Field Notes, White Crowned Pigeon Bird Bands, All Nestlings, 1989
Richard T. Paul, Alexander Sprunt IV, and Reed Bowman
Field notes of White-crowned Pigeon banding and nests observed in Florida’s Middle Butternut and Bottle Keys between June 7, 1989 and September 8, 1989. Also included is radio information for the White-crowned pigeon, with nest number, location, hatch date, band number, number of chicks, measurements, radio frequency, and fledged fate. These data points were collected in Middle Butternut and Bottle Key between May 29, 1989 and October 26, 1989. Typed banding documents for June 7, 1989 through September 5, 1989 were submitted by Alexander Sprunt IV and Reed Bowman.
Notebook, White Crowned Pigeon Project, Reed Bowman, Book 2, September 5, 1986 to October 2, 1986
Reed Bowman
Florida field notebook of ornithologist Reed Bowman containing observations between September 5, 1986, and October 2, 1986. Includes data from the Florida Keys on Pigeons, Egrets, Ibis, and White-crowned Pigeons such as observations of nests, eggs, feeding habits, rain gauge, crops, and road counts.
Booklet, National Marine Sanctuaries Program, Key Largo Coral Reef Marine Sanctuary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Informational booklet about the designation of the Key Largo Coral Reef Marine Sanctuary through the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. Includes historical information and sections on resources and management.
Report, Some Simple Methods for White Crowned Pigeon Research
Richard T. Paul
Typescript document recommending field methods for collecting White-crowned Pigeon data among breeding colonies. Includes information about population estimates, flight line counts, and nesting surveys.
Brochure, Key Largo Coral Reef Marine Sanctuary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Informational brochure about the ecological significance of coral reefs, including habitats provided, value to humans, threats, the biology of reef death, and methods of protection.
Letter, Marine Sanctuary Nomination, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, 1975
Harmon W. Shields and State of Florida Department of Natural Resources
Letter from Harmon W. Shields, Executive Director, State of Florida Department of Natural Resources, to Dr. Robert Kifer, Marine Sanctuary Coordinator, Office of Coastal Zone Management, NOAA. Letter is dated January 23, 1975 and concerns the nomination of a marine sanctuary for the coral reef tract seaward of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. The nomination form and map are attached.
Notes, Richard T. Paul’s Visit to the Dominican Republic, July 23, 1974
Richard T. Paul
Typewritten notes on Richard T. Paul’s Visit to the Dominican Republic, which lasted from July 16-23, 1974. Includes summary, itinerary, description of Saona Island, ornithological discussions, and summary of present legal status of White-crowned Pigeon shooting.
Field Notes, White Crowned Pigeon, Indexes to Nest Success, 1972-1973
Richard T. Paul
Handwritten notes on nest successes of White-crowned Pigeons observed between August 11, 1972 and September 10, 1973 in Middle Butternut Key, Florida. Includes summary, number of nests inspected, live egg tally, empty nest tally, banding information, and ratios.
Letter, Michael E. Stuart to Florida Department of Natural Resources, September 29, 1972
Michael E. Stuart
Letter from Michael E. Stuart, Biologist, Member-Board of Directors of the Florida Audubon Society, to the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recreation and Parks, dated September 29, 1972. The letter includes prepared remarks for testimony about the ecological importance of coral reefs in Florida and stressors that threaten the reefs, including dredge and fill, nutrient enrichment, oil spillage and pesticides, and man-induced abrasive forces.
Report, History of the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, 1964
District IV Office
Typewritten history of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, recounting events from 1957 through 1963. Includes discussion of coral reef conservation, purchase, and construction.
Report, White Crowned Pigeon, Banding Studies, 1960-1962
Richard T. Paul
A collection of data related to banding studies of White-crowned Pigeons in Florida and the Bahamas, encompassing data from 1960-1962. Includes information related to survival rates, recoveries, and movements.