Use of the Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene bauri) on a Barrier Island, Michael D. Mills
Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli and EnterococcusSpp. in Sand and Water at Tampa Bay Beaches, Jennifer K. Sabater
Quantitative Assessment of the Trophic Ecology of the Oceanic Ctenophore, Bolinopsis infundibulum, in Monterey Bay, California, Victoria C. Scriven
Population genomics of the giant Caribbean sea anemone Condylactis gigantea (Anthozoa: Actiniidae) in Florida and across the Caribbean, Nancy E. Sheridan
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Nest Site Choice as a Potential Climate Response in the Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), a Threatened Species, Meghan Craft
The Effects of Agrochemical Pesticide Applications on Target and Off-target Species in Aquatic Ecosystems, Bryan K. Delius
The Ecological Role of Cassiopea in Shallow Mangrove Habitats, David Marcel Durieux
The Impact of Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) on Florida Sand Skink (Plestiodon reynoldsi) Movements, Chandler A. R. Eaglestone
A Review of Marine Turtle Orientation and Artificial Lighting Impacts with Novel Results from Florida’s Gulf Coast, Andrea M. Fisher
Effect of temperature on growth and gene expression in the marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, John M. Foster
Mitigation Strategies for Central Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity in Rodents: Ketone Metabolic Therapy and Mitochondrial Antioxidant Therapy, Christopher Manuel Hinojo
Examining the Presence of a Possible Species Complex of Octopus joubini (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Haley Holloway
Evolutionary Mechanisms for Host Resistance to Tumor Growth and Subsequent Cancer Cell Counter-Adaptations, Arig Ibrahim Hashim
Cetacean Maternal Investment: Importance in Conservation Across Species and Drivers for Interspecific Altruism, Christopher Klein
Fire Severity Effects on Herpetofaunal Diversity in Florida Scrub Communities of the Lake Wales Ridge, Michelle Lindsay
Bone Microenvironmental Control of Skeletal Malignancy, Chen Hao Lo
Exploring Prokaryotic and Viral Communities within Florida’s Freshwater Springs, Kema Saydoon Malki
Quantifying the Gametogenic Cycle and Reproductive Efforts in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in Florida Estuaries, Nicole Patrice Maloney
Ecological Genomics of Two Coastal Foundation Plant Species, Jeannie Mounger
Ubiquitous yet Inconspicuous: Quantifying Trophic Impact of a Widespread Oceanic Comb Jelly (Ctenophore), Elizabeth Potter
Architectural Complexity of Oyster Reefs: Evaluating the Relationship between Interstitial Spaces and Macroinvertebrates, Elizabeth A. Salewski
Novel CO2 transporters from autotrophic bacteria from extreme environments, Sarah E. Schmid
Moving in Fluid: Exploring How Fishes Manipulate Water to Swim Efficiently, Nils B. Tack
Evolution of Targeted Therapy Resistance in EML4-ALK Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Robert Vander Velde
Home Range Area, Overlap, Homing Behavior and Movement Patterns in Plestiodon reynoldisi, Paul Wieczorek II
Phenotypic Diversity and Costs of Early Hatching in Lizards, Zachary Winstead
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Feeding Specificity of the Photosynthetic Sacoglossan Sea Slug Elysia papillosa, Kourtney Sui Barber
Environmental Influences on Expression of Virulence- and Survival-associated Genes and Epigenetic Modifications of DNA in Vibrio vulnificus, James W. Conrad
Reproduction and parasite-mediated selection, Meredith A. Krause
Reproductive Ecology and Phenology of Thalassia testudinum (Hydrocharitaceae) in Tampa Bay, Florida, Sheila Scolaro
Cross-Host Correlations and Multivariate Effects of Herbivore Specialization, Daniel J. Zydek
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Springs of the Arabian Peninsula: Historical Trends, Current Status and Human Impact in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Jordan, Kamal M. Aljohani
