Beadle's Boy's Library of Sport, Story and Adventure
Beadle’s Boy’s Library of Sport, Story and Adventure was published in New York by M. J. Ivers & Company from 1881 to 1884. For 5 cents per issue readers would be entertained by stories of outdoor adventure; crime, detectives and outlaws; sporting, and fantasy. This popular dime novel, written primarily for boys, featured authors Edward Willett, Henry J. Thomas, and W. J. Hamilton. Many issues included elaborate black and white wood cut illustrations. It is estimated that there are no more than one or two complete sets of the publication in existence.
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Night-hawk George, and his daring deeds and adventures in the wilds of the South and West
Prentiss Ingraham
This novel uses outdated terminology to refer to indigenous peoples.
Yellow Hair, the boy chief of the Pawnees : the adventurous career of Eddie Burgess of Nebraska
Prentiss Ingraham
This novel uses outdated terminology to refer to indigenous peoples.
Roving Joe, the history of a "border boy" : brief scenes from the life of Joseph E. Badger, Jr.
A. H. Post
This novel uses outdated terminology to refer to indigenous peoples.
Wide-Awake Ned, or, The boy wizard
Barry Ringgold
This novel uses outdated terminology to refer to indigenous peoples.
The dashing dragoon, or, The story of Gen. Geo. A. Custer from West Point to the Big Horn.
Frederick Whittaker
This novel uses outdated terminology to refer to indigenous peoples.