The Distribution and Biogeochemistry of Subtropical Intertidal Microbial Mats, Bert D. Anderson
Investigating Student Conceptual Understanding of Structure and Function by Using Formative Assessment and Automated Scoring Models, Kelli Patrice Carter
Density-Mediated Interactions Are Stronger but More Variable Than Trait-Mediated Interactions in Predator–Prey Systems, Travis M. Flock
Measuring Flowering Phenology and its Consequences: A Systematic Review, Samantha M. Mangum
Investigating Among-Individual Growth Heterogeneity in Longleaf Pine: Advancing Dendrochronological Approaches, Jamie E. Munn
Evaluating the Effect of Temperature on a Human Parasite and Its Intermediate Snail Host: Implications for a Changing Climate, Karena H. Nguyen
Clinging in Plethodontid Salamanders, Mary Kathleen O'Donnell
Genome Size and Host Specialization in Parasites, Nicholas Theodore Ogburn
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Sublethal Effects of Crude Oil and Chemical Dispersant on the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) at Multiple Life History Stages, Sara Marie Garcia
Intraspecific Variation in the Recruitment Dynamics of a Transgressing Avicennia germinans Population, Shannon Victoria Grogan
Flames and Frogs – The Impact of Environmental Disturbances on Host-Parasite Dynamics, Nicole Ortega
Behavioral Thermoregulation and Thermal Mismatches Influence Disease Dynamics in Amphibians, Erin Louise Sauer
Evaluating Human-Associated Escherichia coli Marker Genes for Microbial Source Tracking Applications in Florida, Jacob K. Senkbeil
Ecosystem Function and Phenotypic Variation in Spartina alterniflora Salt Marshes, Sandra E. Voors
Grooming Behaviors of, Lauren N. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Freshwater Wetland Creation in a Changing Urban Environment: Designing for Long-Term Viability, Aaron Thomas Ryan Brown
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Mangrove Distribution (1950-2014) in Tampa, Florida USA, Carolyn Cheatham Rhodes
Land Use, Stream Stability, and Benthic Invertebrates in a Dry Forest Watershed of Western Costa Rica, Jacqueline Ann Demko
Beyond Age and Stage: Consequences of Individual Variation in Demographic Traits, Erin Elizabeth Feichtinger
Taxonomy, Ecology, and Behavior of the Kleptoplastic Sea Slug Elysia papillosa, William Alan Gowacki
Zonation pattern and spatial arrangement of a Geukensia granosissima population in a mixed mangrove forest of Tampa Bay, Derrick Shane Hudson
Ecological Epigenetics of Avian Range Expansions, Holly J. Kilvitis
Response to Nitrogen and Salinity conditions in Rhizophora mangle Seedlings Varies by Site of Origin, Kristen L. Langanke
The Interaction of Scale and Temperature in Elastically Powered Movements, Jeffrey P. Olberding
Epigenetic Response to Challenging Environmental Conditions, Marta Robertson
Functional Trade-offs in Feeding Performance in Salamanders of the Family Salamandridae, Charlotte M. Stinson
Consistency of Structural Color across Molts: The Effects of Environmental Conditions and Stress on Feather Ultraviolet Reflectance, Rebecca Lynn Windsor
The Ecology of Antibiotic Resistance: Sources and Persistence of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci and Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Aquatic Environments, Suzanne M. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Molecular Response of Spartina alterniflora to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Mariano Alvarez
Drivers of Immune Cost and Implications for Host Protection from Parasites, Amber Jasmine Brace
Monitoring and Mitigation of Elevated CO2 Impacts using Microalgae, Terry-Rene Wiesner Brown
From Tolerance to Transmission: Linking Within-Individual to Community-Level Disease Processes, Sarah Catherine Burgan
Climate Change Drives Outbreaks of Emerging Infectious Disease and Phenological Shifts, Jeremy Cohen
Importance of Forest Structure for Amphibian Occupancy in North-Central Florida: Comparisons of Naturally Regenerated Forests with Planted Pine Stands, Christopher J E Haggerty